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which damage dealer will reddit get undeservedly nerfed next?


I love this girl.

Jamison Fawkes!

Blue is best

Jesse/Amari thread

It's time Reaper and Tracer get attention next. They haven't been tainted by the nerf hammer yet.

Hana Song's B cup breasts!


She has perfect size.

reaper definitely

it doesn't even matter that reaper is picked to counter the tank cancer and that nanoboost is what enables reaper to go crazy and kill everyone

all that matters is that people see reaper killing a lot of enemies so therefore he is OP and needs to be nerfed


Why are the Overwatch EU servers such shit?

Plugging before the bread starts rolling.
Any ideas what the Halloween gametype is going to be? Night-time Eichenwalde?

chibi reaper pls.

>wake up
>start overwatch
>it's a "our junkrat think's he's the hot shit because he's got gold damage medal and everyone else on our team should just kys"-episode
>go back to sleep

the fuck is this autism

why is some retard plugging their youtube channel here

post feelings of bliss
>outplay enemy hero while you're playing as that hero so much he switches to counter you



Consoletard here, why is McCree so low? I thought he was god-tier on PC
Also Soldier is better than McCree on console lul, mostly due to the fact you can spray and pray, whereas McCree needs to be more accurate

mccree isnt that that good against deathball/dive comps

he was mostly picked as a genji counter

She is my love, not yours

>boop an ulting Reaper off a cliff

Faggots plug their sketches and fanfic here every other post. What's the difference between them and this autist?

>tfw youll never be the solo fag with a 5 man pro stack

why live

Too bad Jizztard are unable to realize this

I watched a Tournament a few months ago and everyone was using McCree
That Taimou fellow was running the show because he was the best McCree, and McCree was the best hero at the time apparently (and it was showing). Maybe because this latest tournament was LAN and they couldn't use their aimbots for McCree :^)

>drop from 3100 to 2780
>teams get progressively worse
>I can't carry

I belong here

Is she?

Zarya's lmb does 90dps with 0 charge

The fact that Reaper isn't a Zarya counter shows she's overstatted as fuck.

At the very least her LMB range and damage needs to be gutted.

I haven't played since 2 weeks after Ana came out. Does every retard still try to play her like Widowmaker but with old wrinkly tits?

He was right about the kys part

>when you dominate the rein vs rein match up


>people keep picking tracer every match
>mfw I headshot them for an instakill as mei

>Buy game
>Play D.Va
>Do really well
>Go to talk about game on Veeky Forums
>Everyone says how she's shit etc
>Switch to le pro MLG hero
>Is fucking awful
>Get zero kills
>Go back to D.Va
>Start winning again

mccree is still good but the thing is that picking multiple tanks is super common so you want to have a reaper

also the ult nerf did hurt him particularly in pro play since in pro play his ult was very often used mostly for zoning and that was exactly what the change hurt

>leaver penalty is 12 matches now instead of three

jesus christ i just KNOW youre a low rank shitter


Charging and pinning Genji right after angry weebspeak.

He can't secure kills against tanks thanks to Ana. Nerf Ana and you buff McCree.

Your win rate over a sufficient sample size is the only indication of whether you are at the correct rank or not.

I'm almost at 3k SR, when do I stop seeing D.Va mains throwing games for me

How's life in Silver friend?

>playing mccree vs the tank meta

He's strong on paper but he can't do much with Rein/Zarya on every team plus sometimes Winston or Roadhog

How do you gitgud as genji

Ah, that does make sense with Ana coming into play more and more, along with the 3 tank meta

What part of 'consoletard here' don't you understand, the meta is completely different which is why I was asking
Also no, but implying my rank matters because I'm console ammarite

>be on Volskaya in comp
>our first push is easily fought back
>I switch to Winston
>team decided to make our comp around me
>our comp is Winston, Zarya, Zenyatta, Ana, Reaper, and Genji
>we destroy the enemy team on first point
>go on second point, Ana nanoboosts me
>I kill their healers and both their DPS
>we win our attack side in 2:30

So how can I deal with Zaryas? I see them every game now and I wanna at least get good with one of her counters

one thing you need to understand that is that it's the rest of the meta that determines which DPS heroes are favored. there are so many different choices in what hero you can pick to do the job of dealing damage. there is much less room for variety in supports and tanks.

genji became "OP" in the zen meta because of zen. he had been unchanged for a long time but then other heroes being buffed/nerfed made him stronger.

same way mccree has now been largely replaced by other heroes due to indirect changes. this meta is defined by ana first and foremost. ana is why we triple and even four tank comps are common. that leads to reaper being used because he is good against tanks. people pick mei because she has a lot of CC which helps control a nanoboosted enemy


Reaper, after that just learn when you should shoot the shield and when you shouldn't.

