/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

recycled content edition
previous ded: Corneroids, Space Engineers, Starmade, Avorion, From the Depths, Factorio, REM, Robocraft, Machinecraft, Garry's Mod, Homebrew, Besiege, Infinifactory, Scrap Mechanic, GearBlocks, and anything else welcome. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.

WebM for retards:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Space Engineers
>From the Depths
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Scrap Mechanic
>Robot Arena 2
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Spengies Server Pasta
pastebin.com/uPudaAyJ (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for how do different number of Q-switches laser beams add together?

nice use of the hat faggot

First for mechanical computers

second for mechanical computers

third for mechanical computers

we /mcg/ now

>no recoil
nice physics spengies

My experience with thrusters on sprinters is that they don't really affect the long-jump that much. Must require some serious amounts of thrust to counteract the effect though.

Thrusters *do* get faster with OC levels, though, so it's a thought.

>defintely not /egg/
Might want to rethink that name.
/mecg/ maybe?

For whatever reason, it seems that once you do a jump with the sprinter legs, your maximum speed cap becomes "unlocked", letting you go faster than the 220mph speed cap.

With a stupid amount of thrusters on a light build, and some thrusters that tip your front end upwards, you can launch into the air doing close to 280mph. If I added more thrust I could probably break 300mph.

I dont know what use this would have, but Id love to see somebody find some way to abuse break the game.

Too bad theres no CTF mode.

What do you guys think of Kerbal Space program?


One letter down, 26 to go.

It's a good thing you're better at engineering than you are at math.


Pretty good, but it has its own general, and you need mods if you want proper engineering features beyond basic rocketeering

For the record, I'm yanking your chain. I've never seen someone design a printer in that shit. It's super cool.

But 26 -1 is 25 user.

Oh, I didn't even notice that.

I thought you were referring to the previous thread where I said I can't do long division

which is still shameful I know

Long division as in the algebra concept or long division as in the arithmetic concept?


very nice
i can definitely see the cams for that being much easier than rotary cams

>tfw no airbreathing hybrid rocket
>not even a mod


that would be trivial to mod in.

>no CHODE in OP

I love this state.

>they add fast moving legs to the game

>skipped leg day tier skinny

/egg/ pls

Thanks doc

apparently avorion dev pressed the big EARLY ACCESS button

any backers able to give us the run down on what it's like? is it Just Another Spore or is it The Game That Saved /svgg/?

Algodoo user you number thing from last thread reminds me of ribosomes.

Shit combat, decent building, fuckhuge scale, economy. Eve with building.

>just joined warbros
>kind of want to go start my own little station but need to make the facilities
>Just spawned in someone elses base
>Don't want to be a dick and use their materiels or facil;ities without asking

Uh, so on this server is there like a public use assembler/refinery?

on an overall scale from Spore to Really Fucking Good, how good is avorion?


Every Sparky has production facilities. You might want to start in the Solar Sparky for a full refinery, or the Planetary one. The others have arc furnaces.

That's what the Sparkies are for.

ty m8, no ones on the server and I don't want to go and be a dick about shit

You'rea good'un user.

But yes, someone mustve just accidentally left their medbay as public.

Possibly me. Oops.

Just pick a sparky from the menu list, most of them have everything you need to set up a new life.

>some new indie game pops up, uploaded in under a day
>still no fucking update torrent for CODE anywhere reasonable

fucking what

it's harsh being a pirate isn't it? outdated games everywhere

what is CODE?

yes I'm new

Children of a Dead Earth

A misspelling of CHODE, which in turn is a buttugly yet autisticly realistic space shap shooter gaem which is currently pushed as the newest /egg/ meme game. There's some real nifty shit in it, but also some retarded shit. It has a handful of players, and will soon be ded, like any /egg/ game.

I miss the first weeks of /rcg/
it was the coolest shit

thanks lads

gunchairs and early fliers probably were the best shit we've made in robocraft.
Or at least, those were the funniest times


What is it about tiny flying machines that makes them the best thing ever?

>mfw strapping a seat to a thruster and giving it a single reactor in atmosphere in Spengies

Whats shitty about the combat?

Anyone know why I can't place any blocks as a new grid, yet can add them to my existing station grid. I just want to build a small welding ship but every block, landing gear, cockpit etc I try to place either disappears upon click, using components or it sometimes just makes an error noise. Then when I relog I have to go and delete all the single block static grids that miraculously got placed. Pretty frustrating considering its probably really stupid that I havent noticed..

Do merge blocks still crash the serb?

That sounds incredibly weird. Can you make a weebum?

According to the hotfix change log, that has been hotfixed. :^)

>In today's hotfix we are very happy to announce the merge block problem has been fixed. Our developers put in extra hours to solve the problem and rewrote the whole grid merge mechanism. We are always keen on delivering the best service for our players.

>Side effects of this update include the merge block not being in the game.

Which single event released more radioactive fallout and/or bumped up background radiation the most? Chernobyl, three mile island, Fukushima or any one nuclear explosive detonation? My bets're on nuclear explosive testing.

>he doesn't know about the most irradiated area in the world
>he thinks chernobyl was bad


Have fun reading up on this horror.

I am thankfull I don't live in putinland

>3.4m deep layer of radioactive sediment over a 2.5km^2 area
what the fuck

Jesus fucking Christ, Russia is not a country, Russia is a state of mind...

