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>ywn be a sexy thicc Val'kyr and personally serve Sylvanas
it hurts ;-;

someone give me a nice youtube series to watch as my life slips away waiting for the large vile slime to spawn

Yeah no shit, pretty much every single class can faceroll a dozen mobs at lower levels.

Levelling a warlock is an exercise in running about applying corruption and hearing things die behind you

>Odyn turns you into females during his fight

Big Guys @ Silvermoon (Alliance)

Is there a way to phase from my server to moon guard's elwynn? I want to get my girldick sucked but don't want to use my level 10 alt.

I don't really get how the phasing shit works

>mfw watching people die to the trash after the first boss in LFR
I wonder how long it will take for people in LFR to understand how it works


>Too late to use another class because of this fucking artifact shit
>Regret not using a hunter

just kill me f a m


Someone on that server, in that zone, has to invite you to group.

>tell your guild "hey we all need to group on this explosion"
>half of them run away immediately cause HUR DUR KILL THE HEALER KEKS

>every other demon hunter has a name that is a bastardization of Illidan

So how long do you think it will take until Blizzard does something about artifact knowledge and artifact power stopping people from playing alts or off-specs?

>tfw the archerus doesn't get it's shipment of prozac until next patch
I-i don't think I'll make it guys...

>raid lead calls out for everyone to stand in it
>everyone stands around the edges watching his inevitable death
it was great

>classes still horrifically unbalanced and some specs are literal alpha builds
>people are starting to get tired of world quests, artifacts and mythic +
>Mythic EN was cleared in 1 day
>Legendary rng has driven most people to suicide
I knew it was all just expansion hype. This expansion is going to crash and burn fast.

any eu girls lurking atm?

I fucking hate this shit
If you're in a raid that kills a world boss then you should get the fucking credit even if you're dead

Let's see your haul so far this week /wowg/

got a +10 arcway tomorrow, these fucking EU affixes are absolutely cancerous


please respond this is a matter of utmost importance my sanity is draining as we speak

Need more opinions pls


>"Its the end of WoW!", says FFXVI fan for the 5th time this year

I haven't done a single mythic this expansion

>MW monk is super fun in pvp but really boring in pve
>Resto druid is probably fun for both but i'm bad at it and it's a furry class

Send help ;_;

highest i did was +5 eye
we stopped after, was rather easy though has more trouble with arcway+4 a while ago

My sub runs out in a week, right now I think I won't bother extending it

i cant get past 6 by pugging it and my guild are doing +12 atm

do many groups utilise rogues at high mythic+ dungeons?

>on heart boss in LFR
>watch the entire raid except me and 3 other people die as the heart room closes

How the fuck would I find that? literally have to log over there and ask a random to invite my main cross-server? even if I found someone they would just log out eventually

We all agree that healing is harder than tanking with Mythic+ right?

Same here desu.
If I don't get a fun lego which I won't because I'm not lucky.

>need to take a shit
>no more toilet paper
Send help.

>look at paladin tier
>every version looks like shit except for Mythic
>best one is the pvp look alike set
Great. So is the look alike gear random drops from bg caches or do I have to do arenas

I haven't done a single Mythic. I haven't even done a single Heroic. But I'm still the best healer in all the LFR groups I've been in

>engage the heart boss in LFR
>someone pops bloodlust
>kill everything fast and end up having nothing to do for 10-15 seconds
>later 10 people die inside the heart room

Pretty proud that I've got 3332k hp, wondering how high it'll get when I manage to start raiding and shit.

congrats you're the best of the the retards

Hahaha fucking never shitter.

Thank you

Blizzard has a hard rule:
Don't admit you're wrong.
The player is always wrong.
NO exception.

>die to gathering clouds
>get bitched at
>used barksin and renewal
>get three overheals after first tick
>no heals after apart from renewal
welp thats all my raiding for this expansion, they can get fucked.

i want a padjob from a fempanda
make it happen

Why aren't you a pro mythic+2 dungeon runner?


hop in the shower and clean your butt and get out nbd or just take a shower and make sure the poo-bits go down the drain

I still don't know what Blizzard was thinking with this artifact power bullshit.

Like, literally nobody like this shit.

who are these people


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Although it's a listen instead of a watch.

>I schedule my life around a video game, during which I coordinate with 24 strangers to complete scripted in-game events for digital rewards

Yeah, so?

The word poopsocking was invented for a reason.

Hey that's a pretty nice ilvl, do you wanna be my gf?

That is literally pathetic
You don't even need a healer for Mythic+2

I think its pretty cool.

Blows FOTM shitters out of the water too, which is nice

>845 min for +2
>voice chat required
>wasting food and flask on a Mythic +
This is Wotlk tier cancer right here and its hilarious



>16% haste
I know your pain m8
>tfw warrior
>tfw all items drop with crit

>WoD is too casual!!! You just sit in your garrison all day

>Legion is too hardcore!!! I don't want to have to run dungeons and do dailies

>dailies and dungeons

They literally backed off from their retarded Shadow Priest nerfs and all but admitted that Warlocks are fucked up now.

reply to this post if you have 3 gold traits

kys if you don't

only 28 more weeks until I get my raid artifact appearance

They only backed off from not gaining insanity stacks while casting void torrent

>warlock class hall shoulders
>demon hunter skull on one side
>clown nose on the other
like pottery

Warlocks, Spriest and wArms went into an autistic fury, big enough to sightly go back.
Just sightly.

And Mass Hysteria nerf.

nice font you gay gaybo


i might not have a lvl 24 artifact with 3 golden traits, but i can take solace in the fact that i have a gladiator and hero title, multiple realm firsts and cutting edges, realm best cm times and biggest mount collection you've ever seen

each to their own i guess

>That one guy who rolled druid to play dps

>playing WoW for anything other than dailies and casual dungeons with real life friends and coworkers
lma0 what a nerd

>you'll never get /ss/'d by a mature panda momma
why live

>being able to get 3 golds on level 24
>being able to simply buy your secret appearance

hunter really is the babby class isnt it

How do make any gold now? i was selling the obliterum quest mail bracer for like 5k, but now in my server it's only 2k.

Why is elvui so over used? It looks like dogshit.

>At all playing WoW in 2016


all is right in the azeroth


So I just did the first main opening Legion scenario with a class trial of a Paladin.
Before it started I switched to Holy Pally because that is what I plan to boost.
What the fuck did I do wrong? I was healing for nearly fuckign NOTHING. I was fuckign useless, I barely healed even if I spammed my shit. What the fuck?

wew this legendary cape is interesting

i wonder if it makes assassination aoe viable?

>sign up for group
>they kick their healer monk to get me instead

>want to sit at home and grind dungeons
>gf makes me go to disney sea

Fucking normies

Garbage tier: Illi___
Cancer tier: Illid___
Kill yourself tier: Illida____
No hope for mankind: Illidan____

You want some of this, honey?

success breeds jealousy


Yes mommy!!

what do you expect from a meme class?

I named by femelf suqub

yknow like succubus

am I clever yet

and retards breed faggots, as evidenced by you

What's wrong with the rat mount

Who ready for a big DK nerf?!

>mfw farming herbs with Tumblerun Brew+Chi Torpedo
It's so fast that I like to take breaks in between laps around Azsuna, because otherwise the herbs will still be on a respawn timer during the second lap.

I feel like I could almost keep up with a flying mount. God knows I leave ground mounts in the dust.

>10th percentile