/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Forced Memes and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /fm/, /gwt/)

Drowners are just misunderstood Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced!
>Join the BETA
>Gameplay demo (E3)
>Gameplay Demo (Gamescom)

Patch 1.30 is out!

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories
>Experimental first-person perspective mod for TW3

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Debug Console Commands
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Gwent Standalone cards
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

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First for Trissfu and 13th birthday


Geralt and Triss OTP

Trissfu a best.

That Trissfu is straight out of a scene where the protagonists confronts the antagonist sitting in a dark room.

Ciri is real, I know it

Ciri is real in my heart.

Just finished first play through of B&W. Regis, best bro or bestest bro?

Yes, Trissfu is perfection.

I like this definition.

That's what matters most! :3

Nice father/daughter time..

We were snubbed of a true Ciri ending with lovely dovely incest.

CDPR doesn't have the balls to go through with it.

Bestestest bro.

This guy knows what's up.


Why is Ciri such a bitch?

She's not.

Well Geralt would basically bash our faces in for wanting this damn incest in the first place.

She just takes after her mom (Triss)! =)


stake for you, heretic

I liked it when momfu Triss was bitching to the max at the witchers and then little Ciri grew up to be just like her mama! She even has momfuTriss's green eyes and daddy Geralt's white hair. Methinks she might actually be their biological daughter (also other facts support this which makes me really happy!) :3

I love how much anti-waifufags have to try to slander Trissfu's good name. You're pathetic.

I love Triss as momfu and you fake ass bitch can go kill yourself ;3

For all you doubters here's actual proof of Ciri being Trissmomfu's and Geralt's daughter :3


>anti-trissfu fag is a tumblr user
Like I said, pathetic.

fuck off don't reply to me with your waifu

Your ass is pathetic. your actions speak louder than your words and it's obvious that you never even loved Triss! You're just here to doubt actual believers! Gross!!

It's obvious that you're the tumblr user who posts Regis/Avallac'h and are now trying to start shit because you hate Trissfu. kys.

How often do you think Ciri visits her momfu in Kovir? She clearly loves being married to papa Emhyr but I think she'll always try to find time to visit her mom Triss too. I imagine she uses her powers to teleport to momfu every day before bedtime to kiss her on the cheek and tell her goodnight :3

>he doesn't play with 1st person mod

Lmaoing at you.

>he play the game
lmaoing even more @ u

>He doesn't get cinematic screenshots with 1st person mode of waifus

>play TW3 first time
>going through story and side-quests
>ignored gwent and left it for later (maybe end-game)
>300 hours later
>reached late-game
>decided to play gwent and collect all cards
>25% of the gwent cards are missed
>there's even a missable one in the very beginning of the game
>decided to just get the rest of the cards and collect the missing ones in NG+
>reached NG+
>Cards didnt carry over
>NG+ can't be repeated




Hug me Trissfu...

>people suddenly worship triss

And one of the few generals that weren't infested with autism have now been claimed by waifufags who never even read the books

Just fucking kill me now


So huggable.

But I'm a Yenfag, buddy.

I read the books and I love Trissfu.

I want to hug Trissfu so bad, to smell her hair and feel her soft breasts on me.

ass before tits

Don't even get me started on the things I would do to Trissfu's ass.


Why are Ciri's eyes always so sexual?

They're not! You're imagining things!

Still the hottest sex scene in gaming.

Don't you think Yennefer is kind of sexy, too, tho?

Not that user, but I agree, Yenfu is also hot.

I want to make Triss have a big belly filled with babies.

What did you do to Yen?

he fixed her

By fucking up a lip injection?

dick milking lips

Whore lips.
They suit her.

i am going to force triss to take her clothes off bend her over and thoroughly inspect her asshole

dude I am eating, you pooper licking freak

Wait, so the assassination quest is the only thing that effects wether Radovid or Emhyr wins?

It's not that far off though. Radovia was holding out at this stage, and any change to the leadershio of either Redania or Nilfgaard would tilt the war in the favor of the other.


Yup, Redania beats Nilfgaard by default.

Elven eyes and elves are whores.

>>Not wanting to lick your woman's asshole.

How gay are you?

Did anyone forget how depressing Witcher 2 is?


