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So what are the dps wiz builds that are not meme'd?

1st fpr going to topez fortress at level 170

When's the linker nerf


I can fap to this

Can you fap to this?


Post yfw you will never get a decent GvG game again since literally no one wants to play against autistic tryhards and people have started making one-man alt guilds to throw at you. I fucking called it

>autistic tryhards
But that's every PVPer


People don't know what they miss out from low level WB loot

send help


Need people for lvl 90 dungeon for Fedimian. DD and support are waiting.


Same time Sadhu gets a buff, Pyromancer get a no-kicking fireball attribute, Hellbreath removes Rain, Wizard 3 is not required to every DPS wizard build, Necro and Sorc afk farming gets removed, Frost Cloud isn't the undisputed king of aoe and Chaplain isn't a waste of a rank.

The only DPS are pyrolinker, elememe, and wall/ball shards.

pls halp, pls. anything will do, 2 more ppl.

Where are my cute mikos?

1 more.

So, do you just need to enter the other missions to get the adventure entry for them, or do you need to complete them?

>falling for secret classes

Whats the most efficient solo dungeon clear build with the least levels and investment required?

Scout3 is the fastest.

Rate my build.

>2 stars so easy and cheap to upgrade
>2 property attack
That rod is arguably in proportion better than most drops from higher level WBs.
Is that from Deathweaver right?That weapon can easy carry to 170 any wizard build

Why do you care so much about that rod?

IMO not worth wasting money on this crap. from lv 15 to 120 you just cafrisun autoatk with pardoner buffs with a few spells in between, lv 120 any 20k rod will do with a squire buff if you really want a extra damage and maybe a cheap +3, 170 servant rod and 220 scr

also, there's one rod with +13 ice damage, low level too, which is stronger on memesun sacrament autos

This. It's an okay rod but 5 INT and 2x 18 damage lines are nothing. That rod is, like most items in the game right now, pretty much worthless. A new player will outlevel that Rod's usefulness in minutes. There are better white recipes a few hours of questing away that do more damage than that boss drop.

Itemization is the biggest miss of this game. Everything is useless and worthless because they all just give flat stats and you never stay within the level ranges long enough to make it worthwhile to make and use those items. Nothing has any interesting effect in the game either, outside for a few exceptions(Cafrisun, Animus, Rhevisan, etc).


Please enlighten me how to spend attributes on necro, and why shoggoth and corps tower has different enhance it doesnt have %

Right after cleric's 4th secret class.

>because they all just give flat stats
Should they be giving +% boosts to stats or something?

IMC has a chance to make random items good with awakening, but most stuff it adds is so minor. More weapons need boosts to certain skills on them and the ones with % chances to do something need it to be higher than 1-3% chances.

This game really just lacks any sort of enchant or proper crafting system though. You can't make weapons with higher than normal stats unless you want to waste potential briquetting them, the gems aren't great, and awakening's problems was already mentioned. They need some way to put better useful effects onto items without just ruining them.

Max flesh cannon.
Shoggoth, tower, AND skeletons used to all just have +100 damage, until people begged imc enough to change it for skeletons. Why? Because IMC.

>Should they be giving +% boosts to stats or something?
>Lv120 neck giving 200-400% to some Pyro skills
IMC is turning this into Diablo3 slowly.

>R9 will have class sets and items that give 12000% dmg to 1 or 2 skills. and ur forced to use that

Getting a 2 star weapon to +15 is like 100k silver and the stats are good.
It's a really good weapon for alts if you aren't that cheap/poor

>Lv120 neck giving 200-400% to some Pyro skills

>Getting a 2 star weapon to +15 is like 100k silver
And a shitton of luck, or crashed channels

As it should be. Clerics are more better


>more better
Fucking subumans healsluts.
Only good for focusing their braincells on sucking cocks.

Cant you take a joke archer shitbag?

Too busy getting killed again because your 20% chance to not dodge happened twice in a row?

>Only good for focusing their braincells on sucking cocks.
Looks like you're the one who can't take a joke

Not really, the less the stars the higher the success rate.
You need to be very unlucky for not getting a weapon like that to +15

>Not really, the less the stars the higher the success rate.
Complete bullshit.

Never heard of such a thing before that post/the one before. Link to item?

I like this new meme.

