League of legends lolg
NA really needs to step up their game if they hope to make at least semis.
Yesterday was the clear example, garbage regions like TW or EU may let you get away with playing like shit the first 20 minutes (60 in C9s case), but Koreans and some Chinese teams will efectively make use of their advantage and close the game.
If they keep playing like this, even making quarters is a distant dream.
my friend keeps getting cucked
>2 vayne players on my team
>2 losses
hmm really makes ya think
Best girl.
Best breath.
Best wife.
Don't you want to snuggle him to sleep, /lolg/?
>tfw twitchcon
>nobody but super best top streaming
aaah what do
Are there any good iOS apps out there?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Honestly part of the reason I play AD, Vayne contributes more to lost games than almost any other champion I find.
At least Yasuo can provide a little extra CC, Thresh can lantern/flay, Lee can kick and Zed can delete ADC's/splitpush, Vayne's are just irredeemable pieces of worthless shit, shit early and shit late.
Your favorite champion's voice actor is taking requests, what would you have them say? Nothing is off the table, anything goes.
Jinx-"Minds are made to be broken like, Hat Lady's or Fathands'!'
wait 6 hours for tobias fate
no actually you're very wrong
vayne's a broken piece of shit but the players are so god damn awful
ya know, except when there's a vayne on the enemy team
Is Taric a heaslut?
>tfw this gankplank will never become a reality
Very saddening.
I want Lulu to go swimming in me
Debonair Draven in 4~ months! (i think)
>Destroying kids with Thresh
Now I remember why he's the support equivalent of Vayne.
She is not remotely broken, she doesn't have a single good matchup, she dies to any gank and any strong breeze, and has little to no utility. Even lategame, a pink ward is all it takes to make her a sitting duck in the middle of a fight.
If your shitter teammates fuck up and and let her get fed, then that sucks, but if you lane against her and she gets fed you suck some major fucking dick at botlane barring heavy jungler intervention. She's just like a super shitty twitch, that can't properly assassinate people, can't dominate teamfights AND has a shit build path to boot.
>tfw your shitty bane mayne and memetastic devourer vi deal less damage than the leona and mid does less dmg than you as the support
Threadly reminder you are the only constant.
She is broken though, and late game you don't carry pink wards. She has so much outplay potential that majority of players get overzelous and feed their asses off trying to make silly plays.
Can I carry myself out of silver by becoming a Singed OTP?
yes, easily
as a matter of fact you can carry yourself with any champ up to diam so stop asking
if you dont go up its not the champ its just you
D͋͌͟͡ō̧ͤ̅͊ͤ̓ͤ̓n̴͊́͡'̨ͦ͌̄ͤͣ̃ͫ̊t̨̃͆̎̆̇͛̓͢ ̔ͬ͗ͮ̔ͦͣ҉̢y̋̔̈́̓̌̓͆̆͜oͪ̇͒͢҉͜u̾́ͭ͌̉̒̿͌ ̶̶ͦ̍̌̆͑̇̏͠m̂͐ͯ̔͊̓͡e̛ͫ̀ͨ̄ͭ̄̉ͫ͌͜͡a̵̢̿ͫ̐͗ͫͬ͆̔n̡̧̑̈͐̌̄͗͘ ̵̊͌̍̋ͣ̅ẅͮ̐̋̑͑ͤ͐̚̕ī̎̚t̑̈́́̌͋͞h̛̿̈́̄ͫ?̢ͣ̂̉͠
Ah that's better
Did my shitness trigger you that hard? Please don't sperg out at me, I have feelings too.
Here is a fun little fact about this game:
If many people play a champion, then there's a good reason behind it, and the reason is they want to win
See also: Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Thresh
the only bad thing about her is her shitty range, now that her Q got buffed i have see some vayne build crit/ad and destroy people with that
Here, let me put it this way, what do you think is broken about her?
There's a reason she's a bottom 5 ADC in terms of damage, and dies almost the most out of all ADC's, she's fucking shit. If you have 6 items by the way, you should get a sweeper, doesn't let you target her, but there's so few point and click skills left in the game, it's probably not an issue.
No, LCS big plays champs have always been that way, 'fun' and 'feel good' champs like Yas, Lee and Zed always have ridiculous playrates even when they're garbage.
tfw fear of buying skins because I don't know if I will want the new skins
>Watching the lolgen show
>It's YET ANOTHER episode about silver shitters whining and thinking Zed/Vayne/Lee Sin/Yasuo/Riven is broken
Will the show writers and producers ever come up with anything new? I hate these reruns
when will I stop waking up?
>yfw SKT wins worlds again
Don't you mean 跟?
check pbe!!!!
You're safe for now, but I'm returning soon.
I'll have to stop my elo from decaying on my main account, and I haven't even seen how low it is yet.
Don't expect me to make it back to the top though, I'm still under heavy medication.
This was the last pic I saved before dropping out, so it'll remind me of how much elo I had before leaving.
See you, folks.
Expect me.
Not him, but you should go ex/ign on rumble.
you are probably the most tilted player I have seen in this general.
There is no greater tilting than going from pretty much the very top, to anything else
Why the fuck does low diamond still feel like gold and plat?
Allright, so it turns out I'm P1 5LP after decay. I expected worse.
Let's get to worse.
Does queueing up for "X / Support" still give you 10% X and 90% Support, like it used to, or did Riot finally fix this shit?
