Alright, which one of you is/was this EO5 USA (let's not lie about yurop, okay?) release.
Jackson Richardson
How is dodge fencer? I've been looking at running one just to check it out, but it seems like the kind of thing that would be awful until I built up some levels. Maybe not a bad idea for postgame?
Aiden Campbell
stay dead alread
Brody Bailey
Leo Richardson
Pity face sittings from bestdancer!
Dylan Taylor
Aiden Bennett
>playing through eou2 story again >kinda remember sorta how to build faf >expert mode >reclassed flavio into gunner >using arianna for buffs/offense >chloe for healing >remember grimoires >check inventory >two empty slots on everyone >oh shit lots of level 10s >things suddenly became too alright, not too hard not too easy
Jace Baker
But we've seen his face why
Ryan Wood
>ywn be tasked to lick brown dancer clean after a dungeon crawl
Brayden Campbell
I just dont know anymore.
Connor Stewart
>20 posts >14 unique posters >page 10 well folks
Brody Stewart
/eog/ shitposters drove everyone away
John Davis
Actually shitposters merely sped up the process. I know because I once said the same thing as you some threads ago.
Noah Jenkins
Charles Rodriguez
>could play EOV right now >it just wouldn't be the same since I can't read moon
I should probably list my entire party (this is also Hard Mode):
Alchemist/Highlander/Ronin Beast/Medic
How fucked am I
Angel Martinez
War Revive
Camden Kelly
Eli Brown
Parker Allen
Xavier Adams
Jace Walker
Official release of EOV soundtrack when
Blake Sullivan
Official release of EOV outside of Japan when ?
Joshua Ross
Chase Anderson
>fire up EOU2 after .. holy shit its already been a year since NA release date? >look at my post game save file >dont wanna replay story mode >maybe time to play a classic run >think a full fresh run is the way to go >remember my grimoires >welp
Samuel Young
Asher King
Wyatt Hill
pirate the dlc and you can grind them back at the end
Gavin Hughes
Caleb Turner
how the fuck do I land the fucking airship in 7th dragon jesus DICK
Andrew Cooper
I just woke up from a dream where I was exploring the labyrinth and there were these tiles that had a gray menacing miasma. I steeped on one and it made a weird moan, I checked my status screen and everyone was fine... There were lots of these tiles that I couldn't avoid stepping on. I stepped on another one and checked my status screen... 3 party members died. The tiles had a chance to insta kill any members!! Please tell me this isn't an actual thing and that I just dremt it.