League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Shes a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!

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rule34-data-006.paheal.net/_images/c3f24cc867b391cff135657eb139e361/1373978 - League_of_Legends Shyvana jarvan_IV.jpg

First for Rumble

xth for breast waifu

>get secondary four times in a row
>lose 2
>get primary
>net dies
>get back in to another lobby

endless missouri

what should i do as a vel'koz/any immobile mage against a hyper-mobile assassin, because everytime i seem to get pic-related by them

Xth for leagues biggest and best bust!

xth for best girl

How do I win with Vladimir?

He doesn't actually do anything

> Lulu nerfed so she is only viable as support.

Fuck you Riot, solo lane Lulu was fun as fuck.

>playing any burst character that is not a long range mid is suicide due to supports just pressing le epic exhaust button on you every fight

Can't wait for assassin rework to crash and burn because the fancy new assassins are just going to get shit on like the few we still have right now.

>see lee
>another dash
>kicks you
>dashes around
>outplayed XD

You don't, nerfs got him pretty hard and he's ez 2.0 right now.

Wrong image, but Vel vs anything with mobility shits the bed. You'd rely on your team to Cc or gank for you.

Why is she so perfect?

Playing as Twitch vs Jinx and Nami wish me luck

God wont help you now.

No, she wasn't.


>playing vi
>lee lands q on me
>presses q to follow me
>press q back at him before he lands
>kill him

out played

Am I the only one who thinks the void allows malzahars powers to stay due to his sexual purity like r9k wizardry?
and that if he was to get fucked by someone he would lose his powers
tfw ahri could be the greatest hero valoran has ever seen
Could your waifu seduce or overpower the profit into spilling his seed?

cyka blyat

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

what the fuck am I looking at desu

daily reminder

never you snaggletoothed retard EU blows dick

>Stopped playing ranked
>Stopped caring about winning
>Spend games playing new champs in normals all the time
>Having a shit load of fun again

Almost feels like the first time I played pre-nerf Teemo

Xth for Katarina
best girl

So, he's ultra powerful because his dick hasn't been in a Stacey's vagina.

that description is wrong

it clearly isn't cropped porn

What is the definitive Garen build?

sunfires, win

Wait, so now Syndra is the new 0 counterplay broken ass piece of shit champion?

ya got beat
No its the void wants him to stay pure and if he becomes unpure the void leaves his body
He'd make a pretty good sex slave

Jesus Christ, those 3 missed almost every fucking attack

A diaper

These Lulu webMs are usually fucking awful but this one was pretty nice actually

Holy shit is this game awful.

You think a measley post from some eurocuck posting a drawn picture of a diaper baby wishing he had my girl is going to "beat" me?
eu cant even beat wildcards
get real

It's canon that they are toghether

she always was. riot just made her more noob friendly now.

>Because everyone from pros to noobs flashes out of a Syndra ult to die anyways.
Why is that?
Its the same shit with Vi's ult too
Like it'll follow you through a god dam thresh lantern, what makes you think flash is going to save you
>mfw some enemy flashes behind one of thier low health teammates after ive targeted them with my ult as vi so it kills thier team mate.

garen isnt real kiddo

Wheres the fourth?

But neither is kata?
and you posting the same stuff every thread every day is disturbing

No she wasn't. She is good now only because more than half of the midlane roster got gutted. But apparently with Worlds the ranting posts had to multiply. I've seen more "Syndra is broken" posts in these two days than in the past two weeks.

>what the heck four cutes
more like
What the heck four shits


don't bully ImThem he's autistic

you wouldn't pick on an autistic kid in real life would you?

I like to think Jinx can always out smart Vi/Cait but Jayce can out smart Jinx. Ekko could outsmart Jayce but breaks even with Jinx and Vi due to them knowing each other to a degree. Essentially all of this is just a massive rock paper scissors relationship.

that explains it

syndra is a fun, interactive champion and I'm glad she's meta :^)

ekko is a nigger so he is the dumbest by default

The average shaco main for you!

once u learn how to tango user you never forget
dont you think its disturbing to seek out and reply to me every single time as well? O______O
to respond, not yet shes not ^_

>that image
Oh you motherfucker. Have a free (You) and give the me source.

>first blood is past 18 minutes

umm lolbabs?

which udyr build to solo carry?

