NOPAN edition
Competitive/alive: NOPAN
Casual/platoon/dead: NOFUN
>how to platoon?
ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>helpful links
NOPAN edition
Competitive/alive: NOPAN
Casual/platoon/dead: NOFUN
>how to platoon?
ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>helpful links
First for x3 weekends teams
We should platoon :3
Anytime mate.
Off to bed now tho, enough wot induced rage for tonight.
Why aren't YOU in your clans inner circle and signed up for the Absolute supremacy tournament since they nerfed CW gold income to shit?
Because I'm a greenshitter.
I bet your clan still has a juicy inner circle with all the mlg players.
give us charcharro back
There was some kind of inner circle but it consisted of people who almost exclusively played tier 8-10 and didn't like fun. I left after they started cleaning up and removing everyone who didn't high tiers enough
where were you when Veeky Forums turned into reddit
Veeky Forums Pass user since July 2015.
There's literally no reason to join nopan
>abysmal games all day
>at the end of the rope
>want to die
>teams that drive one to drink
>pop in the JPII for double
>remember why I love this tank
>fun again
>reason to live
>the joy in my heart that was frozen in the mire of woe has thawed
new heights of shitposting have been achieved
Veeky Forums Pass user since July 2015.
no cap
kill myself
>get to enemy cap
>see an idle top tier heavy
>farming credits
>when he's about 75 percent dead, see his turret wiggle just a little
Was he playing the whole time? Why do people do this? Wouldn't a bot at least turn the turret and fire?
>tfw to intelligent to buy Veeky Forums pass
some bots do a weird turret stutter/wiggle like that
You're gonna watch Wargaming's new anime aren't you?
you have to be at least 18 to post here
where do you think you are
is it out?
>Veeky Forums Pass user since July 2015.
wait what, since when did m00t give us dark green text and emojis?
>teammate is a toptier t54 who averages 500 dpg
>look at his other tanks
>this beauty
The t-44-100 is shit, I regret wasting my time
How is it shit? It's one of the best tier 8 mediums
it doesn't have the gun handling/pen to be a ridge line sniper and it doesn't have the armor to brawl like the t9 and t10 russian meds. I don't see what role it's supposed to fill that the m46 kr or the 212mm tanks don't do better.
>fun, fast, good gun for its tier, always a fun game
>slow, shit armor, dpm guy in an alpha game, literally requires gold spam to do well, gets shit on by all tier 9s
I should never have sold the tank in the first place. What a fucking waste this line is after tier 6.
AX is the best looking tier 10
That poster is trash, trying to emulate the art design of classic anime but pretty sad
I thought that at first, but the accuracy and depression are what make the tank.
honestly I just hate goldspam tanks, and the comet is definitely a tank that needs goldspam to work
hilariously enough the Comet is one of my best tanks. I've got it mastered but only two MoEs; it's got a 70% win-rate on it after about 80 games of solo-pubbing. I carry pretty fucking hard in it.
Cromwell was only slightly worse. I don't understand how I do so well in the Comet, honestly. The depression is insane though; ridge-poking is my bread and butter and it works wonders.
I run premium so I still average a slight net gain. You are going to need some gold for all tanks, just be a super jew and learn what you can pen and what you cant.
The gun handling is amazing though, 0.33/2 second aim time and good dispersion values. The pen is terrible but unless you're fighting tier tens you can usually make it work.
yeah it's not my first rodeo when it comes to ammo selection, but since I don't care about clanshit/tourneys anymore and don't spend money on the game, i'm just working with the standard account.
I have 3 skill crew on amx 40
it's a very consistent tank. It doesn't get the flashy big damage games of the high alpha tanks, but it's hard to do less than 1k damage a game unless lolarty 1shot
>clutch shot the commanders hatch of the T110E5 in a Jagdpanzer E100
>direct hit
What kind of bullshit is this?
>playing tank destroyers with turrets
you deserved it
literally FUCK OFF post cooldown
What tanks did you guys do your bounce missions in?
Currently working towards the E-75. Is that sufficient or should I get a t8 (because stupider players)?
