/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Nero Festival ~2016 Autumn~ event from 9.28 to 10.10]
- Farm medals to spend in the event shop
- Farm rose petals to spend in a depleting roulette
- 4* Nero (Saber) animation update
>Event CEs:
- 5* Joint Recital: +15% Buster/Crit damage, +1 Rose Petal drops [Shop]
- 5* Princess of White Roses: Guts [1 time, 1 HP], 10% starting NP charge, +100% damage during event [Rose petal gacha]

>[Nero Festival gacha]
-5* Nero Bride [Saber, Limited]
-4* Nero [Saber]
-3* Caesar [Saber]
-3* Romulus [Lancer]
-3* Boudicca [Rider]

Limited CEs
-5* This is My Honor: NP, Crit damage +15%, +3 stars per turn, +1 Gold Medal drop
-4* The First Legion: Defense +8%, NP damage +15%, +1 Silver Medal
-3* Lunar Cry: +10% Buster, -20% Debuff resist [Demerit], +1 Bronze medal

>News and Reminders
-Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
-Mashu Kyrielight's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Taneda's other roles remain unchanged
-Class dailies have been updated to include new material drops
Caster Gilles, Ryougi, Euryale, Proto Dog, Hector, Astolfo, Void, Dantes, Amakusa and Medea Lily to bond 10



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Reminder that the Friendlist Spreadsheet was reset after the Prisma event.
Even if you don't need new friends it's good to be on it so you and other anons can ctrl+f names when pruning random nips. It also helps newcomers kickstarting their friendslists.
This one's for all you late night clapistans and early morning weekend yuropoor workers. Stay strong.


Nobu a CUTE.





Xth for best archer

This is your wife (Emperor)

Happy birthday to Veeky Forums and all of us faggots sticking around for so long.



thanks senpai, adding myself now.
Would people prefer NR, NP2 Da Vinci or Ilya for Caster support?

Soon my Mordred will be the strongest. Do any enemies drop homo babies in the event?

Best boy.

I wonder how begging brynfag is doing

>stop giving a shit once I see that there's only about 4 Assassins left so I just let Jack die since I figure the last Assassin won't do much of anything

>Find out upon killing the last Hassan that his Insta death targets all of your fielded team which for me was Jeanne,Dantes and a Support Waver with the event CE

8/10 Much better than the Lancer fight.

I almost genuinely believe that you can't win this without a healer and maybe Jack.
Mostly the healer part because god damn if Jeanne had a dick I would give her my virgin winkhole

Last I saw him he got Waver and Jannu

For the assassin quest? Da Vinci.
Outside of event specific quests? Doesn't matter. From my year+ of being here I've noted all that really matters is CEs and berserkers and wavers.

In the end, just use what you like best. There's more than enough gameplay fags with strong servants for supports.

Archer Karna when?

I think I did good

Not so far.

>Max bond Nero
>no blushing lines

I'm trying to do the event. Finished farming enough medals for the dust and medals. I'm sad the hearts will be from trial quests because I need them to ascend bryn.
Yeah, I also tried rolling this gacha because I need a good saber but got nothing but 3 Caligula CEs so I'm back to saving for now. Mat hell is a bitch.

How many quartz you got left?

>mat hell
hang in there we were all in it once

I had around 60ish after getting waver, rolled like 30 from singles and didn't get any gold servants. I really regret doing 2 ten-rolls during assassin day because all they gave me was trash, Jannu was from singles.

the lancer homunculus obviously

>Only one with Medea on my friend list is a retard who equipped her with Black Grail, so she surely one-shots Hassan and then immediately dies.

who can drop Joint Recital in the extra class 40AP? is it just dantes and shirou or can the other three drop it too

That sucks,still, you are pretty well now



mashu sounds like emilia, like really close to emilia


So, /fgog/.

Naked Shielder or Punished "Venom" Shielder?

never, git gud

I'm good, I just want to clean those AP fast

>really want nero
>only 60 quartz and the monthly tickets saved up
>already have Saber Alter and Altera
Oh well, maybe she'll spook me when I roll for Gozen or something

I got two from Dantes, not sure about Amakusa.

yeah I'm sure waver will be pretty clutch once I can actually max him but that'll definitely not be anytime soon.

