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should I uninstall Climates of Tamriel so I can use a different ENB from Seasons of Skyrim? It's just.. It's nice, don't get me wrong but kinda bland you know? And it's godawful indoors. I want something more vibrant, would you guys recommend Falkonian? Does it run worse than SoS, I was managing around 40fps I think on SoS unless I turned towards a really intensive area like a forest thicket
Robert Ramirez
I got a lot of options for upgrading my GPU this december, any suggestions? Thinking the 980ti
I have 8gb ram and an i5 4690k, just a shitty GPU.
Anyone with a similar setup care to weigh in an opinion? Gonna be using it mainly for heavily modded skyrim (like 300+ mods, all merged and shit)
Adrian Bennett
Caleb Carter
I say go with a 1070 if you can afford it. Since the 980ti and the 1070 are both strong cards you can go for the one with the most VRAM so you can go ham with textures.
James Rogers
So the 1070 is a worthwhile investment over the 980ti and wont be bottlenecked by the i5?
Hoping to future proof this a little bit, I'm getting a stuttering 30fps with all these mods on my old 280x, thinking its time I finally switch to Nvidia, just dont know where to start.
Also not planning to SLI/Crossfire or get liquid cooling any time soon, so its built in fan would need to be good enough to keep it cool
Thank you based anons. I've wanted to be a part of this community for a long time, and I'm about 25% through STEP right now, so its just a matter of time hopefully
Robert Sullivan
the i5 won't bottleneck a 1070 for gaming, skyrim is way more GPU heavy so no worries!
Justin Thompson
i5 4690k is still great
Ryder Ward
Thanks anons. Appreciate the feedback.
Seems like the 1070 is cheaper than the 980ti too, right?
Matthew Ward
Last time I checked, it was.
Seriously though, get the 1070.
Angel Carter
I've had a look and I reckon either Tetrachromatic or Opethfeldt. Anyone here used either of them? Which one runs better? I'm leaning towards tetra for the weather mod support but I love how vibrant Opethfeldt is.
Here's a shitty screenshot of my shitty character in exchange
Okay so apparently I can't use any kind of actions as a player. Can't sit on a chair, can't ride horses, can't use grindstones, any kind of action basically. Anyone had that happen?
She's in an abandoned temple hundreds of miles from civilization, hidden away by a magic entrance. Don't worry, no one who she doesn't want to see her will.
I'm glad you're continuing it. I want to know what would happen if Viet and Jo ever fought.
William Rodriguez
My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world. And the nordic worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
Yeah i wasn't going to drop it completely. I just wanted to take a break from Skyrim. Now since I got my graphics card, I'll just post 2k shots but I'll probably won't really update my game that much until after i'm done with the story.
Main reason why I'm doing this is because of my saves. I have to save a lot for each segment of a story I'm working on.
I read your story. I had no idea Erin was so fragile. Does she only show that side of herself to Marin?
Christopher Bailey
Unfortunately I'm in the middle of rebuilding my game, and it was the only up to date picture I have of her. I'll have to wait till I'm finished rebuilding to take more photos
This one is outdated, but you can make out more features
Caleb Reed
Wrong picture cause I'm stupid.
Face paint isnt there anymore though, in case youre triggered by it
Samuel Williams
Yeah of course, that's the story I said I was working on.
I should have the next part of the story posted sometime this weekend since I'm not too far from finishing the next chapter.
Joseph Rogers
I don't think she's fragile, she just feels guilty for what happened and obviously doesn't enjoy talking about it. Which she never did before.
I still gotta write the next bit where she joins a bandit clan and then the Vigil of Stendarr
Oliver Rogers
would dio be a
>breton because british >imperial because italian >altmer because picture
Jacob Sanders
Tyler Long
Hey /tesg/
Name the worst race.
Carson Williams
Bosmer. They're just so boring.
Chase King
Also say why they're the worst race.
Elijah Cook
high elfs
concept is cool, but they look so fucking atrocious you wonder how they're so full of themselves.
They look like pencils or something
Angel Williams
Redguards. They have interesting lore but they never make anything of it.
Nathan Davis
John Hughes
Mer shouldn't look attractive though, that's their main thing. Even then there are some cute bananas out there.
Jeremiah Bennett
Alright its 730AM and I've been up since 3AM.
But my game is looking so much better now.
Gonna take a break after getting halfway through STEP.
Thanks for the help, night /tesg/
Benjamin Gray
I dunno if I'd call that their main thing. Their main thing is long lives and lusting after human dick.
Carson Cruz
>lusting after human dick dream on, friend.
Nicholas Clark
It's biological, friend. Human seed is more virile. Nabbing a human stud means having more babies, which every creature is instinctively driven to do.
Ryder Taylor
We're talking about fictional species in a fantasy setting here, my dude. I'm gonna play the proofster here and ask you if you got anything to back up your statement.
Jack Lee
if all elves lust after human dick
but elves also lust after orc dick
but orc is elf
Eli Carter
It's a common fantasy trope for elves to be less fertile than men due to their longer lifespans. In-universe proof, The Real Barenziah, Book III:
>"You mean promiscuous. Although some do become prostitutes, I suppose," Katisha said as an afterthought. "Elves are promiscuous when they're young. But you'll outgrow it. Perhaps you're beginning to already," she added hopefully. She liked Barenziah, had grown to be quite fond of her. "You ought to meet some nice Elven boys, though. If you go on keeping company with Khajiits and humans and what have you, you'll find yourself pregnant in next to no time."
