/civ4xg/ - Civilization, Stellaris, Endless Legend and 4X Games General

"I'm out of Civ Pictures" Edition

>Stellaris OP

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is Stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

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>/civ4xg/ OP:

>Some mods for Civilization V

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First for Peter.

HoAE 2 when?

Too late for that, faggot.

Why does AI Hiawatha always shove his red dick down the throat of his entire continent, and AI Isabella always get totally fucked?

AI China never seems to do very well either.


Did someone say Cossacks?

endless space? will sequel be better and more mod friendly?

>AI China never seems to do very well either.
Because while Wu is a meme nobody actually thinks she's top tier in China.

A few musketeers and you're dead.

How's the AI fare in sea?

Not 4X.

All they build are Yachts and Transport Ferries with the occasional Ship of the Line, so nothing special

That reminds me, I never reached XVIIIth century. I always finish the game before that.

Then again, my games usually last 30 minutes at best.

is it actually feasible to have a religious/culture victory in civ5?

What are your favorite units to spam?

>Camel Archers

Not against real people, but yes.

Dragoons. Not the mercs, the real ones.

Sorry, didn't notice you were talking about 5. There's no religious victory in 5, but culturally you can win through tourism, which is a pretty weird mechanic hidden behind a fucked up menu.

I prefer to play defensive and look how the AI is acting against my raids and such but normal AI doesnt seem very active without going peasant army unless its Ukraine or one of the 2 Islam factions

I dunno, it's really shit at defending, but once it get cannons, it can fuck you up.
>attaching priests to drummers and officers
I should've though of that instead of attaching them to my barracks.

Also, I still can't figure how the medical cure "upgrade" works. It seems to heal lesser units, but I tried spamming it while I had a dying hussar, it only give him half of his health and didn do nuffin.

my game keeps fuckin crashing on barbarian turns with no mods running. what gives


I'm looking for a game recommendation. I'm in the mood for something with a major focus on merchants and trading and such. What'll slake my thirst for ducats and deals?

is there a chance of failure with each or is it just time to return that differs?

>police chasing blacks
What game?

>merchants and trading and such

Play Resettear.

Yeah, next time steal something in a place with better infrastructure.

>Send spy to the Congo
>He has to escape on foot because there's no cars, ships or airplanes

>I dunno, it's really shit at defending, but once it get cannons, it can fuck you up.
Its always at the point when they get cannons when they stop lollygagging and start moving shit (for the most part)
As for the medical upgrades: I only get it so I can heal my units and then start attaching them to my formations

The Guild
Mount & Blade if you want to play that way
Rise of Venice
Patrician 3
Port Royale 3

>The Guild
There are several of them. Which one is the fun one?
And you should get Mount & Blade : Warband.

Also, never playing against you, mate.

>There are several of them. Which one is the fun one?
Get the second one
>Also, never playing against you, mate.
Why? Do my screenshots look like I´m that fucking good?
I´m a filthy pirate anyway so there would be 0 chance for us to fight against eachother + I prefer compstomps with a "friend" or two


>What'll slake my thirst for ducats and deals?
Anno 1602, on sale at GOG right now.

>ban luxuries
>all my cities nonetheless demand them
Banning a single luxury means never having We Love The King Day ever again. This rustles my jimmies.

>Get the second one
There are three "second one". There's The Guild 2, Renaissance, and the Pirates expansions.

Also, yeah. I usually win within the 30 first minutes by making 2 stacks of 72 pikemen, 72 muskeeters, 30 archers, and 20 dragoons.

dude weed lmao


>I leave the house just before Filthy starts playing spain

just fuck my shit up

>not using english language

All you missed was repeated crashing in the end game and disappointing nukes

Renaissance was always enjoyable for me

>30 first minutes by making 2 stacks of 72 pikemen, 72 muskeeters, 30 archers, and 20 dragoons
By that time I usually have a 196 formation of pikemen and 196 formation of muskets and thats all until I go 18th century

I really like how the Aztecs are more about luxuries than war. The Aztec people were huge on ceremonial gifts, and I like that being reflected in a game. Human Sacrifice was a big part of their culture but they weren't fucking orcs.

Are the buildings smaller in Cossacks 3? I remembered them being waaaay taller.
Also, look like the Russians are finally white.

Not the guy who asked, but I'll try Renaissance.

>you can have a ranged ship and ranged land unit in the same city
what the fuck

That's the second time I see someone recommending The Guild. First it was Joueur du Grenier, and now Veeky Forums.

How are nukes disappointing?

>The Guild
Ah, a diamond in the dirt. I just checked yesterday if there's any in-game footage from Guild 3 already. It was buggy as fuck even months after it's release, but that didn't make it less addictive. At least it was for me, despite it's every shortcoming.

Get Renaissance, it should be the latest addition with everything that has been released previously. Make sure to check if it's up-to-date after installing, as the devs dropped a new patch out of thin air last year or so. Yes, 4-5 years after the release.

Okay. Some information abut Russia has been leaked.
Everybody knows that Peter is leader.
Ability: Great Embassy. Gets additional science and culture from trade routes with civilization, who ahead Russia by 3 techs and civics
Unit: Cossack. I don't remember details, but for me it shit (smth like additional 5 damage on own territory)
District: Lavra (literally it's a monastery).

I usually get my old games through GoG, I think it'll be up to date.


And if that's true, I can't wait to not play Russia.

Pretty much knew they'd give Peter the ability to pilfer from more advanced civs.

Do we know what the non-leader UA is?

Hoping it's fake

No animation played for actual explosions even without quick combat on. they look decent tactically, especially if they destroy space districts

Video in russian. Dude just play as Greece. But first two minutes he talks a lot about Russia. Honestly, i'm not guarantee that information is true. It's better to wait for official announce

I'm pretty sure I saw a nuke animation yesterday.

