/mmog/ - MMO General

Slut edition

This general is for discussing new and upcoming MMOs, or MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals.


>Game databases

>Unlocalized MMOs

>Popular upcoming MMOs
Bless: bless.aeriagames.com/
Revelation Online: ro.my.com/en

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Please do not bully the dragon nests. This is a hub for all lost souls


Filthy harlot. What is she thinking wearing a skirt that short and panties that barely cover her butt?

don't die

cute boy

We are busy playing vidya

but Eve is a robit

Reminder that you should always bully Velskud


My queen!!

Can someone repost that Revelation information again please?

This one?

Revelation Online is a Chinese Xianxia-themed F2P MMORPG with a ton of cool features that's set to release by the end of this year, or the beginning of next.



>Class poll!

>Can I play now?
You can if you download and play the Chinese version, which is currently in OB. The first English CB doesn't start until some time in October.

>How do I play the Chinese version?

CN guild: Cake
Drop your name in the thread if you need an invite, or go to the guild NPC and search for "Cake" in the second tab to send an application.


>Character presets for the incompetent

>Is this game going to be P2W?


nth for Soul worker coming to NA NEVER EVER

Cool, I got a Pink Bean headset. Maybe once the event is over I can sell it.

post r8 characters (any game)

not in my raid harem/10


I am super generic, I should get a costume and figure out how to take ui-less shots.



ctrl+prntscrn or use the selfie emote




>surrounded by ladies

alright have your gay

Hunny, that outfit was what gave you away

I'm the Bull Demon King, bow to me you peasant

do you have a horse cock?

for you

Is SH's flamingo a pos or am I just not being dumb and getting knocked out of it?

How often do training potions come out? Ranking skills is bullshit.

any game with fun combat?

Depends, what's fun for you?


Dragon Nest, Elsword, Vindictus, Black Desert, Spiral Knights, Path of Exile, Tera....

Vindictus and Dragon Nest

Something hard and that every class counts

>Something hard
Vindictus, Spiral Knights, Elsword
>Every class counts
Dragon Nest, Vindictus, Spiral Knights, Path of Exile

Spiral Knights has pretty bad combat though. Not to mention that gunners and bombers are shit.

In Dragon Nest every class counts, but the game is piss easy until 80

I haven't played in a while but I remember Gunners being elemental gods

any mmo like Mu online that isnt path of exile?

Vindictus, Dragon Nest, PSO2, Dragon's Dogma Online

how close do you think the swg emus are to being worth a damn

you think you want that, but you don't

Have you played Uncharted Waters Online?
I've spent quite a bit of time in it years ago, and kind of want to get into it again, but without a company is quite hard
most people can't stand the long (long) tutorial

No thanks. They fucked me over before.

It wasn't always ogplanet's by the way, when i started it was either Netmarble or another launcher which i can't remember the name

anyone remember when mmos were fun?


It wasn't if you're playing alone and the content isn't that great. I've played Tantra, Dekaron, ROSE, FlyFF, Cabal, RAN, Perfect World and AK, and either the game is too bland (like in Tantra) or I wasn't able to receive the full experience because there's no one to share the gameplay with.

The two games that I enjoyed to the point of being unable to quit for good are Ragnarok Online and Dragon Nest. RO had awesome content that can be explored even if alone, and I was able to enjoy Dragon Nest due to the community.

uhh so is the event for dragons nest right now basically "if you make a new character and get it to max level you get the following things"?

this engrish is painful

There's currently two kinds of English in DN events: Engrish typed by Chinese for DNNA and Singlish used in the event notice in the DNSEA forums.

So i've been leveling up a warrior in Dragon Nest, just got to 15, figuring out where to change class

Any leveling up guide? Been doing story missions because they give around 1Gold per quest and it seems pretty good at the beginning but it looks like a longway until 90.

You get sub classes in the pass town after starter village. I think it's from your trainer and warrior guy is near the back. I could be wrong though since I use a Kali and her quest start was crest man cause totem doesn't like to talk.

Any current MMOs or upcoming ones with a good housing system?

Archeage had a nice housing system in Alpha before the bots were a big problem. FFXIV housing doesn't really have too much to it.

I don't care if its limited spacing like those, I just want something with a decent amount of options.

Wakfu has a nice one. It's pretty small though but you can plant resources and stuff so you won't have to compete with others.

You can also add decorations if that's more your thing. Or you can use it to sell items.

Wakfu was nice but the group I played with stopped pretty quick. I revisited it after the steam release but even then it still seemed pretty empty.

Refining sucks. It makes me want to kill myself. I think I'll stop at r3 and work on something else.


How long does it take to increase your closeness with someone?

Elsword isn't really hard. PvE wise, looping normals takes like 5 minutes to get down, and skills do much more damage most of the time anyways, so you're better off chugging MP pots.
AI in this game just follows a set of moves that the boss throws out randomly, save some that occur at HP thresholds or when they go into stoic.
The "hard" part of this game is due to enemies having stupid defence and damage (see: Glitter Tank) along with being uninterruptable. It mostly comes down to how geared you are, although you obviously aren't supposes to play like a drooling retard and get hit by everything.


>bad combat
Literally Diablo combat.