I used to main Jungle/Supp as you know it but I don't want to play 90% of my games as supp so I've been queueing Jungle/mid for most of the season
Still does, it's fucking cancer.
Been queueing as AD/supp or AD/fill last 20 games and got AD once in a game that got dodged anyway and support for every other game.
I'm shitter and also I don't give really attention to LoL's meta in general, but isn't it that if you play shit champs you'll never get to Dia 1-2 or higher?
I did 2 as mid/support yesterday. Got support then mid. Small sample pool, I know.
>queue support
>adc thinks im gonna pick some pussy support
>full fucking damage leona with thunderlords and ignite everytime
>get fed in lane
>steal every kill
i cant keep getting away with this
>it's a dumb support starts a spree and dies for the enemy adc giving him 1k gold bounty episode
I love these
>Didn't believe the kennen meme
>Won lane against kennen
>He ults and wipes team 5-0
>enemy team wins instantly
I fucking hate this game
At least it's not as bad as Joe Snuffy up on top lane and his buddy Jim Smitty on mid feeding again. Those always drag on forever and they learn nothing by the end of the episode.
No, and that's never been the case.
You just have to be good at the game to climb to high elo.
I want Vlad buttsex
how do i jungle?
Pick rammus/eve/trundle
go into game
/mute all
gank when you see fit
ignore losing lanes
gank winning lanes
you don't
why would you want to be a janitor?
>on 5 game win streak
>get punished by the elo gods with 3 feeding teams in a row
I just tell myself if I just do well for myself and always go at least even in lane I'll eventually climb... right? That makes sense?
>tfw team full of chimps cant stop fucking dying
Lower elo pick a cheese champion like shaco or rengar.
Spend the entire fucking game just power farming between ganks and taking EVERY kill, every single one, not a single one goes to your laner.
Continue picking off squishies til they start grouping together to avoid getting 100-0 by you.
Now spend the entire game splitpushing til you either lose when the entire enemy team collapses on you or win because your team is competent enough to keep the enemy distracted by applying pressure elsewhere.
For a major part of my career in Challenger, J4 was garbage and Braum was underwhelming, and they were my most played champs.
Hi Stixxay
The fucking mystery skin meme is the gift your friends variety
*takes a shit in dead lolgen thread*
For old times sake.
Thanks for the carry Mr. mummy man.
well now that you're saying it, we got 41 posters indeed
what happened during the 2 months I was away
I mean the game is dying but, at this rate...?
i want leblanc to sit on my face and hecarim to fuck my ass
>it's an "user has abolsutely zero idea how kill bounties work on season 6" episode
It's really sad to see these, really makes you think about what it's like to live being clinically retarded
All of Veeky Forums is slow right now. Most regions are sleeping right now. It'll pick up in like 1-2 hours.
I can't wait to see you drop even further from grace. Did you vanish because you tilted so hard it spread to your real life?
Cold sweat and despair are overtaking me, end of lolgen is making me shiver in fear.
I just came here for the first time after six months.
I first came to lolgen in 2012. just after vg was created.
It was fun times but I guess it is over now.
what do you mean? We can't gift yourselves?
It's like 9:30 in central USA right now.
I've just installed league on a new pc, how do I edit the input.ini again? I've done it long long ago once to switch functions of the left and right mouse buttons and I want to do it again. There's no config folder in my league directory, where is the file I need located?
I live in Central USA.
Where are you at? :3
Europe bros, today the day we save this world tourbament for the west right? Past two days was just warm up right?!
Place em.
Posted as last thread ended, so reposting:
List of dodges:
>Brand support
>Teemo anywhere
>Yasuo anywhere
>Non-meta jungler
>Thresh ADC
>ADC top (vayne, MF)
>Anyone has anime reference in ign
>Any Esports fanboys who instalock Alistar or Syndra
This should increase your win ratio decently
I will miss you all faggots.
>watching the Mang stream
>try out his Teemo builds, farming methods, shroom placements and playstyle
>"lol ur build teemo"
>it actually works
>even better than I expected
what a madman
Good morning lolg ^^
>brand support
small indian imageboard
كان G2 قدما، ثم رمى اللعبة
نفس الشيء مع Splyce
يشعر سخيف سيئة، رجل
i'm still mad that they didn't end up using this as tristana's splash
i do not understand why they opted for the gremlin-faced, sausage digits, twig ankle, sausage-toed one
it's been well over a year and it still triggers me everytime I see the default splash in game.
>small indian imageboard
meant to go there
Is jax still good? Should i take him top or jungle?
He can be decent in jungle, mostly as a counter pick to certain champs. Pretty ded in top lane though
No because his q is fucking underpowered and his mana costs are too high
what about moths makes you hard user?
>tfw you will never just play game
So does this shit actually works? Anyone have tried it?
I missed you.
Is Ahri's W just a press button to do damage spell? It's just seems out of place.
Remember when we made OC?
How do you deal with Gnar?
>Range Top
>Epic 3 hit passive
>Stupidly tanky in Mega Gnar
>Easy escape as mini gnar
>Build full tank and still dishes out a high amount of damage
>Impossible to escape from with his passive + frozen mallet.
Every game with Gnar vs me top, I at most get slightly ahead up top but then lose game anyway.
whats the point of Taric? He's just a worse Bard