Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

SAMURO edition

>What's new?

>Starcraft maps, Alarak and Zarya:

>Where do I find you pandaloving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

Previously on /hotsg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


Puff Puff Give WHEN?

This is an awful Samuro pic. Redo the thread, it looks and feels like garbage.

Jaina is an anal slut

>running away once you see an enemy player is pro tactic
>according to user literally to hard for everyone below grand master


Reminder, the next Heroes of the Storm hero is being revealed on an art stream. It'll be on blizzheroes facebook page on this upcoming Thursday.

I can relate to the feeling of the sport scene being just a big marketing plan just to make people get into the game, that is what I was feeling watching CSGO these days, it just doesn't have the old drive of CSGO

>Moreso than that, the entire notion that these people are "professional" players is retarded. The only thing that separates them from just normal good players is that they played the social game wherein they formed a clique and pushed to get "sponsored", which essentially means some company is willing to throw them a few hundred bucks so long as they whore their shit out. This is nothing special. This does not mean they're anything spectacular or unique, or special in any way

That is clearly bullshit my friend, there is players whose skill or style are unique, they aren't the kind of people you find everyday playing online, there is teams that have amazing strats, and such synergy together they make you envious about not having such team mates, when you act like every single pro is just a regular player thats pure ignorance, on every sport there's people that have talent, teams that have superb synergy together, these kind of things that make you even dream of going pro, these people that inspire you to be even better

So yea, esports and e-sports when they go big, usually turn to be just a marketing facade like you just said, but there is gold deep down the heavy crost of shit, there is people who genuinely love the game, people who have talent, and seeing these people in action is just a pleasure

This is a wonderful Samuro pic. Keep the thread, it looks and feels like a treasure.

>posted in wrong thread
Updated Tier List, All Feedback Welcome!
Meta Still Not Stable Edition

Zarya placed in D Tier then S Tier then A Tier

Malfurion moved up to A Tier (from C)
Chen moved up to A Tier (from B)
Valla moved up to A Tier (from B)
Tychus moved up to A Tier (from B)
Xul moved up to A Tier (from B)
Uther moved lower in A Tier

Kerrigan moved down to B Tier (from A)
Alarak moved up to B Tier
Hammer moved higher in B Tier
Rexxar moved higher in B Tier
Sonya moved lower in B Tier

Chromie moved higher in C Tier
Tracer moved lower in C Tier

The point is - enemy can just push another lane(s) or trap you easily with certain heroes.
This strategy can only work vs complete retards or on pro scene where everything is slightly different. In HL possible output is lower than potential risks.

Not that guy.

But the counter point is that there are really amazing players who aren't yet on a pro team. They're great players but for whatever reason don't train and play with a team, so they aren't considered professional.

I would NOT say that makes professionals any less great, it just means to me that some solo amateur players are pretty great too.

Shit, new thread.

That's the thing. There are a LOT of really good players that you will never see. You used Lebron as your example because that's someone you've been exposed to. For the very fucking good players that you will never be exposed to, for one reason or another, they'll never be under any sort of spotlight. In that, they won't even make it to "The big leagues" whether for personal reasons, or the dice just didn't roll high for them.

Simply believing that the people whom we know of are THE BEST, purely because essentially, they've had a camera shine on them? THAT is ignorance. There are people just as good and quite possibly better, out there in the world.

Also "amateur" implies somebody who hasn't put in very much time into something. Obviously I'm not talking about an "amateur" here, I'm talking about somebody who legitimately loves the game, any game. I think I get what you mean, but again, the difference between "amateur" and "pro" is money, basically. But that's not the point here.

I'll tell my tale again.

>playing on Infernal Shrines HL
>Pick Sylv
>Sylv is great at disabling buildings for John Cena
>Sylv's daggers spread from obj monsters to enemy heroes
>say "hey how about we take out a tower?"
>"but here's the thing, we take just one"
>"because we know they'll rotate down"
>"so get ready to mount and run after we take one"
>we charge in hard, and wipe that tower out
>spam retreat ping and mount up
>enemy comes down too late
>we gallop off to safety, laughing
>then we start soaking xp before they do
>we have xp lead
>we win first objective, push hard with it
>we win race to 10
>we steam roll

>Simply believing that the people whom we know of are THE BEST, purely because essentially, they've had a camera shine on them? THAT is ignorance. There are people just as good and quite possibly better, out there in the world.

High skills draw in the cameras, and the sponsorships, and the money; not the other way around. If there is some unknown person out there with Godlike skills he or she WILL be found, and turned into a star

But you argument can be applied to anything user

There can be great musicians, whose voice will never be heard because of lack of opportunitiers

There is a lot of talented writers whose books/movies/tv shows will never be wrote because the lack of connections

But its not because of them that you won't enjoy listening to your favorite bands or stop watching your movies and tv shows

And the talent is there, you can just deny and pretend that every pro is just a regular shitter with a title, there is a lot of pros who deserve their title

and finally for the argument ''its not fun to watch'' is just a excuse millennial kids with ADHD use to cover their lack of discipline to watch anything that isn't spoonfeed in their brain

That is not true. That's not how the world works. Shit doesn't just come to you like that. I understand what you're saying, and while that may have happened for some people, it did NOT work that way for others.

You can't attribute one particular type of scenario as being feasible for every human being out there. That doesn't even apply to just this topic, that applies to everything. I know of actors who had shit happen for them just like you described, while others had to go out of their way and work hard to get under that spotlight.

