Night Meet 19th - Starting at Pearland Town Center, information here. → . We will chill at the town center for an hour just like before, stop by gas station and then head for a run. Got a few stages to do on the way, might add a few more twisty roads which are located a bit more west. We will stop buy, get some photoshoots, final destination will be DnB and maybe a whataburger for old times sake. Details are in the post, so check it out! Rain is to be expected throughout the week, it's just a matter of how much it will be. But as GTIGuy said, "Rine or Shine, cucks". Keep checking thread for more details!
Day Cruise is on the 20th.
Onto the NEWS:
- Southwell's Burger meet was a success, many keks and doriftos that night, with Hou Reviews as well.
Got to meet The Cook for 5 minutes only (Sorry about that again)
- InspoGuyCarl gets his Miata running!
- Pictures from The Car Culture meet - Feels trip - Lightning footage - Butthurticus tests out many cars - E30 Drives into the ocean - Our calling of the night - Crocodile Dundee returns New to /hou/ or want some updates? Add yourself into the roster if you haven't already.
Missed out on the meet? Check out the pictures then.
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