/hsg/-Hearthstone General

tfw the end still hasn't come and you're still playing

>Tyrande released edition.


>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

old thread


>play cairne on curve vs dragon warrior
>he concedes


I was too drunk to remember to take out the Tyrande bit but maybe people don't know it was so much work already to make a new general drunk on Clover

the end hasn't come and i still didn't got a tyrande code yet

That's two yetis for six mana. How can you out value that?

what is this meme that midrange shaman isn't a midrange deck?
What the hell do you people consider midrange? fatigue warrior?
fire elems are 6s, Steakfarm starts turn 7, WINDS is a 9 drop at the minimum, how high does the curve need to go before you consider it a midrange deck?

What game? Take me away from hearthstone pls

Follow me.

Shadowverse the gameplay is pretty good, but personally the art and the UI turns me off. Also no PC version yet.

anything that isnt my rank 20 deck with no win conditions is aggro cancer

Not that user, but it's is a little bit of a grind and there isn't much of an English community yet, but it's called Shadowverse and I highly recommend it.

>but it's is a little bit of a grind
I had to double check which general I was in.

>Blizzard makes Tyrande hero for fan service shekels
>instead of Monara

Sorry. Once again, a bit drunk

Should we talk about mtg and traps? Dead game.

MTG is just as bad. Their latest xpac is poo in the loo tier.

freeze mage gutting when?
they're removing combo decks via charge because they're supposed to be unfun and uninteractive. freeze mage is exactly that, so when is it getting removed?

I've heard otherwise. Is it that bad? I thought it was going to revitalize Standard!

Poo jokes aside. Vehicles are pants on heads retard.

Emperor is leaving, you can say goodbye to every combo deck

Wait wait wait
Someone just played Abomination against me in standard

I thought that card was from Naxx this whole fucking time, am I retarded? What the fuck

Mad Scientist was already rotated, senpai

>Shit yeah a free adventure wing awesome
>Sweet Jesus this is fun I don't have to worry about deckbuilding and I can just chain forever
>Hoo yeah heroic mode isn't shit I can do this I can really be good at Hearthstone
>No reward for beating heroic mode

Oh... Okay...

While they may use that reasoning for gutting combo war, it's entirely because combo war can deal 40 damage from the hand in one turn with nothing on board. Mage can't do that damage without apprentice duplicate shenanigans and anthony.

You get a special card back for beating all the heroics in an adventure you dork

>dat Frodan

Thanks doc

Can't wait for more PLAY ON CURVE decks

Poplar is so good and pure thank you Jesus Christ

You get a card back
Remember they originally planned for golden cards to be obtained in heroic mode, but scrapped that idea when they realized it would make the bad players feel bad.

Yes this was the actual reasoning blizzard gave, they actually believed people would believe this.

Yeah I guess but they only gave the first fight and I spent all my designated fun shekkels from this paycheck on packs.

Of course they did. Did you see the amount of cock r/hearthstone sucked when the "balance" notes was released? It was like all of Team 5's incompetence had been forgotten.

Free dust?

I don't go to redot
It physically hurts my brain to see that degree of mental gymnastics and unabashed shillery.

Tyrande's death gasp sounds like she's giving birth

Birth to my child

Why is Blizzard allowing Savjz to cast tournaments again? Is it because he's dicking Zeriyah?

>Dusting lorewalker bro
It's like you don't enjoy fun in brawls.

I am only on redot because that is the best place to get HS drama

why are people still copypasting the reynad shadowverse video link in the OP

i only added it as a joke when we were arguing about weebs like 5 threads ago

Viper speaks the truth. To be fair, running a 10 or so card early game engine shouldn't be all that is required to consistently end the game on turn 7...

At least shaman will be interesting when the rotation comes

Just grinded 100 games this past week with mage and I never want to do it again it's way too reliant on rng.

>Handsome guy
>Not handsome
Someone explain this to me

I just got him too. Anyone have fun decks with him?

Spirit Claws = 1 mana weapon that has a 25% chance to turn into a 3 mana weapon whenever you hero power

Maelstrom Portal = 2 mana spell that has a 25% chance to turn into a 4 mana spell whenever you hero power

Both are now a 2-of in Midrange Shaman.

Are you having fun now /hsg/?

Why do you even play this game if you hate the decisions that devs make so much? Pre-gvg hearthstone was the same fucking thing with less to play and there were 3 dumpster-tier classes instead of 1.

>be on asian server
>have watch and learn
>thirsting for the free pack
>no rando chinks want to add me

>Handsome guy
>is not handsome

I just got golden priest and I'm 200 away from rogue. What are you gonna get next?

But we have 3 dumpster tier classes right now (Rogue, Paladin and Priest)

Sunken cost fallacy

Why doesn't Hearthstone have any niggers? Is Ben Brode a racist?

At least in Karazhan there was Ivory Knight and Priest of the Feast which are pretty good (I'd say Priest of the Feast is core set worthy even), Rogue got burgle shit.