Which tier? Vk4502B is probably the best tank for those missions because of its ridiculous front armor, but you can do most of them in the e75. The obj 260 ones, I'm not sure. That takes a lot of luck and skill, especially retards shooting repeatedly at your impenetrable areas. VkB, Maus, e100, is7 are all contenders. I think doing that mission in the e75 would be pretty difficult just because it's armor is so well rounded that it would be hard to bait people into that many bad shots.
What? You want me to play the Waffenträger E100 or the Deathstar?
+-25% rng is of gud design tovarisch
>T110E5 is op
call the fuckin press
or play it while it's broken
>on 7 hard earned kills
>the last enemy arty drowns itself
This game should punish players who do this, intentionally or not.
Anyone on the Asia server who wants to platoon? I'm grinding the Leopard PTA right now and I've almost got all the modules except the top gun.(30k exp away) I just want a teammate I can rely on to watch my back and carry his weight. I've heard platooning with reliable players does wonders.
>tfw nearly switched from NA to SEA 4 years ago
I still can't decide if I made the right decision, but we're never getting server transfers ever again so my goose is cooked
But it does?
>easy side hull shot
>aims at the angled turret instead
What are you doing nigga?
It should punish harder, then.
The arty was fv304, by the way.
>highest is t8
Sorry buddy
There was a E100 wreckage in the way. I could only see a part of his turret between the wreckage and the building.
Send replay to support. Suicide is an offense, they'll get a warning or strike.
>9 kills in SU101
>90% health
>only arty and a scorpion left
>get one shot by arty
fun times
>Look at T-43 before purchasing it
>"Oh it uses most of the old modules from my T-34-85 this should be fine"
>lol you need this turret to use the best gun which was available on the tank a tier below
>you also need these new arbitrary tracks because your tank is going to weigh a lot more with those cool new modules
I wish I bought a gun instead of this tank so I could have killed myself
What day of the marathon are we on today? 16?
If you're at a distance then the wiggle might have been just the graphics doing something weird
>open up first team to see the competition
What do you mean? I have a tier 9, the leopard.
>7 kills
>800 damage
good tripple
>going down the T-44 line
You are suppost to go down the Obj416 line its the best tier 8 in the game and its a path to 3 tier 10 mediums. You are then suppost to unlock the Obj430 II first and grind out at least the top gun because the stock gun is basically the T54 gun you unlock to get the Obj140 with slightly worse stats but the top gun is the same gun on the path to unlock the T62 so you can just free xp the turret and never play the T54 stock which is god awful.
Seriously if you can make the 3 degrees of gun depression work it is ridiculously OP
You can't carry in the Obj. 416
nigger you cant be serious
So no one interested? ;_;
>5 to 7 double xp wins for 1 ticket
>vs 3 wins for 3 tickets
And unlike last month premium time factors into how fast you complete it
I mean that my highest is t8 and I have nothing to plat with your t9
What are some fun t4 tanks? Currently running a Covenanter with the derp.
Nobody plays on asia
Didn't really make it clear lad, thought you were talking about me. Although platting with a tier 8 is fine, if you don't mind not meeting tier 6s. I'm fine with just a tier 8 plat as well, since I need to finish up the last 60k I need for the cent 7/1. Not really a priority though.
Shame I can't change servers then.
What the fuck is up with scout matchmaking?
>here, take this shitty light tank with a gun that will just barely penetrate rear armor of your current tier
>now play battles with tanks that cannot be penetrated unless you memorized the centimeter sized weakspots that aren't even reachable even if you had the gun accuracy
plus HE has been nerfed into pointlessness.
how do you even get the A1? Because the M5 sucks
ching-chong tree
because fuck you
Just flank :^)
>scout means shoot
If I wanted to only observe, I'd watch people on twitch.
>implying your team will
Finally, took me 35 battles.
Should I but WoT burger on burgerking?
>WoT Burger
I have found love, her name is Hetzer.
I guess you can but it only in russia.L ooks ugly though.
How does it taste?
Better than it looks. Its like a normal burger, but black.
do you get any codes or anything for buying the WOT burger?
Plus they give you wargaming promo code
You can win is-6
Is this an American thing?
Fuck, I misspelled a lot of things there. Its exclusive for Russia.