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Gremlin Hana > Hana Song edition

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Jamison Fawkes!

Hana's dong

hana song .

is game dead?

Not trying to start thread wars but that's pretty stupid if you make one, don't link it in the old general then expect people to use it.

Don't forget about me everyone!

So how long until Sombra's dropping?

Dropping by to post ded Hana

Remember to take care of your healers

I just got out of surgery, user.
What do you expect from me?
>tfw afraid to play Overwatch in this condition

That's when the moment in crime upload will finish but will something actually happen? Probably not

so if countdown ends in 2 weeks and blizzcon is a month away... the other 2 weeks remaining will be more annoying arg clues?

Cutest and best pairing

sat night, on a losing streak
why cant these fucking old ass adults just work til they die or something
being this old and still play a fps game, nigga, you old, you don't have the reflexes to play this game, fuck off and let the teens play it

no fear, buff in the loo soon

what is the best tracer skin and why is it posh?

>want to play
>level 101
>want to leave the easy levels for halloween outfits

No idea. If this just lead to more clues I think they would successfully kill any remaining hype.


The hat almost fits, just a little off-center

I want to breed Symmetra and FUCK her regal legs!!!

Play and leave before you finish a game of quickplay.

So was there any major September update?

Join a comp game and leave instantly
The match will cancel so you're not being a dick to your teammates, and you'll get 8 games receiving only 25% of the EXP you should be

just buy them

>tfw all her legendaries are trash

Eichdnwalde, start of s2 and the new emotes

It's Slipstream tho

I like her Olympics one, but if you didn't get them I'd go for Posh since her legendaries are shite yeah
Or Slipstream I guess

I feel your pain. I'm level 90 right now and haven't played in a week. I really hope the Halloween event is soon at the start of October.

It was ok cause I needed the break but now I'm itching to play again.

How to fix game:

- reflect no longer nullifies torb/rein hammer damage
- reflect hitbox reduced by 20%

- barrier lasts 11 seconds before disapating
- barrier no longer takes damage twice from firestrike and Sym alt-fire
- Primal Rage fire rate is now 2 swings per second

- 25 damage concussion missile (now mapped to right click)
- ground pound downward jet jump(now shift, uses fuel from hover passive)
- Health is now 150 HP / 50 Shield
- +25 armor during ult animation

Soldier 76:
- 1.2x biotic field size
- decrease weapon spread to pre-nerf
- tactical visor now grant infrared sight to ONLY the user for duration

- Double range of getting souls from passive

- Double range of getting armor from passive
- at 25 scrap can hold down E for 1.5 seconds to create +25 armor pack (instead of +75)
- level 1 turret build speed increased by 35%
- grant immunity to freeze during molten core

- widows kiss can be attached to enemies if it makes contact before landing

- self repair moved to right click in both modes
- new E ability unique to each configuration
- Recon config: grants +25 armor and speed boost from legs becoming tank treads for 3.2 seconds (13 second cooldown)
- sentry config: grants ability to move while in sentry mode at 25% movespeed for 2.5 seconds (18 second cooldown)

her base legendaries are crap, but slipstream and her track skins are pretty good
posh and sporty are just that much better though

stop posting it

it's still not any better

Genji shouldn't also deflect being punched in the face

these are all dumb changes, stop posting

>in need of buffs

How do I counter pharah
holy shit I hate that hero so much

>mc cree, soldier
either I can't hit her or she's too far away
Am I just destined to get my balls broken every single fucking game?


hard mode: if it's from 2016, you failed

You still gain XP and a box will automatically appear, after you pass the level.

I don't think waiting makes much sense, because you only get a handful of "easy" boxes. Then it's back to the usual grind.

shitters like you are why Pharah is doomed to F tier

If you can't hit with one of the main hitscans like 76 or McCree, you're fucked

Gonna have to learn how to aim

Just aim better, and how can you aim better? By playing the game, there is no other way around it


That's why I'm telling you to leave before you finish a game.

Heres your (You), now fuck off.

Winston could do with a buff, in particular the barrier
They nerfed the barrier because double winston was awful with the 2000 HP barriers, but now hero stacking isn't allowed in comp so it should be buffed back up
I'd suggest a shorter cooldown/it lasts longer rather than a stronger one though

He can leap in and leap out, but you kinda need to wait like 20 seconds for the barrier cooldown to do anything against unless you want your ass melted

Don't forget to pay them back though

Zarya is such a strong hero, and this clip captures one of the reasons why. She's so strong, I think she's almost impossible to nerf.

I think Zarya can only become weaker if the meta shifts away from Roadhog and Reinhardt picks and CC and all AoE spam characters like Pharah and Junkrat. You don't really want to use Zarya against Hanzo's and Widowmakers.

>achievement hunt

nice game

Any tips for Roadhog beyond just Hook + M1/Melee? Like when is a good time to pop my self-heal assuming my team has at least one healer?
Also, which maps does he work best on?

>shitty min wage burger flipping adult ordering people around

you work at a min wage job what makes you think you're gonna be a good leader. fuck off and shut up about it. I can hear your wife yelling at you to sooth your crying baby. fuck the weekends is shitty

Best Anti-Hero couple

Winston is super strong right now. He doesn't need a buff.

