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so the orange 360 on wave 62 indicated where Jad will spawn right?
does that mean you technically could re-log to reset the wave if it spawns in a bad spot?

I think so, care to try it out?

eh not really desu, I'm a shitter and scared of Jad

Just pray flick senpai, it's easy


Not positive, but I'm pretty sure spawns are fixed so relogging won't matter. I think you can tell where jad will spawn starting from wave 1 but I don't know


Do I turn on auto retaliate for Jad lads?
And what kind of stats should I have before I can just straight up kill Jad without pulling healers?
I'm using memepipe btw.

Reddit is ruining this game REEEEEEEEEEEE

ye don't turn on auto retaliate, that would be bad. You pretty much need 99 range or close to it using dragon darts in memepipe in void or on task to do it without pulling healers.

Why is armadyl going up?

Why would you ever use armadyl over elite void?

Because the majority of the people who play this game a genuine idiots.

anywhere that needs defense

void is overrated garbage moron. 90% of pvm cases are not safe spottable so defense is necessary. Go be a void shitter and safe spot blue drags fuckin noob. void is retarded cancer

Yes. You'll need max ranged offense or max str ags+veng to kill without pulling healers

>doing jad before maxing ur account

>99 def
>AHK for perfect pray-switching
lmao why are you even taking damage, shitter???

ok am I shitter or are the lizard shaman mechanics fucking retarded? I'm wearing full shayzien and praying melee and still getting fucking shit on by their ranged. On top of that I get piled by at least 2 since you constantly have to be running to avoid the purple spawns. I got 3 kills before eating all my shark.

Demonic gorillas are a fucking cakewalk compared to that cluster fuck. Is there a way to make this less retarded?

>juna the snake now has a "story" right click option so reddit can skip 2 seconds of dialogue
fucking stop this shit jagex


Can someone explain how this deadmanmeme mode works? or point me to a video that can explain it.


World-wide pvp except in safe zones (like banks), 5x xp, lose half of all your levels (except 3 protected levels) if you die and you lose your entire bank but a maximum of 10 items

It's garbage desu

is this really come?

HOLY shit, this scared the shit out of me
That examine text tho

that's pretty pathetic. I enjoy a lot of the dialogue in osrs. quests actually made me laugh. I have a friend who just skips quest dialogue.

It depends on the quest for me, I couldn't really care less about dialogue in Mourning's Ends for example.
But the dialogue in Cold War and Merlin's Crystal were 10/10

If I ever get a dwh on my ironman is it worth using over crystal halberd at bandos/zammy?

isnt that after you completed the quest?

How do I RWT 100m without getting banned?

>RWT it
>Don't get banned cause its only 100m


Wow! What a fantastic clue scroll!! I'm really glad you could share this with the group! :D


>PLEASE do not use the runescape general for posting runescape relevant images
Kys retard

Fuck off


Does anyone know if you can have multiple clue bottles in inventory/bank?

>runescape relevant
okay so if I just spam usselses images you can't complain as long as they're runescape related?
fuck off namefags


>The general is better if nobody posts fucking anything ever
fall of a bridge anything

Yes but only one of each tier once you have 1 of each you will no longer get clue bottles while fishing until you complete/drop them.

who are you quoting?

Anytime, even

nobody cares about your shitty worthless clues fuckstain retard STOP POSTING

Retards who hate on people keeping this thread (somewhat) alive




Shit, first master..

glad you still post armaa, after all this time

you're my favorite champ

nobody cares about your shitty insults fuckstain retard STOP POSTING




How much does getting to 75 - 78 herb cost? Im at 63, i need to make a range mix..

Just do it, you'll probably break even with the reward of your master, at worst



how do stop pissing autists off at lizard shamans? I climb down and run to the southwest corner and start killing shamans. half the time some fucker comes running down after a couple kills and drags all 3 shamans to me and says "thanks for fucking up my safespot"

I cant even fucking see these faggots sitting in the northeast corner anyway. im just meleeing one lizard and for some reason im managing to piss off these autistic fucks. pussy ass faggot safe spotting fucks

Yeah, but how much does it cost? I will do it just with my first elite, grind all the stuff i need fuck that elite i gotten seriously, no pussying out, i promised it.. And what should i make anyway? Super restores?


If there's anything decent that's a minimal loss while being good xp, make that
Otherwise just make the highest pot that you can

Suddenly got motivated to play again after selling my 300m bank.



Post doings & listenings


So i guess super str to 69 then antifires till whenever
Rip my bank

You'll get a good reward, don't worry!

400k javelin shafts?

Or i could do super def
Meh, ill autismo for min loss tomorrow or whenever i buy the membership again, today was last day heh

Ehh, we'll see!



dumb tranny

Just hit 55 slayer.

I assume no one cares about the tournament?

might be cool

800 kills dry on zenyte.

fucking F I N A L L Y
cost me so much time and money

the only difference with last runs is that this time he hit a 68 instead of a 80+

gz homeboy

sucks. I think im at about 800 and gotten 3 shards. Have black demon slayer task but got burnt out on gorillas so putting that on hold. Been trying lizard shamans for that dwarhammer. shamans are way more annoying than gorillas though


how does people in large clan vs clan fights know if they're attacking a friend or a foe?

Do you Guys have alot of offences?

anyone have a rough estimate of number of red chins to go from 84 to 90 range?


about two thousand

rot wins again

ty for 10k

reddit sure is mad woox didn't win

anyone able to spot me a bond? really wanna play deadman but dont have cash :(

>tick eating won first tournament
>somehow get's disqualified for doing it now

>hey, you know you did it and we'll give it to you, but we'll not allow it for further shit
>wow wtf I can't abuse bugs again? thanks jagex fucking rigged

huge respect to jagex for just saying nah fuck off to woox

He didn't tick eat

>bug abuse
>just used an NPC whose purpose is to unnote noted items for coins and ate the unnoted food.

Would of been much more entertaining if it pushed them to the chaos elemental.

Woox shouldve won fucking bullcrap I am actuslly pissed off jamflex

i feel like thats bullshit but i dont know

I'm not much of a player so can you guys explain to me if I'm right on this.

Woox's private chat mentions stalling the dialogue.

Stalling stuff to prevent damage isn't allowed so he is not the winner and the fact that he is or is not tick eating is completely irrelevant right?

the final hour is only in f2p areas

Who cares about the chat he just ate. What the private chat proll meant was eat x amount after that unnote and repeat

he wasn't stalling damage or tick eating, someone was just telling him about it

woox was simply combo-eating to outheal the fog damage