>Barenziah smiled involuntarily at the thought. "I'd like that. I think. But it would be inconvenient, wouldn't it? Babies are a lot of trouble, and I don't even have my own house yet."
>"How old are you, Berry? Seventeen? Well, you've a year or two yet before you're fertile, unless you're very unlucky. Elves don't have children readily with other Elves after that, even, so you'll be all right if you stick with them."
Justin Butler
Altmer. Literally WE WUZ GODS N SHIT.
Oliver Gonzalez
But they actually were. You don't understand the WE WUZ thing do you?
Brandon Lewis
Orcs aren't people, so it's the same feeling people get with horses. Very questionable.
Jackson Ramirez
nobody lusts after orc dick in elder scrolls Isn't Barenziah a Dunmer? There is some substantial difference between the mer races, though I can't say for sure if there's a difference in their fertility. I do know that dunmer women are the sluttiest of the bunch, so it could be just a dark elf problem
Ayden Ward
Are orcs the niggers of Skyrim or is that the Khajiit? Or are Khajiits the mexicans? I'm guessing maybe the redguard are the african americans of Skyrim but the Orcs are the Africans.
Nathan Hill
>Elves don't have children readily with other Elves Not Dunmer, elves. Again, due to the shared elf trait of longer lives, it makes sense that they don't need to make babies as quickly as the more mortal races can.
Kevin Fisher
Khajiits are gypsies, Redguards are the turks (?) Orc culture may resemble Mongols, but historically they're basically niggers.
Landon Wood
They're more like jews than niggers, always getting kicked out of places. Really there isn't a proper analogue for niggers in TES, probably because sub-Saharan Africa is garbage and has no culture worth emulating.
Cameron Mitchell
>Orcs >Jews
No. Jews are too scared to be violent unlike niggers.
Bentley Butler
Does skyrim work on linux? And more importantly would enb and MO work on linux?
William Cooper
There's no perfect analogies when it comes to TES races, user.
Well, except for Bosmer, who are just every other fantasy setting's archetypal wood elves. God I hate Bosmer. Laziest fucking race. They should have just made Khajiit or Altmer good archers and gotten rid of Bosmer.
Logan Thomas
The orcs are anything but Jews though user.
Owen Turner
Name another culture whose history is centered around not having a homeland and getting kicked out of places all the time.
Nathaniel Morales
> except for Bosmer, who are just every other fantasy setting's archetypal wood elves. are you sure about that
Josiah Robinson
Yes I am sure about that. The only unique thing about Bosmer is the wild hunt, which is pretty brutal but is something that happens extremely rarely and they have no control over.
Kayden Nelson
Rohingya Muslims. Palestinians. Kurds.
Jason Martin
Okay they have that but literally everything else about jews isn't there. They aren't sly or greedy with money. They violent psychos like niggers that don't care about the law.
Jeremiah Turner
>cannibalistic humanoids only holding onto their own physical form through the will of a forest god
>just every other fantasy setting's archetypal wood elves
Carter Gray
>Palestinians Being forced out of your homeland != not having a homeland
>Kurds Not having a sovereign state != not having a homeland
>Rohingya I have not heard of these so thank you for giving me something to learn about today
Cooper Roberts
>cannabalistic Most of the ones you meet in game aren't
>only holding onto their own physical form through the will of a forest god When is this even mentioned beyond the obscure semi-canon scrawlings of Kirkbride or his wife?
Eli Butler
Anyone know why I'd be getting tearing?
I have vsync turned on in ENB local and in AMD radeon settings for skyrim
Gabriel Brooks
You already know about the Wild Hunt, it's the entire purpose of the Green Pact: to contain their physical form in exchange for not harming vegetation.
Tyler Barnes
>the Wild Hunt Which, again, is a very rare occurrence that is only ever obscurely mentioned.
>in exchange for not harming vegetation Except there's plenty of Bosmer that do harm vegetation so how do they hold on to their physical form?
Asher Lee
All Dunmer ladies should stop doing that stuff and find a nice Nord to settle down with. It's only the natural thing to do.
Jack Taylor
It only applies to the Valenwood forests.
Adam Adams
How convenient
Josiah Young
Does it have to be a Nord though? Love is love, m'dude.
Jason Moore
>Yarti settles down with Snek like 3 months ago >already heavily pregnant with twins Human virility confirmed
Daniel Gomez
or maybe snek just got cucked boiiiiiiiiiii
Blake Wright
i still have no idea which one of these to pick i need opinions hot opinions
Brody Price
OOO is fine. FCOM is a clustefucker and a pita to install
Tyler Hughes
You're literally only taking into account that and that only. Not their personality at all. Orcs act nothing like jews.
Nicholas Thomas
Planning to go back to Skyrim after getting tired of shitty Fallout 4 and I need some suggestions about mods. Perkus Maximus or Ordinator? Wildcat Combat or Duel Combat Realism?
Isaiah Morris
I'm literally not, though. Literally, user. Literally. Literal. But seriously learn to read.
Jordan Sanchez
It doesn't have to be a Nord but I think that's the most likely outcome. They should find love and settle down though. I'm just biased maybe.
Carson Howard
>Perkus Maximus or Ordinator? Ordinator >Wildcat Combat or Duel Combat Realism? Neither get Ultimate Combat
Nolan Miller
>Neither get Ultimate Combat Any particular reason for that? Never tried it myself. What are some good weapon mods? JaySus Swords and Immersive Weapons? Is Ordinator that much better than Perkus?
Wyatt Peterson
Once dunmer are done guzzling beast cum by the barrel.