D.va hasn't been bad for months.

But if winning is your main concern, maybe you shouldn't play games that force you to lose half your matches.

Just a thought.

How is that bronze rank?

left click and lead on people's heads
dash if you really need 50 more damage otherwise save it for escaping
right click if you're within like 10m
don't right click d.va or widow unless you're right in their ass
melee whenever possible
or you could just be like every below average genji and just do trash damage until you have ult

Zarya has no good counter. She only has heroes that are kind of okay to play when against a Zarya.

Only real thing you can do is kill people faster than Zarya can react to bubbling them and only two heroes can kill people instantly.

also this a zarya and a winston accomplish the same thing as a zarya and a rein
it's just a more aggressive variety

I love that Blizzard made is so that you can hear teammates die if they're talking on the coms.

"I am moving the payload. Join me-AHHHHH!!"

>clearing the a-AUGH

D.Va is trash in this meta

Zarya, Mei and Roadhog all destroy her and all of them are common picks

Is Pharah still complete garbage?

>broze/silver/low gold shitter plays what he likes and keeps winning
>"""""""""high"""""""""""" rank meta slaves play only the hottest meme heroes and get fucked 24/7, then complain on /owg/ all day errday about le elo hell maymay and me ooga team booga

Tell me, which one of you actually enjoys the game?

every single hitscan character can damage her at a range she cant actually do damage on her own merit
same goes for all the tanks, but especially her because she has no engage and her escape is a slow trot and a prayer
shes easy as FUCK to isolate and chase down since she cant realistically deal with multiple enemies without burning ult unlike the other tanks who each have a "peace the fuck out" or "gib free kill" ability that would instantly even the odds

Yes, thankfully.


she is good for certain stretches in certain maps

so situational

One of my favorite things to hear

She's good until diamond where people can aim

My only problem is I always feel so squishy because I have 200hp and often times i'm far from our healer. Should I just focus on enemies that get separated from their team?

Headshotting a genji/tracer/winston while they're trying to close the distance between them and you.

How's gold treating you?

D.Va's situation is even worse than just being countered hard, she's just a bad character overall and in desperate need of massive buffs/rework

Winston can get shit on hard by Hog and Reaper, but he'll still see play despite those two being on the field because he has a niche that he works so well in

D.Va on my team switches to literally anyone else

She's good until people realize she's a free kill during her ult

Then why don't good pharahs avoid using her ult?


not really but mccree is op
although a change to her ult would be bueno since right now its basically a suicide bombing

pharah's ult is so bad that you can easily go a complete round without using it once because there is a never situation where it would be preferable over just shooting rockets

but they do? pharah sits on her ult more than any other dps waiting for the perfect moment where all stars align because she is so easy to kill during it.

Because good Pharahs can communicate with good Zaryas and work together.
That's what makes them good.

Any Zarya advice? Her shield is really quick so it's hard to take advantage

Walk into damage.

because its also a free kill in ideal situations and trades are better than a flat -1
and moreover if youre sitting on ult you might as well switch to a character that can actually do things since non-ult damage in this game is basically foreplay

If a team has a bunch of squishies but has a reaper do I still be Winston.

First of all, enable ally health bars.
Use your E when a Roadhog hooks someone, Winston jumps on someone, a teammate is about to go around a corner, teammate is in close range fight, ulting teammates like Reaper/Pharah.

One tip to your personal shield, try and walk into damage with it. Junkrat spam/Rein firestrike/Symm orbs are prime targets to get a full shield's worth of energy.

>you'll never get to be McCree's "Lil' Buckaroo"

Then what? Her shield has a pretty long cd. Do I just use it to tank damage and then just spam my weapon?

If you also have a Zarya then it's passable. Zarya+Ana on your team and you're golden.

MechaPharah is a qt

even kek agrees

Play defensively while working up charge with well placed/timed shields then once you're high energy you can do a lot, just don't get too cocky when your shield's on cooldown.

She's shit.

The fuck? Reddit better not get Reaper nerfed. Reaper is probably one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

Its just Nanoboosted Reaper doing his Ultimate that's crazy strong but it's doing what it was intended to do, kill everything and make a push possible.

You use it to build charge so you can do more damage.

Put it on teammates in danger, too.

I play Soldier a lot in QP and I actually do a pretty good job at dealing with her
Wait for the bubble, then aim for her head, she's a big slow target

Bur realistically you don't want to play Soldier in comp, so your best bet is teamwork
Tracer, Reaper and another Zarya is her only counters herowise, but teamwork is what really gets her the most

Why do you keep posting this?

Ah yeah that makes sense. I've been using her ult + altfire a lot, does some crazy damage.