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Elder Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110433048/Havel the Rock.rar


and waifus / harmony too I guess

hat fits better on this bread


Adventure and a Cockatrice.

Have fun :^)

Wait, is that the winterold's jail cell?

Penguin post

> very short
We'll see about that.
Did she really get into the Dark Brotherhood with all her "kills" being accidental?

Welcome to The Chill

That's Winterhold? Oh geez.

What did you do?

I feel like making another character.
debating on making my wrestler/metalworker halfling from my current 5e campaign

i need a mod to remove the whole dumb level scaling thing from oblivion
i tried using oscuro's oblivion overhaul
i'm too tired to try to explain why i don't like it but i don't
it bad

Apparently, yes, this is Winterhold's prison.

It doesn't seem like they take your gear away here, though? Which is good, because I've got Stealth Skills Rebalanced, which means I need all 11 of these lockpicks if I wanna bust this Adept lock.

Still haven't decided if I'm going to try and take on this atronach if I can pick the cell. And even then, I have no idea where this jail is located, so I have no clue what kind of resistance to expect.

On the positive side I think that's some fucking daedric armor sitting over there on the floor for some reason. There is no way I'm leaving here without that loot, atronachs be damned.

You should make a husbando!

>daedric armor
That's morroloot iirc
>daedric armor is just sitting in winterhold's jail cell
good job trainwiz

Yes, while her kills as always accidental she seems oblivious to the fact they are.

I havent given her a fully detailed background yet. Im really behind on Snakestones story to even start to work on Blushes, but her first kill while accidental got her into the Dark Brotherhood. Astril is none-the-wiser.


That aside, do it.

But I already made two.
I don't know what I'm doing anyways, Fyuri's running it, and I'm having fun so nuh.
She's great though she gets thrown into enemies by her compatriots and she double-kneecapped a Yakuza boss with a sledgehammer last session

You're gonna end up like halo if you don't stop

Tell Fyuri to come back goddammit

I'm mostly joking. I've never tried 5e. 4e was painful so since then it's Pathfinder or bust.

Sounds like it could be a fun build to play as.

Rate my Knightfu, face will be in next post.

>It's not a frost atronach
>It's a frost monarch
>that fucking frost cloak
>getting rekt
>there's a scroll on top of that barrel
>Scroll of Summon Frost Thrall

Thanks for the armor, later shitlords.


>since then it's Pathfinder or bust


Nice sword.

Good choice in armor color.

Hope you don't have frostfall!



Just a reminder that the Seductress follower is complete and Diana already posted the link to it on his tumblr for those that want her,


I got another surprise soon aswell.

Nose needs major work around the nostrils, eyebrows are THICC, smile is weird, skin is plasticky, freckles look painted on.

But that smile scares me.

I'm still way behind his 31 or so. Its probably something like 35 now with his new additions. One more won't hurt, would it?
First one we did was pathfinder-based which was easy to get into. She has been super fun so far.

God fucking damn it.

I do, but I'm also a vampire. Which means I get jacked frost resistance and an immunity to frostbite.

Her chin and jawline make no sense.

Post it on LL. No one here wants to download that shit. Gib surprise.

>But I already made two.

But have you considered trap husbando?

Whatever you want

I guess you want to be sort of a monk if you plan on punching things a lot. Or a conjuration mage for stands.


Also get Ordinator, light armor perks allow you to punch good and shoot shit out of your hands. Along with magic mods that add summons if you don't want to use the actual stand mod (I don't, it feels a little too on the nose, and though they tried their best, they still look a little weird.)

If you want a time stop, this mod is notoriously overpowered, but nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19270/?

Still, I wish you would flesh out some of your neglected characters some more. But don't mind me. You do you.

wut mod are you using for that?

Go to the Outpost and do the quest to get the scroll from Alftand. Also get this:

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110433048/Havel the Rock.rar

Dunno about anything else but race should obviously be Akaviri.


And what is that?

Is it possible to just take a female argonian head and put it on a male argonian body?

Nope. Too complicated to make it look right from what I remember. Plus Halo made the best one I've seen so I'm not even gonna bother.
Neglected? Like who?

>Character looks hideous when looking at him any other way than straight ahead


Trust me. Just do it. You'll have fun. I promise you. Khajiit would never steer you wrong.

Ooo, you keep txt files regarding every story, and idea that goes towards it too?
Neat, I'd love to see how the initiation plays out.
But another question, regarding those who use her as a follower, what is her reason for wandering the weathered roads?
Is she overcome with the thought that she can kill somebody? and thus, through the futility of inexperience, just ends up stalking them?

Not the original user but

>Halo made the best one I've seen

You know where I could see it? It might help me develop my own trap-making skills.

heh. This is one of the reasons I chose winterhold as a major location in my charcters backstory. Even in the vanilla game, its a harsh environment and almost impossible to travel alone unless you got magic and/ or powerful friends. G-goodluck

>that kath in the lewd

Waifus and stuff!

fatcat wasn't always a fat cat?

You posted one of em. Also Safinia, Kahina, Sadure, Nil, and Maria

No. I bulked up on food after my time in Legion was over.

>Ooo, you keep txt files regarding every story, and idea that goes towards it too?

Yes, im a very forgetful person. I really hoping I can get this small group project I plan to go somewhere.

>But another question, regarding those who use her as a follower, what is her reason for wandering the weathered roads?

Originally she was gonna be killed, but someone changed my mind and I decided the release the follower to the public. Im unsure on how her story is gonna go and how it will conclude regarding her current job to kill Snakestone, but I do know she abandones the Brotherhood and becomes hunted by the survivng members.

