Hats edition
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reminder you seriously need to have sex
Aint that the truth
>want less potato shit
>DE keeps pushing potatoes
but i just raped your mom
what did we tell you about being a 12 year old edgelord, user
how when youre too fat to even leave your house?
i made a booty call
your mom is mad for the penis
no shes just mad she couldnt find your cock under all that belly fat please seek a gym membership asap
i did seek a gym membership, but then the entire gym raped your mom with my micropenis
boy she really mad for the penis
now seek employment, a shower, a clue and a healthy diet and maybe just maybe you might be a pathetic dweeb for the rest of your life
What are you cooking tonight, /wfg/ ?
So close, but still cute.
i went to the shower but then i accidentally raped your mom with a healthy diet
then a pathetic dweeb came in and your mom started sucking his micropenis
damn son, your mom's got ass, she got ass nigga
she mad for the penis
anyone knows if the tennogen creators make serious money? Was looking at the workshop and there's some pretty fucking cringe worthy things being submitted.
Hitsu/faven/rekkou seems to be the only ones who makes decent stuff.
Can you gain mastery from a weapon you've already maxed? I don't mean after forma, I mean say, the magnus, I just noticed as I went to make the akmagnus that one is max rank and the other is unranked, can I go stick the other one on in secondary and get even more mastery for it?
too bad your inverted tiny cock cant penetrate any of the layers of your fat. im beggin ya to please participate in sexual intercourse its really sad at this point youre the living 40 year old virgin
but i just raped your mom
but your microcock is inverted youre literally raping yourself fatboy youre raping a man fag lol
but i just raped your mom
Is there anyone worse than the fat poster?
besides animeposters
1-4 sleep
5-9 play other vidya
0 write lewdfic
A shitposter
Should I reinstall?
I couldn't play anything else.I can't have fun playing anymore.
but youre too fat to be my mom I told you youre raping yourself fatso is there too much fat between your brain cells?
but i just had sexual intercourse with your mom without consent
>12 (TWELVE) build hours to let your hold two guns at the same time
what the fuck DE
Kiliken (Venus)
Eternal Crusade is out, anyone considering elevating their grind?
but your cock is inside of you doughboy can it even get hard surrounded by all that fat do you even know what it looks like hoagie boy
I believe that's incorrect, that is a 0 not an 8
Veeky Forums and its errors amiright?
What game are you going to play?
you're mom was raped by me man
but if your cock is inside of you isnt it basically a pussy hole youre basically a bitch lol man titties and all
how to tactical alert mission 4?
sure why not TWW drops in a month or so
and umbra its probably christmas bundle
Stop being shit.
but i just raped your mom with your tits
but unlike you im in shape I dont have mantits lol I bet you wear shirts when you swim lardass
be ash
dont deny it
i loved it when your mom put her micropenis in your fat ass
then i raped your mom
It's time.
Postan the FRAME GUIDE:
Reminder that if you have a question about a frame, look at the guide first before asking for spoonfeeding from /wfg/ (you'll probably get terrible advice from /wfg/ anyway).
No changes since last time.
Reminder if you disagree with anything in the guide or want to make a suggestion, state WHY, not just "herp derp I can't believe you gave X frame a bad grade."
with what ya cockless blob?
im p sure its tied to a good big and expanding buying community
WF dont have that so it must be more to the love of doing it
>jump into first tactical pug
>always filled with new players
>after the fourth attempt realize failure is a guarantee
>decide to cheese it with Banshee
>the new group of newbies are flying through the air like some circus act
>eventually they all converge on me, staring
>drop out of the mission one by one
They said nothing but I heard them all the same. "Muh fun."
Well my definition of fun is not spending all night on what should be a ten minute mission so I can do other things with my life. Fuck I hate these people.
I have a suggestion. Kill yourself based on the fact that you're a faggot.
nevermind spawns were bugged and they were coming in slow
Oberon, F... wow he really does not know. And really Atlas, oh i am laffin
You'd first have to define what A-F means.
Using the Academic grading system just sucks m8
that graxx fag is. i think its 30% profit for every item purchase times the amount of shit he has in the game. You can already conclude every warframe will get a grineer skin from him and he might even move on to corpus skins.
so only a few faggots is actually making bank from this.
>Oberon, F... wow he really does not know.