Why the fuck is Firaxis so obsessed with Cossacks.

Didn't post industrialization Russia actively exterminate the Cossacks? Didn't Cossacks regularly raid russian towns?

Imagine if America's UU was the fucking Mohawk raider. Yeah, we enlisted Mohawk indians when fighting the british, but they sure as shit aren't representative of our history.

It doesn't help that there are much better units to represent Russia. The T-34 tank. The Penal Battalion, the IS-2.

Mother Russia. Founded city gets additional titles. Lterally shoshones, lol

>18th century deathshead hussars next to 17th century pikeman

I think because they're the slav equivalent of the mamluks, only shit.

>Mongolia settles a city on my own continent late game that was too worthless for me to even consider, mostly snow and two fish
>in less than 100 turns it has a higher pop than all but my capital
CBP AI bonuses are even worse than vanilla.

Niter better be a common fucking resource, because I am NOT going to abide one or two fucking civs having gunpowder units and everyone else having to fight with fucking spears.

wow it's shit.

Watching it now

>Civ UA
>Extra land when settling city, production and faith from tundra tiles
>Leader UA
>+1 science from a trade route to a civ for every 3 techs that they have which Russia doesn't, +1 culture for civics

Considering how much more important extra tiles are for the districts and how the game doesn't seem to punish going wide as much as V did that could be pretty fucking powerful if you blob (and as Russia you should).

It's because it's fucking amazing. It's the Sims mixed with Crusader Kings mixed with patrician.

Also, UB special ability is that your city gets extra tiles whenever you use a great person ability in it for even more blobbing.

>It's the Sims
>mixed with Crusader Kings
>mixed with patrician
Don't know that one.

>tfw Civ 6 has no qt bois like Alexander

There something wrong with this?

And for me it's really disappointing. Historiaclly lavra and monasteries in Russia played a role of fortress. So they could provide city additional defence bonus. As an example: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Troitse-Sergiyeva_Lavra

It doesn't reach the heights of any of those, but is still worth a try.

So how does city defense work now?

From what I can tell, you can no longer launch ranged attacks from cities without walls. That's cool. I dig that.

But how do garrison mechanics work? If a city has no garrison will it just instantly die?

I hope so, because the Sims and Crusader Kings aren't exactly fun.

That would be worse than what it is right now, and it already seems pretty bad

>not fun

Well, it's not bad for me, if to combine current bonuses, and defence bonuces. It would be really nice unique district.

Cities still have hp, even without walls.

Patrician is basically a trading game, it's where a lot of the economy management and setting is similar to.

>Create a character in London in the Europe scenario.
>He owns a shitty pub in the centre of the city.
>Slowly rise up, gaining public offices.
>Rather than investing back into the pub, put the money into my own dynasty.
>Recruiting thugs, bribing opponents.
>Grow to become one of the most powerful men in London, all from the comfort of my humble tavern.
>Eventually die by an assassination in the street after abusing my power to have enemies killed and arrested in public.
>The vultures swarm, eventually back to just the pub, in a shittier state than before.
>I am now my heir, a catholic who took no part in my rise to power.
>Sell the pub, decide to move to Norway.
>Build a small chapel across from the protestant one.
>My congregation is tiny, but it is a comfortable life.
>None of them know the sins my father accomplished to gain power.
>Now I am just a priest.

It's a shame I lost all the screenshots on a HDD wipe. That was an amazing run.


I think this is the lets play series I watched that originally got me into the game.

Alexander was never cute.

Is there a no restrictions sex dungeon mod? Cause THAT would be fun.

Said like that, it does sound interesting.




So, who's going to be the designated asshole civ this time around? Barbarossa is looking like a strong contender, what with his agenda making him get pissy if you do anything with city states.

I think he's pretty qt, he's the best looking Civ dude at least

Right now Rome's agenda really puts him in dick territory. He wants as much land as possible, and dislikes small empires. So expect him to forward settle you then get pissy when you don't have as much land as him.

wait no that lets play is awful, that couldn't have been it.

Granted, that is from 6 years ago.

>not Pacal or Pachacutie

Not him but I put cossacks and other games I'm familiar with the text in french or chinese (when possible) as I'm learning them and it helps a lot

>AI denounces me then tries to trade for my luxury resource

Of course, the odds is that it will be up-to-date. I just warned you because patches are incredibly important in this game. Though from what I can remember, It was totally playable by the time Renaissance dropped. Either way, be cautious and do hard saves often.

It's the closest thing you get to a [local] political simulator. It's incredible satisfying to live through the same rags to riches story you've seen a billion times in movies. The difference is that you'll appreciate the journey due to the hardships that you've encountered.

Who's the new kill on sight leader? Last time it was Washington, sometimes Enrico.


>Using the Darksiders engine.

>not covered in bitches

not believable at all

>World's Fair
>1st turn I turn every single one of my cities to contributing to it
>next turn it's completed
>I contributed 0
>Maria Theresa contributed 744
>Theodora contributed 1,835
>Genghis Khan contributed 11,728
Aren't I supposed to go first?! WTF!

sorry, not into big hats or long hair

I firebombed hospitals man. Things were dark.

Leave him alone, he's tired. He needs a nap.

I had no idea there was a third one coming, I thought the first two weren't well received.

That's what I thought, but apparently they thought it'd be worth the risk.

They're selling it as a full priced game with a collectors edition available, so they must have some confidence there.

Montezuma's agenda makes it so that he's going to be pissy at you 24/7 unless you both somehow ended up getting the same luxuries

>Buying orphans from the church
Bet they'll come well trained.