>Meta Still Not Stable Edition
>Changelog: Zarya placed in D Tier then S Tier then A Tier
>Blizz faces when

>no date
>Kaelthas/Guldan/Anubarak instead of Kael'thas/Gul'dan/Anub'arak
>Lili instead of Li Li
>valla that high

For sure, you're right, this argument can go for anything.

Like I said, I'm not that guy. I'm also not making those other arguments. People can still enjoy or not enjoy whatever. The talent is there, just like you say. We shouldn't deny that, just as you say.

It's all good, user. I was just saying, is all.

As far as I know the pros who qualify are actually really good. I'm just saying some great people never make it on a pro team. I'm not saying every user claiming to be great is great, but I'm sure I could still learn a thing or two from some high skill amateur streamers.

>Implying Blizz gives one

they probably laughing right now

your original implication was that pros are no better then any person off the street. In your example, I'm sure both actors are better than some random person that took drama class in high school.

Being pro doesn't exclusively mean money and fame, it means you're in the top percentile of your practiced craft. Yes there ARE unknown pros, that doesn't mean their skills are no better than the average or even good person.

So? How your story contradicts with my words?

>when your misha charges the enemy backline on her own and soloes a chromie while you're backlining too

where would you place Valla then, user?

love the new hots merchandise

Happy Birthday faggots
Last thread was archived so I'm posting again

What's this omen by HP shit on my launcher?

valla should be tier2
tyrael should be tier 1
kerrigan should be tier 1
hammer should be tier 1
azmodan should be tier 2
medivh should be tier 3

my 2 cents

>can't be claimed
is it because I don't have WoW?

Someone probably took it already

does it play sounds
it looks like it does

Is it considered bestiality if i want to pound that plump centaur ass?
Also who is the most FUN hero i could buy right now?

jesus christ please no

What was it?

She's a dryad you uncultured fuck

Any ideas on what the new rewards for reaching level 20 with a hero will be?

huh? source?

A WoW subscription

A day off

mostly unattainable

classic blizzard MM

r8 my chromie build


Why is she so fukin ugly in this game

Her and Zarya look weird as fuck in this game, I don't know why.

Tracer looks alright (for the engine.) Her master skin is FUCKING AWFUL though. The artist behind some of these isn't to the height of the ones in Overwatch. Overwatch looks like a classic Capcom game though, is really hard to get there.

Zarya's model looks a lot better though, I like her a lot. Her 2 skins are decent, though, nothing to get crazy about.

all the arts look terrible compared to the models, they hired monkeys to do them

>team league
nothing new here

ayy lmao

so did ya win?

shortest TL game ever, 1 keep down by the 8th

I still think Zarya should be S tier. She's not as crazy as she was, but she's still a must pick if she's not banned.

my first epic and i wasn't even the mvp
felt really good

You know what you must do. Become legend.

Also upload and share the replay. We gotta see this thing.

my first epic wasn't even a win
felt real bad

>tfw you play amazing all game
>tfw you're super far ahead
>tfw enemies sneak a kill that leads to some staggering shit
>tfw you make the final mistake that ultimatively costs your team the game
>tfw from hero to zero

I'm convinced the reason why Abathur and Murky are so "bad" is because people don't know how to fucking play WITH them.

>may contain awesome
hideous is more like it

But that's from reddit by a guy who's gone and 3D printed her. It's not official.

Are there any working maphacks?

which tree of talents you fags go for Valla?

Sometimes I go full AoE, but I'm not feeling like its the best

sky blue grass green and all that jazz

>maps hacks
>in a MOBA
how pleb can one be

fuck off tierqueer

>push down a keep while my team is holding their ground at beacon
>enemy team has to disengage and defend core, my team gets free zerg
>"gj murky!"

sometimes they understand.

Robogoblin Gaz mains are the chillest mofos in the entire game.

Join the Gul'dan brotherhood.

Hot pursuit into all multishot.

tfw no cool dehaka main clique

Probably because they're so used to losing that nothing phases them anymore.

Is Zarya any good?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooou.

>Bringing up that broken bitch here.

how is she broken?

Crazy damage, crazy sustain, crazy utility. She's banned first or picked first in almost every match.

Actually, there were. Not sure if they've been squashed somehow or not. But back around release, somebody figured out that SC2 hacks worked on HotS, because HotS basically IS SC2. But they've worked on this game a lot, so who knows if they even work anymore.

What's the best Azmodan build currently?

I hear the stacks build is outdated and people go for full laser, haven't played him in months.

So what's the actual good talent build for Malfurion now?

Holy fuck that's cool. And creepy.

That's the kind of shit I hope to see in Diablo 4.

I think thats cute

its like a little demon, he hides his face then goes ''SHAZAMM'' ripping off the mask with his little hands

The good choices are kind of obvious but according to hots log its.

1. Clarity, Moonburn
4. Growth or Elune's Grace
7. Cleanse
10. Pick your ult
13. Life Seed
16. Roots or Hardened Focus
20. Storm Shield.

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!


reddit go away

if you take twilight dream i'd think blink and nightmare would both also be strong at 20

Oh shut up, ponyfucker.


>uninstalled every game except hearthstone

what is this called

Supporting terrible games.

>korea wins with artanis again



MVP Black just lost their last game with artanis

what stream are you watching? They just fucking destroyed L5 with artanis/alarak

We are talking about seasonal finals?
Watch till the last game, my friend.

is the stream going on right now a re-run? Game 2 was still a stomp if it was

I want to crawl inside her

Re-run. Watch closely.

Well, I guess they stopped getting away with it

who is the best hots streamer skillwise?

probably Fan