>wow he really does not know
kavat/kubrow solo runs with smite infusion?
with your mom
i just raped your mom with your mom
and then i raped your mom
with my fat
i raped her fat with her fat
and then i put the lotion in the basket
and then i made her suck the lotion from my fat
and then i shoved a hose up her ass, and then i took a piss in the hose
and then i poured lotion in her nose, while taking a piss in her ear
while whispering i just raped your mom
It's the grading system, not sure what I have to define
A - excellent frames
B - good frames
C+ is the most common grade
C and below means the frame is bad
Is this the worst thread on Veeky Forums?
but youre raping yourself with all that fat dont you feel worthless being a so called man but never being able to see your cock? do you know if you even have one fatty?
Is this made by one poster or /wfg/ as a whole?
Long hiatus. Have these relic things pretty much replaced vault runs? They seem to be A LOT less effort than doing vault runs was.
yeah, i used it to rape your mom
now prepare to shut down your brain for ducat farming
Percentages, nigga
Percentages compared to what
how do you pull it out from under all that fat ya smelly dweeb do you use a vacuum and try to suck it out from all that fat surrounding it
using your mom
and then i raped your mom
she mad for the fat penis
percentages? what? There's no numeric system like 80% or 90%
it's written by one person who carefully considers all the feedback by the entirety of /wfg/
but youre fat not your penis ya dumb fatty hit the gym shed a few pounds
No the previous one was.
i hit the gym with your mom
and then the gym raped your mom
and then i raped your mom
right now im raping your mom, say hi to her jimmy
stop being retarded
are you trying to compesate your buyer's remorse for getting his skin?
shitty thread for a shitty game you shitters should know better
>There's no numeric system like 80% or 90%
Exactly. So why A-F?
You need percentages nigga
I bet her jimmy is better than yours fatso did you let her tit fuck your man boobs ya jelly belly blubber butt
>he's using a frame that's 2% worse than this other frame
at least it's not katawa shoujo general
hell yeah her jimmy is better
thats why i rape her
one faggot with autisticly one sided views.
his post are pretty much a living joke. tier shitposting dipped with dangerous amounts of asperges. he will reply to anything regarding his posts on this general and he will always try to be the last to respond. last respond= being correct apparently.
if he was serious he would use a trip but he is worried he might slip when he samefags this own post.
what do you mean by percentages? How does that even work? Loki is 80% CC? 20% invis? Frost is 90% utility? Trinity is 100% EV? That makes no sense
But there's no numeric system like 80% or 90%
better than saying C- CC
you sure or did she rape you cause you couldnt find your shrimp dick of course hers was better anything is better than your micropenis but at least you got bigger tits fatty
Reminder only shitters disagree with the information presented in the guide. Any experienced player will give you the exact same frame and build advice
I don't think there's any value in switching to percentages
says a lot about your slut mom
why dont you take after her
you're a shit slut anyway, that's why i rape your mom
btw, i came in her mouth right now. be sure not to kiss her
>he kisses his mom on the mouth
EW!!!! LOL
>not kissing your mother after cumming in her mouth
>reminder only shitters disagree with information presented in the guide
and yet, you don't? Flawed logic.
>be sure not to kiss her
how did you cum in her mouth with an inverted penis you came in yourself fatlet pls gain height
Reminder if you see someone shittalking the guide, ask them specifically for examples of what's wrong with it. The backtracking and ad hominem that follows should tell you all you need to know about shitposters.
>"friend" newbie that I met during a Cyro farm wants help for the alert
>starts bitching about cheesing it with Banshee on 2nd mission
>solo 3rd and 4th
>,mfw when he pms "hey could you help me out with the final mission it's a little hard"
put your trip on lucy
>I don't think there's any value in switching to percentages
That's because you haven't set up comparisons nigga
Like why is Ash a C?A C compared to who? Where's your baseline comparison,where's your builds nigga
because i raped your mom and she loved it
she likes to lick the fat area
says it reminds her of your fat ass
>cheesing with Banshee
i still don't understand how this is supposed to work
What's wrong with you guys today?
lose weight
fuck a milf
and have a nice day
it's made by one idiot that doesn't even play the game
If you Abort a mission does that mean you can never get the rewards from it?
I'm trying to do Locki on my new account. Last time he fucked me up and I'm just wondering how this works.