So I suppose people who download her are the ones she thinks can protect her. Unless you play an assassin, then she just joins up with you for the fun of it.

I remember when I first saw The Chill. Wasn't imprisoned there, just wandered into it. Upon leaving I was spooked as hell when there were those Atronachs waiting outside. They aren't there when you approach it from outside.

You should go give 5e a lookover. It's pretty much 'sorry we made 4e, here's 3.5 but with most of the serious issues actually fixed' ed.

can I have your imgur link again, please.

But that pretty much sounds like Pathfinder.
It's good that they realized what a heap 4e was though.

A faster computer that would let me run grass mods with full shaders and I would be a happy man.

>sounds like Pathfinder
It isn't. Pathfinder is D&D 3.75. The obvious issues fixed, some systems refined, but the underlying problems largely still intact.
5e is basically if you took 3e, cut it down into a more lightweight framework, added a vague smattering of "narrativist" flavors, and airbrushed an oldschool wizard on the side to remind people that AD&D existed.

And if you think Pathfinder doesn't have its own systemic issues, I really have to wonder if you've tried anything that isn't D&D, ever.

Eiries is that you? If so, any idea how to make your own LUTs for skyrim?

>im a very forgetful person
Oh no, I didn't mean to judge in any ways, I meant to say with that "too" that I'm the same way.
But great! Might have her in the background or something sometime.
Sure, though, there's been nothing new for a while aside from a private albumn that I'm still working on, it's in pieces as of now:

Is bee gonna be okay?

I hope you continue storytelling again someday.

>Heiko Backstory.txt
[Sweating Intensifies]

Somewhere in here.
Oh yeah, guess I don't do much with them. Still, I'm just gonna make the one more. I still have to write stories for all of those, anyways.

Sorry, I'm not him. He just got home from work though, so give him a moment and he will explain how to make your own once he's settled in.

Shit happens.

What did fatcat do in the Legion?
When years was he in the Legion?

Aw man, even now I'm still getting you two mixed up.

I did see some videos about making LUTs and the method seemed ok although I was still unsure about it.

Well I feel pretty inadequate now.


Just because someone else making an attractive character doesn't mean you should give up on your own.

Here's an idea, post a song that represents an aspect of your character. Others try to guess who it is.

I'll start: youtube.com/watch?v=U6N5cyWCyGQ

Ah you're right, I should look at it as an example on what to do better.

I was Sailing Master and advisor to my captain.

It's piss easy and you're gonna be like "wow that makes sense."

Take an existing LUT, like Cinema. I used that as a base. Go somewhere where there's a good variety of color, lights and darks. Take a few screencaps with Cinema active.

Then load the screenshot in an image editor along with the matching LUT (enblut1.png for this example.)

Merge them.

Then edit the screenshot however you like. Adjust the lightings, darks, colors, what have you. Just make sure you're doing it all through filters, overlays, etc. Since you merged the LUT to the image the LUT will naturally change based on your edits as well. Then when you're satisfied, crop that bitch back to the LUT and congrats: you just made a new one.

Now you can just replace an existing one (TKRE's WIP is up to 17 now I'm sure there's a few you don't need,) or you can edit the effect.fx to add the new one. Which is really simple to do once you look at it. There's a list of lut presets higher up, and then the code at the very bottom which you can just copy and replace numbers as needed.


This one might be a bit difficult since this aspect of his personality only comes up very rarely.


I always found jails interesting. Why would you choose to go to jail? How are you supposed to get out? If guards are so prevalent and hostile on sight when you jailbreak, why not resist arrest at the starting gun?


>If guards are so prevalent and hostile on sight when you jailbreak, why not resist arrest at the starting gun?
You can just sleep off your sentence, you know.

Theo? Snakestone?

Translation may be required

I want to KISS

Anyone know what mod this is? I haven't played for about a year. This is above riften. When I try to stand on it, it's bugged so you you see through it and you can fall through it. I can't find anything to interact with on it either.

Oh, user, what's your fps? Mine drops to 20fps in Seyda Neen's heavy grass areas (west of the town). And this is with no bloom or per-pixel lighting, and with Vurt's grass textures already downscaled for performance and to fit the game's graphic quality.

>100 women by his side


Ada my little, possibly gay, friend. I didn't know you liked Godzilla.


Son of a fuck, I think I made it to easy, huh Haar or Kaarina.

While not 100, Snakestone has laid around before he met Yarti. If some planning goes right, this may come back to bite him in the ass.

geez dude

That's incredibly depressing.

Wow that's actually even easier than what I thought it would be. Thanks for that.

What I want to do is create a LUT that's dark and gloomy for interiors. Probably put a bit of a green/blue tint to it. Basically editing Futuristic/Bleak until I get something I really like.

Oh yeah feel free to throw me some monitor deals. Might buy one in about 3 weeks from now.

Godzilla is pretty cool
Shiro Sagisu's music is also pretty cool.

The english release for the new Godzilla movie needs to hurry the fuck up.


>Taken many lives, had a hundred women by his side
Not me, but the legend seems to be spreading.
I'd guess that song was probably Haar.
Your song? Maybe Traveler?

More women for me to beat up?

What did he eat to pack on that many pounds?

Good morning /tesg/!
I hope you are all well.


Yoooo you meet any Mongolian cuties?

Aight I'll keep an eye out. I saw an ASUS brand 4K display that was like $350 the other day, I was a little upset because that was a solid deal.
