/simg/ - simulation general

Couldn't think of an edition edition

Previous Sortie: A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>/simg/ TeamSpeak:

>Experimental website

>/fsg/ Steam Group:

>BMS download links

>Planefag pastebin:

>Tankfag pastebin:

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>OP pastebin:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator

>Example of non-welcome games:
Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____

Other urls found in this thread:


Just finished reading viper pilot. Any other recommended books? Would prefer jet related.

Thanks fampai



By Dan Hampton.

Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

if you can get over the hero worship, it's a pretty good read

Hi there /simg/.
/spslgg here, just letting you guys know we exist. Figured there might be some crossover in user base, and some of you guys might want to post about Orbiter or any City Building games.

>inviting prolific shit posters
What is your general for again?

>the BF109 didn't have a trim tab and wasn't trimmed on the ground

Logistic and space sims. Stuff like Orbiter, Children of a Dead Earth, and Rogue System, as well as a refuge for ex-/cbg/ posters.

Page 10 question
Is there an easy way to add threat circles to the HSD from the campaign map?

Right click on site, set threat or something like that

I wanna get back into mig21 DCS.
Any euro wanna do some flights with me to teach me the ropes?

Do you still have to fly upside down to get the radar to work or did they fix that


Now you're just being cheeky.

That's fixed. The radar display works like it's supposed to as well. You're still not going to see shit at low altitude though but I think that's working as intended because the radar is really bad about ground clutter.

No idea haven't touched it since the release.

My radar always worked like it was supposed to, I guess I never saw the upside down radar bug, but then again I went almost a year before updating the game to the newest versions....


Boyd's only real contribution was Energy/Manoeuvrability theory. Other than that he was a below-average desk jockey

>Approximately only 200 aircraft were produced to that specification.
Just give up faggot.

>I think energy management wasn't invented until after vietnam

Kill yourself

Only when the up-engined tall tailed G6 A/S, G-10, 12, 14 and K series came into production were experimental revisions made to the tall tail rudder configuration, including one type with one trim tab, one with two trim tabs and both types with Flettener tabs to improve responsiveness.

Even then most 109's still used the simpler counterbalance design because it was cheaper and more efficient to produce.

>Pig related, a late Bf-109 from JG-53 with the most common configuration, a weight balance.

Ops hwen

Wrong. Just give up and kill yourself

Jesus Christ what the fuck kind of monstrosity of a cockpit is this

They call them the Waco E

Please tell me that's not the current state of the cockpit.

I wish I was lying but it totally fucking is.
VEAO and the Hawk are a joke and people still unironically defend them.

I kek'd

>VEAO Eurofighter

It's going to be a fucking shitshow.
Thing is people on the forums outside of VEAOs section shit on me for shitting on them.
Within the VEAO section I get positive rep for telling people not to buy the Hawk.
The best stance to take is to pro actively assume everything they touch is shit and then if it's any good you're pleasantly surprised.

Google sketch up: the plane.

Dirt rally is so hard.... come somebody help me :~:



Is that new?

New Squad blog is up.


Is it worth getting?

Its ok but its full of CODfags just running about so you may want a few guys to bring so you can dodge the cancer

I thought a few guys here had it?

>its full of CODfags just running about
I thought that kind of game would scare codfags off.

>I thought that kind of game would scare codfags off.
Nah i hope they move to some over game soon then i could enjoy it

>I thought a few guys here had it?
I dont know who else has it

I have it, I have nothing against Squad ops to get going.

Why do we keep letting this thread die?

its back niggas

One Question:

-What kind of weather would you like? Is a clear morning good, or should it be stormy?

Shit weather pls

When i was in london i bought the pilot notes about three different 109 variants
i posted in /wtg/ the scans once, maybe it's still in the archive, but i'm rather sure 109 were trimmed somehow

Having made ops in the past I'd say semi-shit, wet weather on the early afternoon, maybe 2pm.

High ceiling overcast, not too windy and not too cold... think 9C, cloud density on 9 and precipitations as rain, winds pointing towards the Caucasus mountains.