When does NA shit the bed, they can't be better than Europeans, they just can't...

none cause he is fucking shit

one of the bloodrazor ones obviously

Remember 0-10 second week.

In actual games below D2, first blood is usually below 8 minutes user.


>Lee sin
unnecessary ward hop, huge delay between Q>R, missing the guaranteed follow up

Missing shark, doesnt Q to minions to reach you, retarded E

throws a hook (And lantern for whatever reason) that might have even missed if you didnt flash, flash E's you away

a cute legend who lives another day

hey im looking for someone that could boost me to plat v
already on promos

I'll give you skin or w/e

>litreally built a time machine

He stole it.

That lee Q looked so glitchy

imthem please leave
you don't even know how to play kat

What are you listening to while playing?


pls respond

its like u dont get it user
to save you're waifu you dont become her
u r supposed 2 be 2 separate beings my man

>16 year old kid from the ghetto who built his own time machine
>manages to outsmart cops and police to avoid getting caught
>not smart

If anything he's probably the smartest person in Zaun and Piltover combined, or at least high up there. Definitely smarter than Jayce or Viktor.

So how ded is league

Everyone here is Silver/gold, try elsewhere.

yush lee is BS the game takes forever to register him as on you so you have to stand around for like a second longer than you should before you can flash without having him follow

I hate reddit for getting riot to not gut lee fug


The first panel of the comic is porn senpai
rule34-data-006.paheal.net/_images/c3f24cc867b391cff135657eb139e361/1373978 - League_of_Legends Shyvana jarvan_IV.jpg



Or any of Tycho's albums, those are what i've been listening to recently for tryhard ranked. I don't like fast paced/high bpm or songs with vocals, slower stuff helps keep me calm i guess. if I'm in the mood for it though, i'll listen to death grips when i play


I want to go swimming in Lulu.



And a few other of his albums

Shaclone videos on yotube was on of my first lol stuff even watched on yotube (my first main was shaco, it was like in middle of s4)
He was better person old days

>It's a 'enemy top laner and jungler and duo and enemy jungler is going to literally camp only you while your jungler does nothing and your other lanes naturally lose on their own' game
Man I hate these games. Also Lee Sin has to be one of the most overrated champs in this game. Every Lee I meet is completely useless in a fight.

Is this some high/ping or regional server issues causing this? I've never noticed anything like this before.

And lmao, I love winning trades like you did with lux by just right clicking them and chilling

Don't you mean with?

>Victorious Maokai

I always liked Ekko for his character, hood as fuck while also being a teenage prodigy. He's right next to Jhin for me when it comes to wonderful character theme/thematics. He also has good lines
"Let's make them notice."
"How many Pilties does it take to make a hammer? Two, if you count Jayce's reflection! Haha! Oh, Jayce."
"Let me be honest - I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Don't blink."


I want Vlad's nail rings to dig into my skin as he pounds me senseless for hours, uncaring if I'm too sore or too tight to enjoy him.

>5 games of shit teamates or people leaving
>followed immediatly by 5 games where team carries before I can even finish first item

I swear Riot does this shit on purpose. Matchmaking seems deliberately set up to make you win only 50% of your games.

ayy vladnigger, fresh off surr@20 for ya

Lee's do better when they're not trying to utilize mechanics they don't understand well enough to put to use, but that almost never happens. It's funny how so many people play lee sin for his flashy, top skiller plays, when they can just play a champ like skarner or some shit and just press R, and be more effective

thanks for watching

>"How many Pilties does it take to make a hammer? Two, if you count Jayce's reflection! Haha! Oh, Jayce."
That one is lame as fuck.

You ever had to play top against a Lulu that had a jungler keep giving her free blue buffs?

Shit's not fun.

That was cancer.



You know avatarfagging is against the rules right?

>Syndra used to have to work at least a little hard to get 7 spheres active
>CD buffs and W changes allow you to have an absolutely retarded amount of orbs out, but the ultimate still caps out at 7
>it's now crazy easy to hit the 7 sphere ult which was kinda mechanically involved before and it's just as strong as the old 7 sphere, instead of adjusting the ult to allow up to the new sphere maximum but scaling with less damage per sphere for roughly the same amount of damage the old one did