Mass Effect General - /meg/

The Deadly Dead of /meg/ - dead for 16 hours Edition

MEG's updated updated Pastebin:
Andromeda information:

Thread Theme:

New Mass Effect: Andromeda tech video:

In this thread:
>mandatory reading of Mein Kampf in elementary school
>there's foam on the carpet
>all waifus are princesses, especially yours
that excludes femshep
>it's someone's or some thing's birthday but it sure as hell isn't mine

less dead please

Other urls found in this thread: effect andromeda concept art&gws_rd=ssl

well, I guess at least I tried.


RIP /meg/, was fun while it lasted.

n-no, stay please...

Does anybody else think Andromeda would be better off if Bioware just picked a canon ending for 3 and set the game after the Reaper War ended? I can't see them setting it before 3 without pulling some serious bullshit with the Krogan and the galaxy's views on the Reapers before they invaded.

it'll be bad in any case. they should have just done a completely different game set earlier and on a much lesser scale but it doesn't seem like bioware is able to do anything apart of the ancient-evil-menaces-all-of-creation trope. a hard boiled detective story on the citadel set 10 years before the reaper war would have been nice, but no...

Western, come pick up your unruly child. It's wandered off again.

Yea, ME's setting had a ton of potential for side stories that could have avoided the ancient evil bullshit and fleshed out the universe but instead we get a Borderlands knockoff. Its really a shame.

backlink for necrophiles

yeaaaaahh a new /meg/ !

damn it makes dong expand

maybe later. it's your problem right now.

oh yeah, forgot that. again.

Reminds me of the Ark from Halo a bit...

Nah I'm done with our galaxy, a new one has so much potential. For example I would love if ME wasn't littered with humans for just once.
Knowing BW though they are only pulling this to distance themselves from the shitfest of the last title. Fully expecting not!geth, not!reapers and not!protheans to make an appearance.

I think DA2 was BW's shot at smaller scale and since it flopped they just went back to the good old formula, even though DA2 failed for other reasons like reusing every asset a million times, shitty combat and teleporting enemies.
A lot of people enjoyed the smaller scale and your companions were basically your family. A family full of mentally unstable people, but still comfy.

At least you didn't forget to write /meg/ like the last OP, a lot more important tbqfh.

so what do you think mass effect andromedas big enemy will be since there are no reapers?

>maybe later
I want to be angry at you, but your homeland has been turned into a diseased waste receptacle.. so I can't.


N7 guy because fighting against a new species would be too hard for them to write about.

that would actually be cool

probably, but I hope they learned from the fuckin ME3 disaster

there called the remnant IIRC

she looks mighty fine in that image. shame she doesn't look good in the game.

wow, someone actually bothered to make a new thread

>For example I would love if ME wasn't littered with humans for just once.
Never going to happen. Bioware loves our species too much to ever get rid of us or even make something without us at center stage.

so why didn't you do it?

someone would make a thread eventually if they wanted to discuss mass effect


it'll look like trash in game

Concept art usually looks better than what it is in game, for instance.

>fully functioning buildings with neon signs/balconies/stores
I thought they only had the ark and just arrived, how can they have buildt it in this short time?


this doesnt look like a prefab

wish mass effect had smells desu

Late 22nd century construction techniques or aliens.

mass effect fields then


Looks pretty cool. I like the wet look and the neon signs.

I do hope they do more exotic locales like that. Asteroids, moons, planets close to starts, etc.

>muh frontier town
>muh lone cowboy feeling
>muh johnny cash

Most of the planets shown so far look exotic. If they do ME1 style exploration with more effort put into creating a unique environment for the planets we can visit it would be perfect.

You best not be talking shit about Johnny Cash

Damn some of those arteorks look fine

they all look similar aswell, dark, rainy and wet with black rock and the obligatory blue gloom.
only other setting we saw was the desert one which isnt very intresting to look at in the first place.
I sure hope they have more tha 4 visitable planets with enough to do that isnt a mmo fetchquest
but I dont see BW come up with anything innovative. its will be the same old formula

no I'm angry because they incorporated him into an SJW game.

Totally. Some icy planets/moons would be really awesome, too. Seeing the cracks in the blue ice with dunes of snow here and there.

I hope you're wrong but I can't help but feel you're probably right.

looks like the planet from interstellar where they picked up matt damon



I've seen some of those screens already in that worthless blabla-presentation on last N7 day or the N7 day before that, can't remember, but they were just stills on their screen in the background or something, where did you get these ones? are they new?

I just want to see the Normandy team and the various locations again. The characters and settings are the main reasons I have any interest in the series. MEA just flushes that all down the toilet. effect andromeda concept art&gws_rd=ssl
Most of them are actually really old.
I loved the original team but there isn't much to do there. The Milky Way is either irreversibly fucked or in some golden age of unending peace. Not much can be done with either of those.