>Sergey, Americans are of bomb we need to be of bomb, too, make glowing rock!
>But Anatoly, we barely know how glowing rocks are of workings.
>Make happen, not be of askings questions, political bureau is already of angerous!

Brazil too. Russia and brazil are alike.


>>Side effects of this update include the merge block not being in the game.
no way, did that actually happen?

Is Space Engineers dead? I consider buying it rn


It's being actively developed and updated and the recent gassing of their CEO resulted in several positive changes. Among them, key mod wizards have been hired to do their coding. /egg/ has a server running.

That being said, all /egg/ games are dead and you will hate yourself after a while for playing it. It's a fun game, but it's also a not-game, as it has no goal or achievements to strive for. Unless you make yourself a goal, you will run out of intrinsic motivation soon.

That being said, you can make some pretty comfy shit in Spongos.

well I spent hours and hours on ksp and no "real" objective is OK for me, the thing that really makes my dick hard is the multiplayer but i wanted to know if there was an actual community on the game.

The game is not optimized as fuck.

When was it acceptable that a game uses over 6 gigabytes of RAM?

Also, all physics calculations, everything that happens in the game, the computation load is only on one core of a CPU.

/egg/ has a server but without semi monthly server wipes, the server eventually becomes a laggy mess.

>/egg/ has a server but without semi monthly server wipes, the server eventually becomes a laggy mess.
This is true for the old server, yes. Not so much for the new one.


Will it work with 8 gigs?

Well the game itself doesn't use up 6 gigs. It's because it's a leaky pile of shit that doesn't want to release the RAM it isn't using. Fortunately there are programs out there made to clean up memory leaks. Get that, and the game will at most use up 2 gigs.

>When was it acceptable that a game uses over 6 gigabytes of RAM?
>It's because it's a leaky pile of shit that doesn't want to release the RAM it isn't using.

According to the hotfix changelog, this has been fixed. :^)

Fuck off to your circlejerking circus on nigger

I used to play ksp because the concept was fun, I'm looking for a more realistic multiplayer game with the same sandboxy idea, I don't circlejerk
tell me more about those programs, what are you using?

>mfw this shit is closer than I thought.

Guys you are faggots. The guy wants to convert and you're being dicks.


>Fixed merge block

Fucking two crash now, why lie.

they're not lying though, just ignorant

Not looking at the 'merge' seems to work pass the crashing.




Fucked up the waterline on the black boat. Top speed was 22m/s with just the hull but dropped to 18 when the equipment was added.

looks like a spatula

No it doesn't

Question to all Factorio autists:

Is there a way to make trains with multiple cargo types per wagon work reliably without making too many unnecessary stops?

Here are some things i am trying to do:

1-wagon oil supply train. 2 Stops: refinery and oil rigs. At refinery it loads empty barrels and unloads filled barrels.
The problem is if we use traightforward approach, it is possible for the system to jam.
If the empty barrel buffer at the oil rig station is filled, the train wont be able to unload its empty barrel cargo, and as result wont be able to load filled barrels.

Is it possible to solve this without creating an extra station for empty barrel handling?

Another thing i want to do is run a resupply train that would refill my bases with walls/turrets/repair packs. But there again, i dont understand how to make sure the wagon does not get filled with just one cargo type without adding an extra "flush" stop.

>Is there a way to make trains with multiple cargo types per wagon work reliably without making too many unnecessary stops?
>how to make sure the wagon does not get filled with just one cargo type without adding an extra "flush" stop.
You can select filtered slots in wagons
I think you copy them from toolbar, but I might be mistaken.
Also now train stations can read contents of trains, so you can use that to control inserters.

Do you know about middle button clicks in the wagon inventory?

Also you might like to

>straighten your walls
Outer corners are most likely to be point of breach

>expand your rail system
having only one main line from which all others branch off is risky in case of a traffic jam.

Holy fucking shit, my mind is blown. Is that feature even listed anywhere?

>Outer corners are most likely to be point of breach
I try to avoid forests/resource deposits, which sometimes results in unnecessary turns.
The outwards corners probably would be easier to breach if aliens ever cared about them. With the way ayy pathfinding works, they almost never hit corners.
The biggest factor in threat levels is the positioning of nests and areas considered valid migration targets.
The base at top-right for example gets attacked way too often because there is a huge are of "valid" territory behind it, thanks to those nests over the water.

>having only one main line from which all others branch off is risky in case of a traffic jam.
This is definitely not a concern for me right now. The lines are barely ever used.
I've got 2 trains collecting ore, each covering like 5 mining sites (all sites work at low speed due to prod modules).
And 1 train in an extremely small closed loop to the south, hauling oil from rigs to the fiel factory/power station.

The oil train i was talking about is at my position (K) and will be hauling oil to the refinery to my north-east. That refinery will also be equipped with 1 iron/copper supply train, and maybe an output delivery train.

>The base at top-right for example gets attacked way too often because there is a huge are of "valid" territory behind it, thanks to those nests over the water.
Goddamn. Meant top-left. The one wich clearly more defences that the rest.
Here's the map with "Biter expansion candidates" view mode enabled.


who says they tested it?
it goes like this: uh this code is broken
just rewrite it differently
ok done
cool, ship it.

>let's load the spengies server
>memory leak apparently fixed

I know it isn't but I still have a slither of hope.

wrong type of engineer user


tfw there will never be more actual pictures of the wizard of trains


Is it a bote? Is it a plen?
No is tren.

I am trainsgender