Does the 3 dots of the trackclip pro have to be centered or as long as they are in the cameras view its alright

>Messerschmitt Bf-109; Owners' Workshop Manual" of Haynes Publishing

>""trim settings: The ailerons and rudder fixed trim tabs were adjusted to give centralized slip ball and wings level flight with cruise power (1.0ATA, 2000rpm) set in straight and level flight. If adjustments were needed, the rudder trim had to be adjusted first before the required aileron trim tab adjustments could be made. Note that if the ailerons trim was correct at these cruise conditions, it was correct throughout almost the entire required flight envelope. ""

>No rudder trimmer is provided which can be operated in flight. When on the ground directional trim may be adjusted by bending a portion of the trailing edge of the rudder.

As long as the camera can distinguish between all three dots it's fine. Obviously centring them is better as it gives you more room to move. Also if you happen to get really close to the camera, if the clip is not centred the camera thinks it's moving to the side.

Are the mig 15 and f86f modules for DCS World anything like the IL2 games or will i have to pour hours upon hours to manage to have some fun?

Can I just startup the plane with a single button and then fly missions or do I have to study how to use these machines besides just learning maneuvers?

Alright I love the MiG-15 and Sabre. Unfortunately though not a lot of people fly it so you'll be struggling to have something to do. On top of that there is only 1 official DLC campaign that you have to pay for that is kind of ace combat tier

Honestly just learn how to start both of them instead of this '1 button startup' Yes you can autostart them but it is retard level easy and faster just to manually do it. The Sabre literally has a 2 switch startup.

They are both great aircraft but like I said there's never anything to do with them because hardly anyone flies it.

Okay thanks. Better move my lamp than. Its right behind me and it gets in the trackIR fov

besides the DLC campaign are there any random missions that one can do?

Like say I got the mig 15 module, can't I just do random bomber intercept and such? All I really want is do some realistic combat missions with these planes. I like the IL2 games, but I mostly play BoS and War thunder. So all I'm looking for is some realistic and simple missions for them, no multiplayer dogfights.

thanks for the input user

There are some random instant action scenarios but they aren't dynamic.

The Sabre has some missions set up to mimic real dogfights from Korea too

What the other user said along with the fact that I'm sure you could find some missions online.

I bought Squad to show my support for how much I still love Project Reality.

Squid is pretty pathetic right now comparatively, I much rather play PR. Only every once in a while I'll play Squad if I get the itch or if there is a new update.

Post nightmare fuel

Okay, which one should I get first, Mig or F86?

besides the bullet deviation mechanic, PR is a fucking solid game my dude

They are both equal levels of good. I have more fun with the MiG-15 and it has better guns, however the sabre can do more since it can carry the world's most shit missiles, rockets, and bombs compared to the MiG-15s just guns and bombs.

Just buy them off of kinguin:



The MiG-15 is cheaper if that helps.

Well, BF2 engine didn't support gun sway.

To be honest, I like how I can point my MMG or AR, let it stabilize for 7 seconds and fuck over a whole squad. It's a charm.

what versions of the F86 are available in the module? Seems like it dosen't have any cannon version of it.

Thanks for the links!


At least they finally added an indicator. Until that was added I had no fucking clue. I often just have my squad mass fire and everything would die.

It's an F-86F series 35, it only has 50 cals for guns.

was hoping that it had the F86F-2 oh well, close enough

be aware that the 50s in DCS fucking suck and are shooting just AP and AP-T rounds.

Also don't rely on the GAR-8s/AIM-9Bs to kill anything other than non-maneuvering targets. I've killed a couple of Fagots that didn't see the launch with them, but they can be defeated by like a 3g turn

Gar-8s are hardly worth taking. I had a C-130 out maneuver them before without even trying.

They don't really affect performance much and it's kinda fun to see some cock-sure fagot pilot get splashed by one. It's mostly just for the memes.

>BMS ops
>Spend 40 minutes on the ground fixing shit that wouldn't have needed to be fixed had we started on the taxiway

So this is the power of BMS... woah

You start on the taxiway in multiplayer. Host should always load in first.

1024 * numberofplayer

Nah senpai we HAD to cold start for whatever reason


Russian aircraft design uses the first two letters of their design bureau.

Can anybody guess why Mikoyan uses 3 letters for MiG?

Because Mi was already taken

Good job. Have MiG.

at the current price, no. they're way behind schedule and it runs like a turd



I'm in love with this photo. New wallpaper


>doesnt even bother to remove the noise

But I liked that, its part of the aesthetic



spess mig is better


Let me guess, tony kito with le inverted maymay?

>no Fulcrums


>spess mig

It's the cosmonaut way. Don't question it.
