Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General /xivg/

>Patch 3.4 Trailer [Open] [Open]

>Patch 3.4 notes

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for avatarfagging

i want to die.

Which poster do you hate?! Post initials and race.



Sugi's bugies...





ambies threadies >w

What kind of rum shall I drink tonight?

Still looking for a code for the maid attire / amazon promo code. Willing to pay gil or paypal. Looking for an NA code.

Neko looks ugly now with that setup what happened

Enough to kill you

2 cute c@s

i want to breed this catboy's tight ass until it starts leaking cum


How do I join cute?

xth for keeping your team properly motivated.

What setup...

And Neko is cute....

Post character and YT!0


Nigga u blind

drink wine tonight

Is it impossible to make a caster glamour that looks good?

Balmung infiltrator here.

Post names and I'll glaze the donut.


You tell me.

>glaze the donut
what did he mean by this?

Noriko Makoto

Cloth is generally regarded as the best looking gear in every MMO.. WHAT are you talking about

But what do you mean ''that setup''

It's not a setup, he's just wearing that for fun. It's not a glam.

That wasn't me!
Not that I'm against more company.


why would you want to?

These donuts

You're not trying hard enough

That would be fantastic

Wine is good too

Sega Megadrive

can i come visit in a couple hours...

Okay I guess. I wonder if anyone even "uses" these.



Hard to tell with that picture

I feel like all the caster gear looks so same-y in this game
Maybe I'm just a shitter who doesn't have access to the cool stuff

I am trying!!

why can't you come now?

Laika Blacke

This whole "bother your recruits" thing is becoming more fun that it should be

I feel you but as a bard, BRD has good pieces but I can't smash em together and call it a glamour without looking like a coloblind catastrophe
>tfw no booze
I'd really go for a drink right now after downing mai tais last week


Please don't kinkshame me for enjoying multiwebbing.

Ika Freerunner



>I feel like all the caster gear looks so same-y in this game
You have a chest piece with a tail, and witch hats.
What more do you need?

Gyoni Washi

But I do have stuff to do later tonight.

Nobody is cute after theyve been around you awhile.

Do people usually just name drop themselves and pretend that they're special?

>Doing story quest to destroy some crates
>Have to destroy 3
>I've been all over this fucking quest zone and found only 2
>The other 2 haven't even respawned yet

Anyone remember dealing with this shit?

Overlapping folded robes.
More glasses.
Formal looking librarian wear.
3 foot long beards.
Something with alchemical looking bottles on them.

>Mid-40s dungeon gear

you aint shit
i ALWAYS win


Maybe.. A chest piece without a tail that isn't just a robe that looks like one of the other 20 identical robes, and a wizard hat? And maybe a head piece that isn't just some weird shit on your forehead that clips with literally every single hairstyle

I said..


Ika is cute!

tfw not licking chocolate lizard pits right now

The Colosseum sets are a right of passage.
I should honestly finish leveling DRG already.


Ifrit lighting does strange things

>3 foot long beards

Fucking P L E A S E.

I'll settle for a real moustache option, too.

It sure does
previous comment still applies


Mado will die.

Worthless excuse for a human being. Jesus Christ.

so with a fantasia amber finally made a character that doesn't look like complete shit

if only there were a real life fantasia they could use to do the same for their personality

>amber is cute irl and ingame now

I cant hold this lust any longer.....

I liked her first lizard too.

I said names, mouth breather.

Currently runs the biggest erp shell on balmung. Not much drama since the webbing fiasco, but more is coming.

Works at SE as a GM. Doesn't play as much now because the game is his day job.

Threw a huge fit when meria left. Blames aranea. Expect him in DRAKN soon.

New top polygamist. Currently dating mafu and awena.

Shit at erp. Tried to get meria to join his harem


Up and coming haremlord. He's already got a few soft cats wearing his collar.

their first lizard would have been fine if it were made by a non-colorblind person

i wanna see irl amber

3 days after kisses 3 day ban
ignores post about kiss and his gf

really makes u think lol


>Threw a huge fit when meria left. Blames aranea. Expect him in DRAKN soon.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is true

Why doesn't the Ixali vendor sell Walnut Lumber

All of the resources I see online say you only have to be neutral, but I don't see it in his shop list when I go to talk to him.

i can give you some if you're next to them on balmung.

evie fiona

>tfw Fire IV crits and a massive chunk of the HP bar disappears
Is there anything more satisfying?


>still no femroe hour

Shoulder tackling at the perfect time to negate a knockback attack.

only grown men can be this cringy

Does this confirm the infiltrator? Poor mafu.

This is the quality of the top Balmung farm party-ers.

>tfw only jews are buying locks

It's c@ hour now.

Here, four cats.

Providing you time it right.

>Repelling shot into a6/8 #person ring stack and saving their lives instead of repelling shotgunning yourself in the back of the mouth

tetra crits