-RECENT NEWS- >3DS -Online has been disabled for 11.1 and below. Updating is safe for RedNAND/a9lh users. Use ctr-httpwn if you can't update. -Nintendo released 11.1, patching Browserhax and Menuhax. Most entrypoints have been updated to work. BootNTR update available. -You can downgrade from 11.0/11.1 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade -SD card access in DS mode is now available. ROM loading is still being worked on. gbatemp.net/threads/413015/ -a9lh without downgrading on the New 3DS (up to 9.2) is now possible.
>Vita -New Maidump release. github.com/BeniYukiMai/MaiDumpTool/releases -Henkaku r6 enables GPU overclocking, increasing performance in some games. -Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.
What's the best way to pirate 3DS games? Freeshop or the Titlekey method?
Asher Bailey
Ah, so they're stored in the same place. Alright. Thanks.
Bentley Thomas
Freeshop uses titlekeys.
Nicholas Russell
Zadig doesn't work to me, any fixes?
Josiah Scott
Dominic Wilson
I love you too~
>No warning about the vpks that brick console >Posts console that no one cares about softmodding You had one job.
This, I want to play the PSP versions of Disgaea 1 and 2.
William Evans
where can i find a copy of color splash?
Jason Long
Have people figured out the settings for contrast on Wii U VC yet?
Gabriel Baker
The Gamecube is cute though!
Mason Wright
Softmodding a Gamecube for Game Boy Interface is pretty cool if you're a freak about accuracy.
Bentley Jackson
Ps4 homebrew where?
Caleb Perez
Is there a perm fix for the Vita save error?
Cameron Morris
Borderlands 2 is the best looking vita Game.
Prove me wrong.
Evan Russell
>>No warning about the vpks that brick console If you couldn't inform yourself about it you deserve it
Adrian Butler
That's not Wipeout 2048.
Ethan Jones
send help plz. It was all dumped with vitamin so enabling DLC through mai isn't an option.
Alexander Fisher
Julian Hughes
How do you do that?
Juan Stewart
The OP is supposed to update all relevant news on the current hacking scenes. Even though I informed myself, the OP should still be updated to warn and inform other people, if not, then what's the point of the "News" portion of the OP?
Asher Brown
Which class is this?
Is it any good?
Luis Howard
There's literally nothing wrong with reddit and r/vitapiracy.
Prove me wrong.
Bentley Perry
>trusting Veeky Forums shitposting LE ABSOLULZ MADMAN
Matthew Taylor
show me a screencap of your ux0 directory in vitashell and I might be able to help
also, have you gotten DLC from other games to work in addcont_plain?
Owen Hughes
they're useful tools but you shouldn't post there
Liam Long
Nintendo insist on making their VC titles look like dogshit and I don't understand this.
For fucks sakes the ambassador GBA titles look outright AWFUL compared to VC injects that moved the dark tinted ghosting bullshit.
Justin Fisher
You need to have a save exploit, like Home Bros. You can use a Wii to install it on the memory card.
Then you can run homebrew, but the only interesting homebrew I'm aware of is Swiss (ISO loader, I believe it even has network support) and Game Boy Interface (substitute for the Game Boy Player disc, but not the hardware, with no latency or filters)
Dominic Ross
Superbeat Xonic EUR doc doesn't work
already tried all chinese modules, any help?
Luke Jones
>Entrypoints: Entrypoints:
>puts the Chinese Maidump in the OP rather than Engrish
Joshua Ramirez
How do you connect to QCMA through Wifi? It's not detecting anything for me.
Joseph Fisher
Nice, thank you. I had no idea that was possible, I thought modchips were the only thing you could do with it.
Nathan Diaz
>not using it in chinese When is this meme going to end?
Samuel Nguyen
anyone got a list of games available on the 3ds and vita?
Christian Richardson
here's you 3DS list bro *
Michael Bell
Any way to recover saves after the vita standby mode shit?
Isaiah Sanchez
Senran Kagura Bon Appetit mai dump when?
Joshua Barnes
Is it true games dumped on Vitamin 1.1 won't work with DLC?
Asking so i can know to download IA/VT Vitamin 2.0 or not.
Daniel Diaz
So question for the tech savvy guys who frequent these threads.
The games that are gonna require 3.61 update to play. Realistically, how long will it take for us to get them? Yes I know you don't know exactly, but the amount of times I've heard that we'll never ever get something, only for us to get it is retarded to the point that I don't doubt we'll get everything at this point. Chinks are working overtime and releasing updates at a swift as fuck pace.
I'm just wondering how difficult it will be to get those games that do require the 3.61 update.
William Anderson
~ 2 months
Oliver Cook
you need an os0 hack which isn't easy to accomplish.
Give it time though.
Ayden Nelson
Yes. You just need to replace the eboot/sce_modules with the vitamin 2.0's dump though.
Eli Foster
Christopher Garcia
So how's the framerate?In towns and in boss stages.
Matthew Jenkins
Should've fixed that shit before playing
Carson Ortiz
Honestly? That doesn't so bad at all. I'd gladly hold out for that amount of time.
I'll just have to put my faith in our hackers then. They seem dedicated enough to get this type of stuff to us in a timely fashion so far.
Elijah Taylor
kill vitamin redump everything nao!
Austin Clark
Probably when some games that people actually want come out, for now there's nothing that's worth the effort
James Butler
If it's anything like the PS3's 3.56, it's going to take more than 6 months and that's without counting with delays caused by drama.