Any of the Normandy team appearing would canonise or "de-canonise" at least one of the endings. As much as I want to see them you'll probably just get a mention of their past deeds or something. Though looking at the new asari I don't really want to see how they'd "upgrade" the old crews personalities.


the worst thing about this is that if this actually happens to be in the game you can most likely just access a tiny bit of this and all the rest is just background/skybox, both due to console limitations and EA/Bioware lazyness and corner cutting. bet the jetpack won't let you fly around freely, but there'll be invisible walls or "no-fly-zones".

The one reason that made ME so appealing was the established, fleshed-out galactic society in which rape could take place. There is much less scope for rape in Andromeda given that it is moved to a completely unsettled frontier. For example, there will be no more rape of human colonists by BTs, quarian pilgrims being raped on Omega, slavery and rape, etc.

>the jetpack won't let you fly around freely
I bet they are even such cheeky assholes as to promote it as new revolutionizing feature and then only let you use it in specific locations like that gap in the trailer.
also remember to play it in 4K because only then you get the magical extra immersion

>bet the jetpack won't let you fly around freely, but there'll be invisible walls or "no-fly-zones".
Christ, that would piss me off to no end.

achmed please, contain yourself

don't fret, there's enough room in andromeda to establish a new victim race. with enough vigor and dedication, the people of /meg/ may flesh it out

wouldn't be surprised.

it will happen, trust me.

I don't mind canonization of certain endings. Lots of other games do it. Just make the pseudo golden endings for the side arcs canon (e.g. Rannoch peace), plus Destroy for the main ending decision, and only leave minor stuff like Shepard's class/gender, the Council's survival, and who you fucked up for variation.

According to one of the devs on twitter they're going to be periodically dropping new info about the game up until N7 day. Maybe we'll get something good.

Sometimes I wonder what could have been if instead of the Reapers being inevitable, the end of ME1 was actually preventing them from showing up for thousands of years and the rest of the series became about preventing groups like the Collectors from restarting the process or doing stuff completely unrelated to Reapers.

We could have literally had a Star Trek vidya franchise where we'd get a game every few years showing an update to the timeline, how decisions by one generation impacted the next, and so much other good shit.

Instead we got waifu wars and EA bullshots.

party hats gone again or am I running some script blocking them? (changed pcs from work to home)

They're still here.

If we can get the skyboxes like in ME1 that would be great. I also enjoyed the "hazard" environments, wasn't too much of a hassle unless you were dumb with Mako placement at points of interest.

hm then I did something to block them but I can't remember what I did.


none of that will be in the actual game. it's just literal trailer trash to make you hot for the game.
is it working?

I know, but its not like Bioware has given me much else to look at
Is what working? The hats?

it would be better off if they had never done the reaper war in the first place. stopping sovereign should have prevented the reapers from waking up, though they'd still be out there as a vague and mysterious menace. this would leave much more room for the setting to breathe and grow, with smaller and more personal stories for the various sequels.

but no, they irrevocably wrecked the entire setting because they wrote themselves into a corner, and now the sequel has to be set in a completely different galaxy in what amounts to a stealth-reboot of the whole setting

the trailer. is it making you look forward to the game?

Not really. I'm all for a new game but until I see something real, which we probably wont get till N7 day, I'm not going to get my hopes up.






>none of that will be in the actual game
Thank god, I hate the omniblade.

Jetpack will be like "jumping" in ME3.


I don't even


Why can't the scars never be on the body? How often does your face get mangled like that?
Add some damn scars to the body like, I don't know, Geralt has.

Because BW games rarely show the PC's uncovered body. Soon it will be haram to show any skin.

I agree with you though.

>no option to operate bare chested

It's like Bioware doesn't like fun.

>no mission with the PC literally getting caught pants down


>PC isn't buttnaked while being rebuilt by the Lazarus Project, nor after being poisoned by BT bartender, nor after losing consciousness in Arrival DLC
My theory is that Cerberus built in underwear into Shepard's body to stop the commander from ever being naked again after ME1. The evil of TIM knows no bounds.

>running around in hoodie and shoes

I like it!
>waifu telling you to stop distracting her with your legs

>that bioware animation

>Jetpack will be like "jumping" in ME3.
Seems that way.

Hey at least they didn't reuse the animation that Cerberus troops use as they drop in from their shuttle. You know the one where they leave you a 3 seconds grace period to shoot them in the head to make even insanity difficulty easy.



News sluts on the Tempest?

Absolutely, Tevos must have sent many sluts along on the ark ship to ensure continuity of civilization, including reporters. She may even have boarded the Tempest herself.

Pretty neat, although something about it reminds me of the Star Wars prequels.

So n7 day is the trailer release?
Dont want to wait that long nigga


I sure hop they add real beards this time, this artwork looks decent enough, would play with the protag looks like that
but the standard male is some weak clean faced chad with a low-test voice.

I want a hardy alpha white male with a thick beard and deep voice like you would imagine a high level operative, so I can relate to him
even sheploo was too clean cut for me

I let them land and take position because I am a honorable lad