Didn't you know? Gudao/ko is so crazy brave because they timelooped a billion times already. They just don't care at this point.

seriously getting like 12 medals per drop is bullshit and fuck rolling the gacha

I meant per run, anger's getting to me.

I guess only the very final bosses of the node can drop them.

I can just see Gudako savescumming the gacha over and over.

Mode Red.

>implying anyone in their right mind would roll this bait gacha

senpai talker, a kouhai denied her voice actress.

Fuck mashu's new voice sounds like shit

There he is, level 90.


>have 'every' 3* archer at NP3 or higher
>still no Robin

it hurts

I must grief for real this time.

Now 100.

If anyone needs the event CEs I'm here
Code: 052,606,316

>Decide to whale for Nero or Bride because no Arts Saber aside from D'Eon
>Get 5 Roma's
>6 Caligula's
>1 Baby Arms Nero
>1 Evil Cat
>NP2 Retard Cat
I then proceed to do singles and get jack shit aside from another Shirley CE to max it out
102 quartz wasted

>new Mashu is shit
>new-old Hisui is shit
Why do all the good seiyuu have to die on us like this?

>Medea Lily

Who's the best support choice for Unlimited Hassan Works?

The future of that scares me very much. So much experience, QP and time. And no one would even use the bastard.

pls no bully the Rie
She's trying her best to fill in

Never do this again, newfaggot

I would, I love using grailed 1, 2 and 3 stars.

She should've tried to be unique instead of badly imitating Risa.

She can't even do LOOOODO KYAMELOTTO properly,0/10

Don't call me senpai. You aren't my kouhai.
You can look and speak and act like my kouhai, but you are not my kouhai.
My kouhai is dead.

To be fair, it's really fucking hard to compete with the original take on that one.

if youre going to type it in engrish you might as well put R's instead of L's.

The decision to mimic Taneda's delivery is up to the sound director, not really her fault.

Though I think a more experienced VA might still have been able to pull it off better.

I'm sorry user. I hope he appears for you soon.

Honestly for the most part she's but they could have at least done another take or two for the Lord Camelot and Kachin lines.

It took me longer than a year to get him to NP5. Rolled the last copy during Illya's event.

don't feel bad, I still only have NP2 Euryale and Hector and NP4 Cu so I can't level them no matter how badly I want to.

>just FP rolled Riceman and David

>Eggplant VA changes
>It's worse than before

I'm glad, I can save money by refunding my pre-order of her figure now.

Which Bride sprite?

I wasn't a fan of the leotard thing at first but it's kinda grown on me and now I can't decide, all 3 of them look great.

I'm sorta okay with Lord Camelot, it's not actually badly voiced, just a less appealing take on the character. Sounds more desperate than firm. Given that Takahashi is used to shouting that explosion meme I kinda expected more from this.

Kaching is terrible though. No defending that.

That might be your problem. For some reason, Robin has never shown up for me in FP Gacha. He's only ever come from Quartz.

Kouhai is dead. Even my game name is pointless now.


>Sounds more desperate than firm.

Which works against the way the NP actually works, it's meant to be as strong as the user's own personal belief in stopping the attack so having a more determined, firm voice when casting it fits.

Level 90 EMIYA NP4


Da vinci. It's her time to shine.


Lily if you have a way of removing hassan buffs

Old lady medea if they aren't too high leveled and you have a way of healing

Waver if you have a way of clearing buffs and not killing them and keeping your health up

>tfw all my usual Da Vince supports have switched to somebody else

captcha: NOS Venezia

Haven't been here in 4 months, are emulators still kill?

Sometimes modded apks come out that let people play, but you need a new one for every patch

Be honest. If I grailed Regend to level 100, would you use him?

Her spirit is now raging in the winds.

And fuck just now saw that the part of the OP pertaining to that issue hasn't changed since July.


nah. Now best hassan...


Because I'm planning to grail mine to 100 too

Just use RemixOS.

Very alive
Much x86 Android

Hey, is it just me or are Nero's arms in the gold medal drop CE really small?

I would.

They are, but RemixOS 3.0 works.

Sic simper tyrranasaurus

That's clever. I mean that non sarcastically


So spam 10 AP for the last copy of Joint Recital right?

Yeah, as I said, less appealing take on the character. Taken out of context the line itself isn't badly voiced, but it shouldn't be acted that way. As a whole Takahashi's performance feels like she hasn't fully grasped the character yet.

Well, maybe it'll get better with time.