starting the water world of boku-bay. I finished the snow one finally. Trying to figure out how the water world should look/assets/textures. lots of underwater/beach levels etc.
Sounds less like a patrol and more like a walkabout. Patrols typically keep to routes because, well, they're assigned them. "Keep watch over the gate" doesn't really jazz well with 'The gatekeeper is now in the garden, because that's where his feet took him'.
So, at very least, please keep them regionally bound.
Connor Brown
I like all the effects from your game, lights, trails, color pallete.
Henry Gomez
everything in your game looks sick, except the player character just seems out of place with the effects, movement, and environment will it eventually get a touch-up?
Connor Rivera
I'm using nav mesh bound, but it still won't walk around, it just stands there doing nothing until you walk into the line of sight.
Jason Rivera
Thanks. I still need to work on the color pallete, especially for enemies.
Yep, I'm going for bigger graphics overhaul
Zachary Morgan
Gabriel Harris
Evan Bailey
A unit vector is -1 to 1, you'll need to multiply it by something if you want to use it as a location.
Luis Peterson
Where could one find a marketer to team up with? Writing emails and pushing to social media is eating up all of my dev time.
Nicholas Lopez
Liam Watson
wow, that looks like noisy shit
Tyler Ortiz
she's fucking hot
Anthony Adams
Just throwing together a small 3d platformer in UE4 and holy shit this engine was not made for that. Is there really no native way to tell which direction the controller is being pressed, or how hard it's being pressed in that direction? Epic seems to have forgotten that joysticks/people do not move in a square when making their program.
Austin Collins
With the axis value
Jason Long
Pretty sure the point he's making here is: >Hey guys, I want more money (super dick, but he does own this place as a business so he has the right to it). >To do so, I can: >Do thing that's debatable >Do thing that's awful >Or do thing that faggots will get upset about but is ultimately meaningless >Just so you know, *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*
He'll probably do something involving the first, and a lot involving the Veeky Forums pass stuff.
Also, this announcement is sure to drive up Veeky Forums pass purchases, thus achieving the initial goal already.
Robert Johnson
user pls, this is a christian board
Jackson Sullivan
Jayden Fisher
>literally just samefagging fuck off
Matthew Roberts
Weak bait.
Levi Flores
Moot has given the "we are financially fucked" statement before and Veeky Forums did okay, people donate with subscriptions when asked. At least I believe that's what happened before.
Nolan Walker
As far as I understand it that doesn't work though, although I could be wrong.
The axis value for the joystick seems to just be how hard it was pressed up or down, not which direction it went in. I can't easily use the X and Y axis to simulate a full 360 degree range of movement using that, unless there's some well known formula for doing that out there that I just don't know about cuz I'm a retard.
But for example if I used those values and they reported being held up/right they'd return .5x and .5y. If I had the character move like that they wind up .75 units away from their starting point unlike the .5 they would move in perfect 360 movement.
Jeremiah Nelson
fuck off back to steamchat
Eli Garcia
Oh boy >looking hard for source.jpeg any second now
Michael Powell
you're literally just giving people legitimate reasons to hate you and your game at this point man
Bentley Robinson
stop acting like a faggot now
Angel Wood
>not always voting to do the thing that is awful
Kevin Butler
I feel like you're misunderstanding. There are two values which will be from -1 to 1 which indicate the x/y position. (-1, 1) will be fully up/left while (0.5,0.5) will be halfway up/right.
Benjamin Russell
Jose Nguyen
I'm gonna start writing another shitty 2D action RPG I'll give up in a moment and you can't stop me.
Christian Cooper
>mad about level progress. No Dev Desu
Mason Reed
Post informative webms and charts
Charles Rivera
Josiah Long
Robert Taylor
>calling moveto on tick whew
Brayden Campbell
Bake at 970° for 15 seconds or until the outer layer comes off while sprinkling it with some tabasco sauce at the same time. Now our Frustrated Player is ready!
Isaac Richardson
fuck off spammer
Samuel Hughes
>stop posting progress!!!! Kill yourself nodev
Christian Richardson
LMAO'ing @ your life Refer to
Sebastian Powell
So got my AI somewhat working, but holy fuck is it wonky!
this is how things that move really fast work, so if your game has a super speed mechanic it's not the player that should be slow
Ian Hall
Holy shit that looks unreal.
Hudson Lee
this person was not serious.. right?
John Johnson
Sorry I wasn't being super clear with my example. I was saying that (1,1) is more than 1 unit away from the origin which I don't want. I'd want it to return (sqrt(0.5),sqrt(0.5)) for it being held at exactly 45 degrees since that would have have the same distance from the origin as (0,1) and (1,0)
Levi Collins
he was serious about the hatemail though
Owen Richardson
Pretty sure it's Unity
Liam Wood
>"what why did he reply to that post with a video of a hummingbird superimposed on a static pictu-"
jesus christ that spooked me
Thomas Peterson
I knew someone would make this reply but unreal was the most appropriate word I could fine.
John Sullivan
Holy shit that looks Unreal!*
Blake Clark
That's not very informative, user!
Xavier Ramirez
How about this one then?
Alexander Butler
my gf loves my penis!
Caleb Collins
Wouldn't that be great if anime girls were real
Robert Martinez
They are
Noah Carter
Daily reminder that this toxic community actively drives away members of it's community if you make something that actually sells in the real world.
Isaiah Edwards
>Try modelling a head based off a tutorial I watched last week and can no longer find >He's already looking concerned
He should be, I'm really not sure what I'm doing
Connor Hill
Keep at it. I'm struggling to learn that shit too.
Angel Bennett
yeah it's called little big planet you little dick manlet
Brayden Murphy
Sculpt the head then retopologize it. You can't make a good looking bust just by dragging vertices around with no point of reference
Brody Fisher
you're on your way.
Ayden Brooks
oh, well that's pretty trivial to calculate
Samuel Brooks
1) People would rather SHIT POST then provide ideal information to help out a fellow amatuer game dev deveoper
2) THE ROTATE MEME you turn good fucking developers like Rotate and Nick into god damn fucking memes to power your LOL or whatever it is people like you get
Dylan Jackson
Jaxon Stewart
your game being?
Oliver Williams
my gf makes this place so wonderful :3
Hudson Sanchez
>finally got somewhat decent at gamedev >but Kickstarter is dead and it's harder than ever to make money through gamedev