The funny thing about cthun warrior and mage is that the first feels like an aggro deck and the second is hardcore control

>rexxar the halfbreed

They are all meh and don't help their classes much, Valeera

It's the opposite actually.
People don't want to quit and fall behind in the event Blizzard manages to pull the game out of the shitter down the road because they don't want to pay dosh to catch up.

>first totem Shaman rolls is spell power
>totem he gets off tuskar is mana tide
>maelstrom portal summons injured kvaldir


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>priest is a dumpster class right now
>shaman was in the same position that priest was in
>more cards came out
>shaman eventually lands where it is today
>mfw they give priest the shaman treatment
i really think i might stop playing on that day. priest is already supremely unfun to play against, i don't think i could handle a game where it's actually good.

this is the first time a class makes me stop playing the game. it's bullshit how shaman has great early/mid minions, aoe spells, and single target ones. playing against "midrange" shaman that you can only tell it's one because it played azure on turn 5 while you're at half health is infuriating. then, to make it worse, their rng rolls (hero power, tuskar, storm) can easily break your back with no input on their end. yeah, im pissed

here's mine. i stopped using second arcanite reaper because i found that it wasn't being used most of the time.

What a cool deck famalam


The handsomer guy wins.

>ivory knight
fuck that noise
now i have to play around the 3rd equality and the 3rd anyfin goddammit

>no malk for doomhammer wins and cursed blade losses
>no gorehowl for gorehowl > upgrade > upgrade > amazing > you win this one
also have you tried coldlights? it really puts the cherry on top for "victory or death"

Looks pretty cool, probably wouldnt run out of steam as quick. i was 13-3 to start the night, 14-7 now that im passed some of the shitters on ladder. how has yours been working?

How exactly do battle cry abilities work in heartstone? Id always been told that the battle cry occurs before the creature is actually on the board but thats not true.
Using my Rend on a Sylvanas gets rend stolen.
But using a Fire Elemental on a Mad Scientists will pull Mirror Entity and copy the Fire Elemental.

>This Frodan outfit

I don't play anyfin or combo paladin. For what fucking reason I would play frogmen and combos in paladin?

battlecries trigger when the minion is in an inbetween state, so comes into play or in play effects will both affect them.

Still need Hunter, Priest, Rogue, and Paladin then I'm done and most are already in the 200-300's.

0-1 tonight so far
it runs out of steam surprisingly quicky, luckerdog rogue saved himself with yogg

what other options do you have?
paladin's best deck by far is dishonorable combo bullshit
i haven't played it since i can't bring myself to craft epic murlocs but what else actually wins?

If you play Blademaster into Mirror Image they'll get a 4/3. Just assume everything is special cased because Blizzard sucks at consistent game design.

1660 dust, don't know which legendary to craft.
here are the ones i have(adventures not included)

black knight

P.S sylvana looks like a waste imo

I've only been yogged once today, druid who ramped pretty hard. it just buffed my shit and confirmed lethal

None, so I don't play it anymore. Other classes are more fun, stronger and are closer to their style like druid.

i've been hearing a lot about dragon reno warlock. does anyone have a deck they could post? i got beat by one yesterday, he got lucky and drew a soulfire to play with his malygos, his only other card in hand.

>sylvana looks like a waste imo

i'm running coldlights in mine because of that
they're garbage but i can't think of any other option

malygos, you won't regret it

Same. Uther's in sad shape right now.

>Dr 6
>the most-played legendary in every single meta in the game's history
>a waste

wew fucking lad

Why is Popura-chan so perfect

>sylvana looks like a waste imo

>P.S sylvana looks like a waste imo
craft the boogie monster he will be OP for control warrior with the charge change

>black knight
>but fucking sylvannas is a waste

i crafted neither of those
sylvanas always gets hexed or played around, plus i dont play control decks

To be fair black knight used to be really good. He's just garbage in this turbo face and EBIN RNG meta we have.

You mean African American knight?

>plus i dont play control decks
leeroy then and a noose

Sylvanas is a hard midrange card though. You play her in decks where you've already baited the hard removal with other big guys. She's a comeback mechanic forcing suboptimal trades.

>Hard midrange card
Lmao. She is run exclusively in control decks only at the moment.

oh come on, leeroy is FUN
he works in so many classes

>N'zoth hunter

this combo wont work in a few days though
still rather leeroy than sylv kek

That's because we have only """midrange""" decks in this meta. She was used very often before.

>nzoth hunter

>Nzoth Hunter
Even Nzoth Pally is better than Nzoth Hunter at this point

I agree. But Sylvanas is a control card since forever. Go ahead. Name the midrange decks where she featured in.

All of them
She was an autoinclude in every deck that ran cards above 5.

it'll just be 10 mana instead of 8
not like tyrande would lethal you before then lol

sylv isn't used in top-tier midrange decks because there's only 1 of those (shaman) and it's too tight for space to fit sylv and rags

I can't call dragon priest or pally good with a straight face but many of those don't run her either