/bnsg/ - Blade & Soul General

Will this general survive for one more year edition


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>Will this general survive for one more year edition

this makes me sad

Hugs #1

So boring.

We're 4/6 now. Will depart in ~10-15 minutes if nobody else joins.

Im sorry im so boring user ;_;


Thx for thicc.

6v6 NA #540670

Who is the cutest female Jin?

>tfw no thicc lyn chicc to love my mgon


>want to pick this game back up to play with a friend
>download chugs along nicely at first
>hit the last few gigs
>cannot download file
>Error E02018
>at first I can just restart the update and some progress will be made
>hit the last 100MB
>the update stops progressing entirely
>the same few files keep circulating on the error message and can't be downloaded
>online solutions are fucking useless
>NCSoft support is slow and useless
i'm almost 100% sure this is the launcher's fault at this point
goddamn where's the mirror download site when you need one
the hat fits perfectly

why do you play so much 6v6? don't you already have the hat and the outfit?

i actually entered right before you posted that


It happened.
WWV match where the AFK player was on the other team.


Well I need today's dailies done so I can get my 3rd Citrine. I use any points I get for the moonstone boxes and I'm hoping to get a high rank for end of season rewards since I've failed so many premium stone transmutes so far

Just look at this cute face


Filled and departed.


Please post cute short female Jins

xth for don't give up user. Keep fighting to achieve them dreams and win.

Post more, thx!

My dreams are dead just like me on the inside

Not yet user. You don't have to do it right now but you can eventually. One day you will win, I believe in you.



>that OP
good job brownie

It's too damn early in the morning for dailies!

NA #544 796

no it isn't! there have been 2 lobbies already!

Is this a DC lobby? or Non DC lobby?
If its non DC I'll be there in a few minutes.

It's 7 am on my end. Dern time zones slipping my mind. In an unrelated topic, I need better Soul Burn grabs.

It's DC. Sorry, boss.

Post lewds!

What skill or spec are people using that allows them to get out of Phantom Grip instantly without TAB?

I know there's a TAB path that lets you get out of phantom grip but this isn't what they're using.

Mobs will do this free get out of phantom grip skill too. It looks like a flash with orbs that come out around the escapee.

KFM has a freeze
BM and BD have Flock of Blades
Every class has a grab escape if they use it in response of the enemy using an ability, but that isn't instantly
Sorry I don't really know what you're talking about

It's a counter skill. If you're using soul pierce it's really easy to counter it.

casually stroll into grimhorn for my mob kill dailies

then i see that execution is about to start.. but nobody's around. should i solo the execution and hope that kairam is the next phase?

i hate everything

I just realized what it was.

There's a skill that pops up when you use phantom grip called Drain.

If I press and hold Phantom grip, the same button is used for Drain, so it instantly releases them from the grip.

you're silly, user

me too

It's super fustrating that they wont let us replace and rearrange skills on the hotbars.
That shit has fucked me over for a long time because I didn't realize it was doing that until I checked.


it's a lot more complicated because of all the conditional abilities that have to pop up with varying degrees of priority

Someone can help me at making those jin eyes? i want a sin alt but im awful at making jins xD, saw this jin at bg, i just want the eyes x.x thanks /please

Please post really low angles of hot female characters.

Server transfers when?

just finished expedition & execution at grimhorn

mushin ch 1 kairam will spawn in about 15-20 minutes, depending on how fast we clear these elite mobs

keep your eyes peeled if you want kairam daily done!


I remember hearing something about getting them a couple of months ago because they were about to implement them onto KR servers but... yeah. I'm suffering with you, user.

I personally want off Mushin, but that's just me.

We must all move to Poharan

Departed as a 4-man.

Post lewds!

I just want to move my Blademaster to my new server. I don't want to restart one and lose all what I have on her.

Leave Poharan alone, take your drama somewhere else.

mushin kairam ch1, 5 minutes.

Ahhh, I wanna taste a Lyn. Feel him squirm against my tongue. Chuckle at his pointless struggling as he slips down my throat.

isn't it a bit too early for lewdposting?

Vore is a garbage fetish and really speaks volumes about who you are as a person.

>Judging other people's taste

>really speaks volumes about who you are as a person.


i always liked to imagine this as not vore, but rather someone swallowing up someone's cock

you know, feel their cock squirm against your tongue as you slip their cock down your throat

Daily challenge went pretty well for me today!

I don't even know what most of that does.

that outfit is pretty rare, grats

ch 1 mushin bay lee, 5 minutes.

And the "struggling" is the Lyn trying to get the cock hungry slut off his junk.

y e s


>defending cannibalism
next you'll say liking lyns isnt pedophilia

please don't bully cute lyns even if you have a crush on them

what's so bad about cannibalism

I'll just bully cute lyns I don't have a crush on then :^)

silly maku, you're a pedophile so you want to fuck every single lyn.


what's so bad about mondays

post music

Whoa calm down user. Name calling is rather hurtful, we should be nice to one another. My name is Maku nice to Maku your acquaintance!

Chive pls it's reverse.

nothing because i'm not a filthy wageslave


you seem nice user, pls dont listen to bullies

Thanks user, I hope you have a great day too!

>tfw a level 47 EU player finishes tomb but yet most of HM 10 on NA hasnt even set their foot on that dungeon.

>tfw a level 47 has finished tomb and I haven't

Really makes you think

W-what weapon was his using all this time

Getting carried doesn't count

>but yet most of HM 10 on NA hasnt even set their foot on that dungeon.

List your sources and statistics please Mr. EU Scholar

:( I'm NA HM10 and I have not set foot in it yet because I have no friends



Carried so hard

Nice excuse, still doesnt change the fact that most of NA just got BTFO.


Jokes on you, I did it 3 times.

are there any eu /bnsg/ users in top 10 of toi or pvp

>implying anyone except losers that can't pve care about pvp.

Whats next to measure skill, 6v6?


>Implying there are any eu /bnsg/ users
It's a meme you dip