Because it is, all of her other skins are trash unless you have her QT Olympic skins that show off her QT midriff, upper arms, and legs plus their her only skin she's wearing something girly
But if not, Posh for sure

>he plays unfinished games that are in alpha or bèta

Zarya is the only hero that fits in all catagories
She's DPS on mid-high energy
She's a Tank with her health and survivability with the self bubble
She's a (minor) Support with the way she can completely save an insta-dead teammate if you play your cards well
The fact she can survive massive damage like Junkrat/D.va ults and the fact half her health fucking regenerates despite having double the health of a regular squishie, and has no hardcounters, she's such a weirdly unbalanced hero
Like, I'm a Zarya main because it's obvious to how OP she is, but what were Blizz thinking lmao, she's just a step ahead of every other hero


>pick mccree in quick play with my bad aim
>I'm literally worse than hitler now and the sole reason for every loss my teammates ever had

Doesn't matter, because you gain XP by the second. It doesn't magically nullify even if you leave the match.

Let me guess, you are on console, right?

>be rated 1978
>team is crushing, 3 on their team left
>afk to pee
>game fucking kicks me in the time it takes
>lose rating and can't rejoin for no good reason
why is this allowed?

i've also lost 15 games in a row in ranked for some reason. like i don't comprehend how i can get matches like these so often. it's fucking annoying because last 2 games i got play of the game and 4 gold medals as dva yet i just can't win.

Zarya lacks one thing: mobility. If she charges in to a team that knows how to coordinate and focus things down, that shield won't last long and neither will Zarya. She can't escape either.

She's busted in hots too and either she's shit or OP

I really wish I worked for blizzard when OW was in early development so I could explain to them how and why her kit doesn't fucking work and you'll never be able to balance it.

>post uninteresting webm of a quickplay game

Soldier 76
- Each round fired during ult has a 50% of being a headshot/crit

This way the ult can counter/aport to nullifying that pesky nanoboosted Reinhardt or Streetpig, and just tanks in general, incase you don't happen to have a competent reaper around

please be a bait

>it's a zen thinks he's good because nobody focuses him in QP and he holds down lmb in people's general direction episode

No, that's comp alright, the scoreboard up top is from comp. Seems like he's unranked going through placements

>you are on console, right?
no, never had one
just didn't play competitive shooter in a long time
also I guess I'm getting old

Not a bait.


Lucio is this guy here:

placements are the best

Baiting or retarded, either way kill yourself

It's just on the Ult bro....................................

>You don't really want to use Zarya against Hanzo's and Widowmakers
Eh, I actually switch to Zarya if I'm playing against them
>be squishie
>get one-hit
>be Zarya
>get hit and walk away around corner with bubble on
I just ignore them and focus on the objective
They can't do anything I aren't in their sight, and they can't capture if they don't get near the objective, unless they want to get close which I wouldn't recommend

>If she charges in to a team
Yeah, a problem with that is that a good Zarya isn't going to do that
Play safe, and when you lose your shields pop a bubble if you have it and retreat, and obviously stick around teammates because you should always be supporting them as Zarya

Zarya's only counters are Tracer, Reaper, another Zarya and patient teamwork
If you stick around your team, those three will have a hard time singling you out without you escaping
I usually only die if I get left alone due to teammates dying and the other team swarming me
It's not hard to resist the inner LEEEROOOOY and charge in with a deathwish

I'm a different user though

D.Va/76 user from before.

I'm feeling bored.

Give me a ship to write about.

>it's a useless mercy episode

good job defending yourself, healslut.

He is super strong but his barriers feel like complete shit compared to any other barrier in the game.

Reinhardt's has 2000 HP, moves with him, and can be deployed whenever.
Zarya's makes her stronger can can completely cover somebody from 200+ damage.
D. Va's can cover a long area in front of her and is under a charge, not to mention it actually just deletes projectiles so some ultimates become useless if the D. Va is around.

Winston's? The only thing going for it is that's it's round.
It doesn't even last long without being shot nor is it under a fast cooldown. The cooldown is actually quite long all things considered.

>buff that's only good if you're playing with shitters who can't play Reaper
Are you trying to sound like you have mental retardation?

At least try to shoot him and jump around you brainless retard

>know a friend irl in one of the top 10 teams right now
>he purchased a beta account to push himself into a team


please delete this :(

Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.

Ah... Good ol' Zen watermelons.

50% is too goddamned high for aimbotted headshots.
If you don't get that, there's no cure for your retardation

the titanic

I fixed you're waifus.
You are welcome.

>missing the point this hard

Maybe every second shot, but RNG isn't a good thing

>Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.

Here we go.

D.Va is being paid by 76 for the girlfriend experience.

Sorry, I don't have a Veeky Forums gold account so I can't read your post.

Learn his m2 distance. It explodes at 8m, and is equivalent to using your m1 on them at pointblank. You can potentially one-shot people who are 9m away this way.

His heal is basically a way that you guarantee you win a number of fights as it is impossible for them to DPS you down. This is especially true against other tanks, like Reinhardt. If he charges you and you have more than 450 health, he basically just killed himself. be careful most Reinhardt's know this and are actually going to follow the charge with an Earthshatter, and if you suspect this, get him airborne with whole-hog ASAP

Know that there is almost a full 1 second delay before he begins healing, and then heals for ~1 second.

I like Roadhog on KOTH maps, because he's big and is hard to shoot past at more critical targets, gets healed easy, and it really challenges the other team to maintain a positioning that won't get them hooked and picked off. Other than that, it has less to do with maps and more to do with counters- Roadhog more or less rules over all the other tanks with his brutal shotgun damage, his only contest is with Zarya. He has one of the best Reinhardt barrier shredding tools with his M2 in the game. At the same time, don't run Winston+Roadhog into Reaper- if that Reaper is getting Ana grenades or Mercy heals or any such thing it won't matter how god you are against the rest of their team, that Reaper is going be shredding your face and ulting your team in what feels like every rez.

>i can only hold down lmb please rape my retard face


rolling for this :D

Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.

It's another Mei never lets go of M1 episode

