SIVA edition
SIVA edition
Anyone for archon's forge?
Mlgbonghit430's brother, str8ballin
Got a perfected Siva offering for a captain anyone want to do it?
Anyone got that Exotic Pepe?
if you want to wait a bit, finishing a trials game
Why... it was my nickname in highschool ok
>Using the wrong Gibby
i grew out of staying up too late when life made me get a job
destiny stOP PLs
Boners doing anuthing? 4am but not sleepy
The gibby from that show has the same last name as me and he is the reason i got the name to
Trials seems good for leveling even without getting flawless. Almost 385 after a night of it.
Destiny *is* the job.
combo breaker
step 9 is some fucking bullshit. it finally worked but fuck me
Saw my first pair of tits tonight
Ask me anything
I'm a PvE expert tho
>Over 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) days since House of Wolves came out and Andrew STILL hasn't fulfilled his promise to play Trials with me
can you not keep an iron tomb cp? I did get babooned but wtf
Probably due to the animal attack.
Are you gonna play Destiny anytime soon Cat poster?
need one later to carry me and meguca in trials so get your big boy pants on cat poster.
Whose dick I gotta suck in the NM to get Comitatuts? Rank 60, all shaders and emblems, even the sparrow yet this ship won't drop. I don't even have the stupid DeadOrbit ship that's supposed to glitch Comitatus' drop. In fact NM is my only faction.
Yeah boiz
yo what
y2 shit drops post game?
I am quite busy right meow, unfurtunately, I don't know when I'll be getting Rise of Iron.
No fuck you, Andrew. You always say you'll play with me, but you have NEVER furfilled your end of the bargain. Fursonally, I just don't know whether you're serious about your promise or you're just playing with my heart.
Shit son that looks nice
Is that the new "scarab" emblem?
>tfw the grind is mostly over
feels good man
Yes. Except the sniper, I have everything I want from Trial now.
Fuck off Stains
you have to fill you Ship Inventory with all 3 DO ships, all 3 FWC ships and the 2 NM ships while wearing any shitty white one and have an empty slot
whatever package you pick, you will have to highlight it and wait at least 7 seconds before opening it
you can throttle your net to maximum too
if you're desperate, plug a mic in and scream "DEAD ORBIT NEEEEDS YOUR HELP GUARDIAN" near Kojima before opening his inventory
is there a HMG? rocket?
>A year ago
>Still not played with you
What a meanie >:O
A real meanie weenie >:(
I don't think there are.
Fuck off Spicdox
Fuck i want it
Anyone have a full scorecard to grind?
I have 3 but I already got it :^)
Looks like i'm crashing LFG runs with full scorecards again.
Anyone looking to do Trials? I don't have a group or anything, and I'd obviously like to aim for Flawless but I'm fine with at least getting the bounties done.
everything except being a little bitch
If I could give you a pair, I would Dunemarchers guy
anyone tried out max agility, mida multi, striker with shoulder charge, never-stop-running artifact and dunemarchers? you go sanic its crazy.
Dunemarchers are so fun :) :) im glad they dropped for me
>trying to finish RoI book trials shit
>start orbiting/suiciding to finish cards faster
>last game of the night, only need to lose one more to complete fifth card
>get matched up against people with the same idea
>literally just racing to kill ourselves
>giggling like a bunch of idiots and throwing ourselves off a cliff
best game mode, this shit is a joke
I just want the Trials pulse f a m
why hasn't SR Base Zoom been nerfed yet?
>Still no jagged fucking purpose drop
Because long range is where SRs are supposed to be used you fucking nut.
Best strike hoard chest for an artifact?
Any of them
>Went in for 1 (ONE) Year 3 trials weapon.
>Came out with 3 (THREE) Year 1 Trials armor sets.
100% random
I've had 6/6 luck on Taniks.
>Pair of 365 dune marchers drop
>Shard them because I need an exotic Shard for infusion
Like I'm ever going to equip anything other than no backup plans or armamentarium
>Trying to build up my light so I can raid
>3 consecutive strikes all drop arms
Oh for fucks sake
Also picking Felwinter and infusing into it was a mistake. I'm bored of sunsinging and want to go back to bad juju nothing manacles ashes to assets build. AKA btooom.
>double voidfag bolt spamming
Anyone for trials? Casual run, you can even suicide if you're just in it for the ROI stuff.
Lose your super so you cant shut down stormlock and blade. I don't think people would use it much outside casual 6v6
But ya can just rush and 5-0 them with grenade spam and shotguns before they can even build super.
Don't you fucking dare you shit.
What do you have to do for the Trials entry?
5 complete passages
Complete 5 tickets, either by winning or by losing.
Obviously if you opt in for losing its a lot faster but you have to participate in the last match.
So get a ticket, orbit out on your first match, orbit out on your second match. On your third match pop some shots at the other team a couple times, maybe kill one or get killed by them, then suicide for the other 4 rounds and that's one completion, do it five times and you have the book entry.
Oh, that's not so bad, was thinking it was going to have to go flawless 5 times
I'll probably do that method since I honestly cant ever be bothered with Trials
anyone go the dualshock v2? about to order one
>I'll probably do that method since I honestly cant ever be bothered with Trials
Yep, we've literally dealt with this shit for our last two tickets, giggling like a bunch of retards as we compete with the other team who gets to die first.
For what purpose other than a 2nd light bar on the touchpad?
because my current best pad likes to randomly turn towards the left
V2 accepts inputs thru the cord when plugged in so less lag
1/3 for 9 and 0 Trials matches that want to run for cat.
Mind if I join?
>Everybody runs trials right before I go to work and while i'm at work
>Nobody wants to play after I get home
precision Chaperone vs (just) max range Matador?
Anyone got a trials spot open?
Shitter mode or serious, whichever.
Oh shit
Vendor Last Ditch and Extremophile.
Any good? For either PvP or PvE?
>shotgun that you have to get precision shots with to kill
>shotgun that can shoot anywhere and still kill from the same range
>exotic engrams dropping for all my already maxed out slots
matador you fucking idiot.
>insta kill legendary widely accepted to be the best shotgun
>exotic slot precision shotty that was nerfed and is widely unused because its unreliable
To be clear i'm looking for people that have already gone 9/0
Will do bad things for a Nemesis star!
I know, sucker. I already did.
please describe in more detail
grind hard my friend, and good luck
In case you didn't know, you don't have to be with people that are 9-0, you can run with fresh cards too. Not sure if it influences MM.
It's shit Akari, you dont want it
why would you run with people that aren't 9-0 material tho
>same range
yeh, that's what I was asking
well fuck what a shame
thought it would've been cool