He was, but suddenly the madman had Novigrad in under a month since the last time Geralt would probably be there, then why didn't the absolute madman take over Novigrad much sooner? Had to wait for the mages/nonhumans to put up a fight?

The game gave us some bullshit about that a forceful takeover of Novigrad would hurt its trade and neither Nilfgaard nor Redania wanted that to happen. They were interested in the gold and ships of Novigrad. Another factor was that a siege would take months and open up the sieging army to be possibly outflanked. You do see Radovid conspiring with various groups in Novigrad to get the city to come to his side. Meanwhile Nilfgaarding diplomacy in Novigrad seems to have shit the bed.

I was somehow so sure that the entire situation would end up with Radovid at the walls, and Nilfgaard on the piers,both laying siege, and novigrad is barricaded and there's a civil war inside between redenia supporters and Nilfgaard supporters

I mean that was logical right?

>Geralt will never pick you up and kiss you beneath the fireworks

Two armies sieging a city is a very bad idea. One army would most likely all the defendes while the other would try to crush them both.

Even if the nilfgaardians failed in their diplomacy, Whoreson Junior and Menge also failed in making the other three of the big four shit the bed as well, his takeover of the city does not make any sense unless the mages or the nonhumans really fought back hard and the city asked help from the redanian army because it was the closest to the city, smells of cut content tbqh.

There was a battle of Novigrad planned, the Wild Hunt would attack the city while the nilfgaardian fleet and the redanian army and some skellige longships would also participate in the battle, but it implies that Radovid also has the city in that version of the game anyway.

Nilfgaard supporters are not that many in the city though it seems, because Rad the mad endorsed the Eternal Fire teachings.

>There was a battle of Novigrad planned, the Wild Hunt would attack the city while the nilfgaardian fleet and the redanian army and some skellige longships would also participate in the battle, but it implies that Radovid also has the city in that version of the game anyway.


Now this is a finale worthy of ending the series

>There was a battle of Novigrad planned, the Wild Hunt would attack the city while the nilfgaardian fleet and the redanian army and some skellige longships would also participate in the battle, but it implies that Radovid also has the city in that version of the game anyway.

Yeah, but maybe instead of the criminal underworld would be for Nilfgaard in return for noble titles, power, I don't know. I feel that they did nothing in the game, except Djikstra

Another good idea is to have conflicts within the church, like some character like Sigfried who doesn't appreciate how far they've gone and how corrupt they've become so he tries to take over as Hierarch

>There was a battle of Novigrad planned, the Wild Hunt would attack the city while the nilfgaardian fleet and the redanian army and some skellige longships would also participate in the battle, but it implies that Radovid also has the city in that version of the game anyway.
This is what will happen with Cyberpunk. Too much planned and then for release lots of shit is cut out/changed.

then they will go three years in crucnh mode trying to fix the mess they've made lmao

One of the good design aspects from CDPR in Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 is that the content is spread out through multiple locations. Cyberpunk is supposed to be one huge city with multiplayer? I can't imagine it being anything other than a shitfest where after 2 weeks the only ones playing it are there for the furry waifus.



I love how nervous she was telling Geralt about Kovir, Trissfu is so adorable at times.

Ever since I read her role in the Rats, I despised this stupid cunt.

>page trissfu


I'd like to see how you'd have coped with being repeatedly raped by a lesbian.

it wasn't rape

Well Ciri didn't exactly enjoy it...

she was in love with mistle

Triss' face when you leave for Kovir without her

Picking all the mean options with Triss is fun, thank you CDPR for being an amazing studio and giving me the option to do so.

And how! :3



please stop the yuri shit


Yeah, Reasons of State quest was supposedly going to be decided during the chaos, Scoia'tael siding with Djikstra vs Roche and gang.

Open world was a fucking mistake ...

Yeah, we only saw the zealous side of the church, the only decent witch hunter was the daughter of the Bloody Baron's commander, having Siegfried could have made the Novigrad plotline a bit more interesting instead of just sacrificing the Flaming Rose knights.

Like I said, Open world was a mistake, they could have worked 5 years on the game, they will still not make everything perfect because the world would demand some attention as well.

please kys


See and

I much prefer open world witcher 3 to the locked story progression of witcher 2