
Why is this Millennials and Nu-males shit acceptable?

>can't spell

My camber is so low it knocked the vape out of my hand when I hit a pot hole
>hellaflush cocknation

Who are you quoting?

Did anybody else read it as cuckposures first?

Who gives a shit


The fuck is a Nu-males?

I think you may have misquote then because I didn't say that.

A meme /pol/ is trying to force

Whats wrong with you?

Don't think there's anything wrong with me.

Spotted the nu-male liberal cuck

it's not a meme anymore, it's reality.

One of my neighbors has a stanced 350Z with obnoxious fart - pipe exhaust. Everybody in the neighborhood hates him and he's constantly setting off car alarms with his terrible exhaust note.

Want to do something about it? Chop them along the highways, rape them at the lights, and go over speed bumps without difficulty at a reasonable pace in the supermarket car park.

To make an attention whore feel inadequate is to kill it. Just ignoring them no longer works, as they have formed self-sustaining circle-jerks.

So they're basically just ugly pussies?

The ultimate case of sour grapes. Scrawny? No, it must be that going to the gym is bad for you! See also; ugly fat women bellowing about "unrealistic beauty standards".

Spineless and submissive? I'm a "gentleman" and so very progressive, you bigoted dinosaur; get with the times it's the current year.

Or to keep it Veeky Forums related; you have a fast car? Compensating! Child-killer! Cars are just appliances, and it's a waste of fuel and money! You could have spent all of that on feeding starving kids in Africa, who we need to apologise to, too. Did I mention how much I care about the environment? Bigots! Also manual transmissions should be banned because it's archaic and dangerous. No, I can't shift. Why would I have to when the computer does it for me? Get with the times you racist.



It's Ben Stiller folks!


/jp/ plz

i actually think it looks kind of nice
obviously it's not a performance car but it looks neat i guess

I like itashas but this pisses me off.
Fuck off.


I wonder what its like to daily drive one, especially a lewd itasha. aw hell, maybe after finishing uni and getting a nice stem job to afford putting qt3.141235235 anime girls on a jap shitbox project car sounds like a fun goal.

I like the black roof

and none of any of that shit has to do with "stance"

so really the word is already completely meaningless, much faster than "cuck".


is this in quebec

>and none of any of that shit has to do with "stance"
Millennials of a different sort. Nu-males don't like cars (especially ones they can't afford).

Your average Bozushitter shittytan vippovape stancefag doesn't give a shit about SJW nonsense. They're too busy posturing in the garage or in a carpark to bother with that crap.

The only similarity between the two is that they're both colossal manginas. Maybe there is some overlap in the whole "it's a lifestyle/art, you wouldn't understand" mentality but that's a bit of a stretch and not exclusive to Millennials anyway.

Automatics are faster tho.
Why would you purposely drive a slower vehicle?

>still can't spell
it's "whom"

who -> he
whom -> him

so John Lennon was a numale

Fuck off you furry piece of shit.

I like the itasha part but not much else about the car.

Why is no one saying this is a dick of a track?

Personal preference. Bear in mind performance means nothing to a nu-male and the mere thought of fast cars makes him angry because "masculinity is toxic". GT-R, Corvette, all that money (that he doesn't have and never will have) could pay off his student loans and you're a monster for spending it on a sports car instead.

With that said the R35 should've come with a manual option. I'm iffy about DCT transmissions and what sort of punishment they can take compared to their traditional counterparts. With the Evo you've got to take the bulletproof 5spd manual over the quicker, but more fragile 6spd DCT.

There's more to being a nu-male than glasses, user.



The r35 would be dog shit with a stick shift
Dct is superior

Why tho?

The main similarity between the two is the fact that they can feel good without actually acomplishing anything. By lowering your car with some knockoff wheels and tires that don't fit properly you've already "proven" yourself to the STANCE HELLAFLUSH VAPE STICK community, even if you haven't driven the car.
In the same way, Nu-males like stroking each other's dicks for merely existing, thinking that they're entitled to some kind of reward for merely existing (i.e. "why won't ladies like me I'm a nice guy") and throwing a fit when they don't get the pat on the back they wanted.

TL;DR stancefags and numales are both lazy cunts who want to feel proud of themselves just because they exist

What does the Citroen BX has to do with any of this though?


Pic unrelated, I just like the BX.

Ah ok. I like the BX too, so I wondered why it would be posted with such a post.

I guess in a way the BX is so comfy that it matches the psychological level of the comfort zone that stancefags and numales refuse to leave.

nice meme

Outside rads are fucking stupid.

For sex

why do you even care?

What is the least nu-male car? V8 Mustang? Lifted F-150? Obviously nothing Japanese.

>I-I don't like negative labels that apply to me

>Fucking young people ruining cars wrong. Back in my day we ruined cars right
>Fucking people ruining cars

I hate the attitude of modern motorsports. Make the cars faster, make the cars faster! No thanks.

The entire point of sport is to pit people against each other. The more human control you take out of the car to get a better laptime, the more you're pleasing benchracer "enthusiasts" and the less you're pleasing people who actually watch the sport. It's becoming less about drivers and more about which heavily sponsored team of engineers made the better car, and I'm pretty sure the industry fucking loves it this way

>buy our car it got a faster time around track X
>buy from us our engineers designed the car that won lemans
>don't you care about performance? are you a real man? buy from us. faster laptimes!
>anyone can get these laptimes with our automatic car!

You don't have real men demonstrating real man skills from behind a helmet, you have faceless engineers hiding behind a fucking logo.

Racing automatic transmissions is hardly an interesting sport, if you can call a cornering contest interesting
It's an expensive form of advertisement

>yfw when Ford doesn't do manufacturer lap times because of the lack of regulations
>yfw they are the most enthusiast oriented brand

Trying to dissociate from numales instead of just being manly is the same brand of vanity, and vanity isn't manly.

>What is the least nu-male car
It's easier just to not drive a nu-male car. Kia Soul, Prius (with ecofaggotry in mind), crossovers, V6 versions of Mustangs, Camaros, Chargers, etc.

With that said if you want something, get it. If you have to run it by the missus first and she demands you get a lower trim and in automatic don't cave in. It's a shit test and if you fail it's open season on whatever remains of your dignity.

Nobody aside from bus cucks on Veeky Forums care about lap times. It's not a factor in sales.

>advertising performance

I wish. It's all family-friendly and ecoshit now.

fuck you numale millenial furryfaggot.

[Angrily exhales vape smoke]

My grandfather turned 90 recently, and at some point in the party, the whole concept of differences between the generations came up, and it eventually turned to millennials.

Honestly, I had no idea that my grandfather had any idea of the typical stereotypes behind millennials, but he dropped this line that literally made me laugh out loud

LPG's Grandfather: "They're just a bunch guys with beards that don't know how to do any of the things you should know how to do if you have a beard"

>He thinks grammar means spelling

>They're just a bunch guys with beards that don't know how to do any of the things you should know how to do if you have a beard
This old fella's been popping redpills like candy and heart meds.

A v6 muscle car is just straight up poorfag car. As long as you don't have a beard to go with your thrift store jeans, go for it, and buy it off craigslist with 200k miles.

I feel like if you make it to 90, you are allowed to hate on change without having to put up with libshit

at one point in time, his granddad thought he was a pussy for not knowing how to break a horse

or he's such a badass he knows how to break a horse

It's partially true though kek

He probably does. He grew up dirt poor on a farm in West Virginia. Was a B-17 pilot during WWII. Worked for the rail road and the coal mines after the war. Old man is hard as fuck

I know, hence why I laughed a little harder than I should have

>My camber is so low
Do you even own a car?