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hana song

Hana song sucks mad dong



Ana thread

I want to cuddle all those cosplayers

lel I wonder how many potential viewers are missing out due to lack of information

hyype hype hyyyype



Gabrielle Reyes!

Is my wife

I LOVE Ana threads! Ana is best grill

Stop wasting image limit with waifushits

Let's keep these ky sex gel commercials going during this event.



>mfw it's taking place exactly where I live

well shit

Are you afraid that we're gonna run out of internet or something?

Aren't you going to fuck some dudes in the ass tonight?

But Pharah is straight?

bretty gud I kekked

What else should we post?

INTERNETHULK but that segment was too fast

Anyone have the patch notes for the latest update? Not PTR like in the OP's links, but the one for the vanilla game.

Really sick of the update process in this game, it's only a 28 MB update and it's going to take 30 minutes to an hour to download it even when I set the download rate higher. Anything higher than 500 Kb/s automatically resets my modem and when the connection comes back on there are errors and the update is fucked and I have to exit and start over or doesn't download it. And then when it does update it gets stuck near 0% so I don't know if it stalled or what, then it jumps to finished half an hour later. What's the point of the progress bar if it doesn't use it to show me what progress it's actually at?

None of the games on Steam does this and I can set the max download rate to 3 Mb/s and stuff downloads. When the connection does cut off for whatever reason but then comes back on, it goes straight back to downloading whatever is left and I can leave it on overnight and no worry about it. With battle.net you have to babysit it for the entire download. Piece of shit. There's even a 50/50 chance that I login the first time, then the client tells me it can't get online, but then I login in again and now it's ok? wtf, I didn't even lose connection, the client just felt like not logging on? But works fine like 5 seconds later? Does this all the time, and every time Blizz fixes it, they release another update and it's broken again.

Just your mom

You fucked up, you could've done something stupid for us.


Disregard that faggot, post more Ana



There's no notes but that 28mb patch was likely some of their fixes for when people DC during comp, join again and still get penalized. They've been pretty bad with all these small patches so far.

Cutest and best pairing

>Talespin can't aim
>Taimou can't aim
>InternetHulk in tears over trying to carry these cheaters in front of thousands of people
>Cocco and Harryhook retreat into full autism-mode


You can have sex with other girls and still be straight.


Where the Genji posters @

This explaining to normies thing is really bothering me for some reason

>carrying anyone

>the only actual black hero
>steals tech from an autist
10/10 metzen

This is the future we have with esports on TV. Internet on streams are a million times better.

pretty good

Envyus exposed as hacks?


They should focus Reaper 24/7

No furries are just stronger at cancer metas

This shit is over. Misfits just crushing at this point.

this is how you make money though
of course
>scheduled during LoL tournament
>cucking EU viewers

I can't believe how top-tier she turned out to be gameplay-wise.

is this bo3 or bo5

What is the fucking point? Why would anyone be watching this if they don't play video games?

>post yfw genji speaks japanese

>fill his fat belly up with health

what the fuck
it's an inhaler. he's not actually eating anything

How do you counter a good Zarya? The one that shields against every ult, is constantly at 100 and non stop spewing lasers and black holes?

They're going to lose now because you said that

Yeah now I don't mind playing support



>everyone literally just walked to zarya's ult

>Recall into own bomb
absolute kek

Not gonna happen this time, boy

Just imagine killing yourself with your own pulse bomb in front of this many viewers


>talespin in charge of playing tracer

>recalls into his own pulse bomb and dies


>recall into your own pulse bomb on tv

>that was a must win fight
>the next fight will also be a must win fight

epic casting, really makes me think

You don't

Literally broken as fuck. Why did they give her so many amazing skills?

>omae wa mo shinderu

> Recalling into their own pulse bomb


>pros coming in as a mass group
>with an enemy Zarya

It's like I'm watching gold/silver

Hey, so you know how each of the maps has relevance in some way to the bigger story right?
>King's Row
>Watchpoint: Gibraltr
Are all in the trailers, obviously.

>Temple of Anubis
Relevant to Pharah, Ana, and the Omnics
>Volskaya Industries
Zarya, omnic war front.
Zenyatta, Genji
>Route 66

So... what the heck are Ilios and Lijiang Tower for? The latter has the most vague of attachments with Mei as being Chinese (even though she has nothing to do with Lucheng Interstellar) but Ilios? There aren't even any greek heroes in the game, what the hell is an island of Santorini even doing with this, and why is controlling it important?

It's on a bunch of EU channels
Ginx in the UK
O'Gaming and MCS in France
Learn how to use google, eurocucks

This is not hype. Whats with the fake cheers from the crowd?

15th for Envyus.Taimou's amazing tournament aimbot! Hopefully it will win him the match vs Misfits!


When you spawn on Ilios, Athena on the bridge of the dropship mentions that Talon activity in the surrounding area has increased with them stealing artifacts out of the ruins

>playing Brawl on Numbandi attack
>enemy team has three Anas and three Winstons
>we have three Anas and three Reapers (we had two Genjis before I told them to switch)
>we're at the last point, 2m away from winning
>sleep an Ana as I'm sitting on the stair case by the balcony overlooking the defender's spawn
>after about four times, one of the other Anas comes by and sleeps me
>misses her follow up Reaper attacks her
>she runs up to me, but I'm already up
>run around the corner
>as she turns the corner, I sleep her
>keep her slept for two minutes
>sleep her, then throw a biotic grenade out the balcony to heal my teammates
>run over to Nanoboost when I get it and then run back
>only stop sleep darting her because we win the game


Good lord



> That reaper shitting all over roadhog

Top fucking kek

Anyone else hoping Sombra can fly?

Only two characters in the game so far can do so properly.

I know S76 doesn't auto-headshot during ult, but can you headshot during it?

>these spaghetti plays
$300,000 tourney

>25k viewers
>meanwhile loli sports at 280k

I-it'll get better right guys?

Dropping by to post Hana!

>mfw when I hear Reaper or McCree ulting


>still giving a shit about sombra

>Lijiang Tower

It's got a space exploration museum section.

Shows some of the people who got raped to death by Winston's homies back on the moon.


>ever believing LoL viewer count

They would NEVER buy Chinese view bots

Thanks Hana

please don't join my comp games

You cant compete with LOL's viewership, don't even compare.

For a game that is less than 6 months old and is now with the same viwership as Dota, it's really good

dead game

Hulk is the most fun Winston to watch

Anyone got that VR Widowmaker webm? Can't really remember what was in it other than pov kiss and a bathtub.

better game always wins eventually

Not that I think OW will grow to be that big, but LoL didn't start out with those numbers. Hardly a fair comparison at this point.

>the average /owg/ player is probably better than the pros


It's neat but Blizz has done a pretty poor job with all the lore stuff like that when it comes to the actual game. On the koth maps you can listen to Athena go over the map and current situation but I doubt many people either know or care.

>tfw born with no ass
>flatter in the back than Conan O'Brien

Who here can relate. And if no one can, what's it like having an actual rump, /owg/?