Julian Mitchell
This someone redump Odin sphere
Tyler Stewart
I honestly think it's likely the Chinese will make a mai version that includes a Firmware Spoofer so the game won't bug you with the 3.61 notice.
I don't have any solid proof, but call it a hunch, the same hunch I had when Tokyo Xanadu was released and I said the chinese fucker would release his tool once it became more stable.
Logan Rogers
didn't have the PS3 have a period where newer games couldnt run because the eboots were signed with a different firmware?
all it took was aleaked eboot to get other games working iirc
im more hyped for pspemu desu ! heres hopinh that comes soonish
Dominic Nguyen
Digimon is the only other game that has used that directory so far and the DLC works just fine. Not home atm, but I'll screencap later if it isn't resolved by then.
Carter Bailey
>the same hunch I had when Tokyo Xanadu was released and I said the chinese fucker would release his tool once it became more stable.
You mean when Yifan, GBATemp, and so on called him a liar that just obtained a leaked dev build? Or did you mean the time when Yifan said their dumper was a hoax and it was just a copy of Vitamin?
Evan Diaz
Yifan is not TheFlow you dumb motherfucker.
Asher Gomez
The Furfag was the one who shat all over the based chink since he didn't want to admit that piracy happened so quickly.
Ryder Allen
someone's working on trying to make 11.0 downgradable right?
Zachary Cruz
I had a the hunch before that shit circus. My logic was "If this chinese guy is legit, and it seems he is the guy who cracked that one Visual Novel on release date, he will release his tools once the stable version is out", and people here seemed to agree.
And behold, that happened. Took a while, sure, but happened. 3.60 spoofing or some sort of mangling will happen.
On the meantime, I'm holding out for ePSP stuff.
Thomas Nguyen
where do i put the update and dlc for the vita games? Cant find help in the guide
Thomas Turner
>tfw i've bought almost every single psv game I want, including psp and ps1 games but still use henkaku for overclocking and games that'll never release here
Brayden Stewart
Vitamin: >update is installed via a VPK >DLC goes in addcont_plain
Mai: >update is installed via Maidumptool >DLC is in addcont_mai OR installed via Maidumptool
Christian Hall
Speaking of Yifan, whatever happened to the KOTH challenge? As soon as piracy happened, people just forgot about it, huh?
Brody Moore
Dumb frog poster
Benjamin Stewart
Probably. The main thing is if we get an ARM9 exploit on 11.x. If that happens things will get hilariously easy. But I heard someone mention the possibility to using DS flashcarts to perform the firmware downgrade attack, no idea if that's a viable venue.
Jeremiah Howard
>Steins;Gate Zero will probably require 3.61 Every moment I live is in agony.
Brandon Moore
No one really cares about it. People only cared because of piracy. Although having the source would be nice for a proper CFW.
Ethan Brown
An arm9 exploit is useless without an arm11 kernel exploit, isn't it?
And an arm11 kernel exploit lets us downgrade so who cares?
Tyler Morris
Has anyone successfully dumped XCOM with recent mai updates? Last time I tried, it failed at about 60%.
Dylan Campbell
Christopher Howard
The faggot should just release the source code already, but he won't because that would hurt his little furfag ego
Wyatt Diaz
>EU Vita remasters allow them to buy each game separately Why is this not an option in the US? I would love to just buy the game I want. Would've bought Ratchet and Clank ages ago.
Samuel Perez
I finally got around to putting HENkaku on my PSTV and installing the whitelist. Will shit be whitelisted from now on without having to worry about it, provided I dont do shit like updating? I'll be without internet for maybe a month so I wouldnt be able to repeat it
Also, any other interesting stuff I can put on there now? I'm assuming most emulators run terribly, yes?
Ayden Brown
It's not that people forgot, it's that reversing the last stage of HENkaku is an absolute motherfucker even for talented people that know what they're doing. The majority of Team Molecule (i.e. not Yifan Lu) thinks that it will be impossible without additional help. But Yifan Lu cares more about teasing people ("I am happy to hear that the participants are really enjoying the challenge and am even more delighted to hear that non-participants are really not enjoying the challenge") than sharing information.
Elijah Kelly
Yeah. Depending on the hack you installed it may either go away on a reboot or a database refresh - use AntiBlacklist to have the most flexibility over the whitelist hack. In some cases it can even survive an update.
Emulators may work well. 2D PS1 games often run at full speed now
Henry Carter
I can't wait for a freeshop equivalent for the Vita in a year or two.
Jason Baker
I wouldn't count on it.
Levi Adams
I can't help but wonder if the 3ds music player woud be vulnerable to an mp3 exploit, seems ripe for a probing.
John Martinez
we already have one bro
Ryan Taylor
Didn't they recieve a webkit exploit from someone else and it's the only reason Henkaku exists in the first place?, How the fuck would someone else be able to do it without it?
Gabriel Barnes
The user who gave the original exploit to Yifan should just step in and spill the fucking beans.
Ethan Clark
The Webkit exploit is the easiest part.
Carson White
>use AntiBlacklist to have the most flexibility over the whitelist hack I see, thanks, didnt even know there were such differences
>2D PS1 games often run at full speed now intredasting, especially since I thought it would mainly be the same
Logan Fisher
i hope this happens soon i'm tired of not having internet access
Oliver Parker
Are you feeling OK user? PS1 is gen 5.
Justin Kelly
Assuming your 3DS is on firmware 11.0, and you have a working homebrew entrypoint, you can use CTR-HTTPWN to get around the system update nags and let you do any and everything online as normal. Even system transfers.