Try getting to +15 a Superior Corona and a Panto Rod or a Grand Cross.
Chance are the Panto Rod will fail 1-2 times before +15, GC might fail 2 moretimes

new in KTOS this week

they also added a "Test Ice" and "Test Lightning" neck, but they are not ingame and have no stats for now

Stars have nothing to with upgrade chances, the formula has been knows since forever.

>me needing recipe ingredient
>drops at 7k DPK

This is just insane. Specially on low-spawning monsters. You can't even check the DPK of each monster on each channel.

Did they give any explanation for this system? Anything at all?

It's just desire sensor, dude. I got some shit item to +19 once with barely any fails without caring at all about it, and could barely get a second one above +6 when I wanted to do it again.

>Did they give any explanation for...

>falling for dpk meme

Well I can assure you I have seen it in the work. This game isn't RNG based at all.

No wonder there are recipes no one completes or they just sell it for cheap.

The explanation is it's bullshit by people who think some gambling device will pay out after a specific number of fails.

Nha, i got weapons like that rod over +10 just because and almost no fail,its easier than higher level weapons

>People told me to skip 115 dungeon for 130 one
>No one on queue either

This game is dead

Nigger you're retarded, you just got lucky.

oh weird?
i did 6 130s at like Tuesday.
Burgers are all out partying at weekend?

You shouldn't have skipped 115 either.

>drops at 7k DPK
What recipe? Many of dpk values on tosbase are wrong or outdated.

Shade Runner's Medakia Metal Decor.
Been there for two hours and nothing dropped.

Just wait for a bot to sell them and buy them.
They are usually at 500k.

I fucking hate bots but if this is the only way to get them then fuck it.

>join 200 rush because why not
>game crashes as I was attacking Manticen
>try to enter instance again
I'll just solo it from now on

You could just give up on the recipe, those boots aren't that good.

What are the decent leather equips for LV 129 then?

Equipment doesnt mean jack shit unti 170

Just get some plain Skirmisher Boots, they are probably very cheap.

Until your second character is flying through the game on god mode with +10 items

No seriously, you can get by with just quest equipment. Hell i was using Cafrisun till 180

Are you one of the people who complained about spions killing them?

Seriously, giving a new character a bunch of upgraded good items is crazy. Fuck cafrisun.

>quest equipment
But those break easy, kinda disturbs my tempo when playing.

>just solo it from now on
>endless loading screen when entering
>have to restart game
>new instance
>-1 entry
that is why i even bother doing it in party

Okay anons, just got to rank6 I took Falconer, what skills should I take? Also where to find companion equipment?

I want to nut.

ikr buddy
damn 12yo's

Is krivis3>miko>taoist viable

>tfw final reward of the event will not be a head accessory doll of your favorite goddess to perch atop your head

I wonder what the final reward will be? It took everyone 20 days I expect it to be decent.


Most likely the best build you can get for miko.

depends if you intend on going ful fwee or not

I'm not. I'll go Musketeer.

You'll only really wat circling desu, everything else is just a small bonus. Call >roost pheasant max Hovering max circling rest hanging is what I had on mine

20 TP [Event] x1
Dungeon Reset (14 Days) x2
Token: 7 Days [Event] x1
Superior Gem Abrasive (misc_gemExpStone_randomQuest4) x1
Mint Chocolate Cupcake Hat x1

Rate this on a scale of shit to cancer

>Mint Chocolate Cupcake Hat x1
>giving us a hat that used to be a free mission hat

That's terrible mate.
>2 safety
>0 fade
>fucking 15 daino
>playing miko lol
>kabbalist gimmick as if people will even take you into 5v5
>even Taoist skillset is fucked up

If you want a fucking miko costume so bad, at least take a normal full support or dievdirbys build and throw miko as c6 instead of fucking oracle c1 or druid c1.

All the hat rewards from party quests and dungeons have been gutted and been reduced to shitty """"event"""" rewards

His build is bad, but calm down user

I like this game but I get kinda lonely playing it.

whisper Merigold

gacha box soontm

Thanks user. About the hawk should be a falcon should I level its stats too/.

>AoE Defense Ratio 4

I shall continue stacking more of this memestat until it somehow starts showing an effect.

whisper beethoven.

B-but my Lithuanian-Japanese character!
Please help, I don't really want to give up on krivis or miko