>gunners and bombers are shit
Gunners were good, Bombers were good for status effects.

Situational. Even end game content can now be run with just swords. If you're already know the mechanics of the boss then why bother slowing yourself down? I can Vanaduke in 6-8 minutes instead of 15minutes with a sword+gun.

Someones a fucking casual that doesn't play an hero mode.
PvP is still shit though

>can play multiple characters at once on same account now
there's no thread on Veeky Forums for it though, is it even worth coming back?

All I remember from it was how small and empty it felt for an MMO, which is pretty bad, among many other flaws and cool features that ended up being shallowly executed.

Nope, game is dead. End game is just one person with the hero system or multiclienting. Beginner dungeons are also dead as fuck so good luck doing the content at your level solo.

They're making a way for high level players to level down to match their friends so they can play together, so that's something to look forward to.

But user, even on hero mode most of the problem comes from elite mobs with their buffs and how hard things hit in general. I assumed that user was talking about enemy mechanics being difficult, and Elsword's aren't very complex.
That or KoG changed something.

I agree, PvP removal when?

So in DN you main story until you get to Saint's Haven and then just run the highest level dungeon you can until max level I guess?

>pve only babbys
Why don't you Elshitters git gud?

I like being friends with people and working together.

How can I train mining more quickly in mabinogi?

I didn't see any ores in the first 10 or so rooms of barri normal, and passes are probably gonna add up on expenses if I use them.

>pvpfags will defend this

Are there any games with boring combat? I really liked wow and ffxiv's combat when I tried them.

If you're using passes then you're doing Basic. I drop one gold coin for the Normal dungeon and it ALWAYS has 4 ore deposits.

Although you shouldn't train mining like that. Go mine Cuilin or Sulfur stones instead.

Lastly, if your collecting ores then Metallurgy is a way better option.

What if I'm only interested in the story? Mabinogi has ruined me and now I find every other combat system way too simple.


Uhm, there's another one with decent housing that I can't remember the name of.

I made a more condensed OP for it that we can hopefully use soon. Beta date WHEN?

>What is Revelation Online?
Revelation Online is a Chinese Xianxia-themed F2P MMORPG with a large amount of diverse content for any type and level of player. A full list of features is included in the FAQ.

>Current News - NA

>Current News - CN

>Official Links

>FAQ - read before posting!

>Can I play now?
You can if you download and play the Chinese version, which is currently in OB. Information on how to play the Chinese version is in the FAQ.

>Steam Group

Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread!

Previous thread:

Why don't you make your own general?

Yeah I took a third look at the mining page and I feel like an imbecile now.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to do metallurgy though.

I went from rF to r3 in two days. It is fucking boring. And I'm not even done, I'm still at r5 Refining. I have a shit ton of low level ores though.

>Any leveling up guide?

The pasta

If I manage to hit rank 1 metallurgy then I think I'll just buy the rest of the ores.

Which training reqs are hard to deal with? I still haven't done G2 so I can access the mythril mine.

We had one, but it was started too soon. It's better to wait until the first CBT.

You never need to make story unless you are really interested (it's been explained before that in NA the story is trash until 90 because of Nexon edits so whatever), or unless you wanna make extra cash.

Only requiriment to unlock the ship to SH is being level 24.

I don't really know, all I know is Refining is a bitch later on. Also I tried buying ores, no one is selling. I still need a shit ton of silver and gold.

And since Shadow Missions and Tendering Potions exists combat CP shouldn't worry you anymore.

Goblins in the Daredevil Fairie give a lot of experience, do all runs as soon as it's available.

Ah, alright then.

Hearing that almost makes me wish I used my time with the returned title Refining.

From the return incentive? I actually still haven't turned in that quest yet. What does the title do?

Universal 2x training among other things

Cool, is there a time limit on the quest? I still have no idea what talent to focus on so I'd like to save it for later.

Don't recall, sorry.

The title WILL expire though, who knows when.

>I went from rF to r3 in two days.
>I'm still at r5 Refining.

Ah man, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'm at r4 Metallurgy and r9 in refining. Also, is there a market for Unknown Ore Fragments? Or should I just not bother picking them up. And is there any value in gems that are

I'm thinking of ranking fragmentation so I can recycle some of the metal I use.

Is getting married in that worth it for the bonuses?

Is it me, or it's leveling slower on Dragon Nest in the new NA server? I've been playing for about 4 hours and just got to lvl 26 with my Swordmaster. Submerged ruins on Master gives me a whooping 40%, like, seriously? Had to do the quest 3 times to level up, i dont remember having to do that in SEA.
In fact i got a Machina to lvl 40ish in a day there. No bonus exp or anything.

Seriously, frigging Sparta Goblins gave me like 20% exp at 23, fuck.

Cleric master race reporting in.

Did I do good user?

Someone was buying unknown ore for 25k per stack. I usually see them advertising at night but they've been doing it for 3 days now.

I just spent 300k buying mythril and gold ores. I can probably get r1 today, metallurgy is still at r3 though, but who gives a fuck about that.

Also anyone got a cheap heavy armor they can lend me? I'm looking for ways to lower my dex.

looks nice but I'm not fond on that make up