/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Season's end meme edition.


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Xth for Katarina
best girl

I wanna cum on Taliyah's big, fat, eyebrows

warwick is best jungle


>Morde won't get picked at worlds

How does one get out of silver

xth for cute supports

We need more sona skins!

malphite top
annie mid
olaf jungle
ashe adc
braum support

xth for lolgs CONFIRMED best most pure girl

Guess the champion.

Autistically split pushing and applying massive pressure while not relying on your team in any sense

I want to breed Lux!

Riven? Fiora? Varus? That build can work on many people. It's not very weird.

how correct is this


remember when warwick was good for like 1 patch and they completely gutted him when there are champs that have been cancer for years

Should I reroll these Veeky Forums?
I don't care for SSW or SKT, but I've heard that rerolling is generally a waste.

1000 normal games
ONE champ
NO swapping
NO aram or other shit game modes

THEN you get gold

if you dont put in the work you DONT git gud, no exceptions

quick lolbabs!tellme a champion that I can get an S easily

Duo queuing with someone who rarely feeds while rarely feeding yourself.

tfw no lux gf

my waifu?

Mine is Veigar, Vel, Zill mid. Ashe Jinx Jhin adc. Braum supp. Natulinus or Sion top. I prefer not to jungle because i feel like im shit at reading situations. I almost everytime win lane, but once mid and late game comes I feel that sometimes I overpush too much then my team gets slaughtered and blame me for not helping them.

Yea man, full AP is still the best. Most AD you should have is either from hextech gunblade or a situational sterak's gage.

Average build path for me is crystal scepter, abyssal, randuins, voidstaff, rabbadons. Other good items for him are Dead mans and ZZ rot.

forgot image

>1000 games on a single champ
>to get out of gold

wew lad how bad were you

>Play normals with two friends
>One is bronze 5 the other is on a level 5 smurf

Matchmaking had no fucking idea what the hell to do there.

Current sona is just a badnami

Other supports like Janna, can give hyper carries the protection they need to function. Sona could fill a niche where she gives more self sufficient adcs the damage they need to be hyper carries by buffing them like an enchantress or DnD bard would.


I didnt get out of gold using that, I was just good from the start

but most silver and bronze shitters need to be told to focus on the mechanics of the game and stick to one champion in order to force themselves to stop being bad

>manly as fuck

pick one

My build path is usually along the lines of Rylai's>protobelt>abyssal, and then the last flex slots rotate between gunblade, liandry's, rabbadon's and void staff.

I've done full pen + gunblade builds against super hp stacking tanks like Voli or Garen and Sometimes I even pick up Luden's for the MS and burst.

If I'm really far ahead I'll pick up 2 NLRs first back instead of NLR + GBelt

>dont play for a year and shit the bed in my placements, go 2-8 and end up in silver 3
>takes me 2 days to get good enough to get to gold
you need like 15 games practice at the most to get to gold unless youre a mouthbreather

fuck you faggot he has a 60% winrate that shit was unbelievably busted

>NO aram or other shit game modes

You play URF to learn how to hit and dodge skillshots and Ascension to teamfight.

Sona will never buff the Damage of Lucian or an Ezreal to have hyper carry damage potential like Jinx or Vayne.

Nami is also better in the right hands.

Tips on Heimerdinger top? Is it good or just a meme?

no you dont, you learn that on summoners rift where it can actually be applied in believable scenarios

stop trying to sabotage this fucker no matter how many aram games you play you ARENT getting better at league

She could, it would require a pretty major rework tho


>get told plat is shit
>get on a high winstreak reaching plat mmr
>everyone on both sides is leagues better than me
you're all a bunch of liars or play on EU /lolg/

>removed: Crescendo
>new Ultimate: Compose

rate my champs

top: gnar, renekton
mid: fizz, ziggs
jung: warwick, hecarim
adc: twitch, trist
support: lulu, nami

Oh, well yeah in a rework yeah. But currently she can't. If she ever could tho, then it'd be busted as fuck.

>play league for years and only get plat
>play overwatch for a couple months and I hit high masters MMR

Should I come back to this game? Could I be good at it?

Neat, that was my initial case but I was too late to reply.

Interesting build, nonetheless.

no league is harder than overwatch

>teammates start arguing "this kid took my role"
>lose because it tilts them both
fucking hell just SHUT THE FUCK UP

I didn't say ARAM.

In URF you have your skillshots up all the time and with no mana costs there's nothing to stop you from practicing with them.

In Ascension you're constantly out of laning phase and teamfighting happens from level 1.

You get better at something by practicing at it, not occasionally doing it.

60 flat armor pen and 25% armor reduction is ridiculous. The health is pretty good and the movement speed helps out a lot. It might even be better than Mortal Reminder in most cases.

I'm not too big of a fan of protobelt morde. Normally a W slapped onto the allied initiator like lee sin is more than enough to get you into any fight with rylai's. You're taking stormraiders right?

If you dont mind me asking, what rank are you? Gold 1 here and I never see any Garens or Volis top.

why cleaver? jhin does nowhere near enough instances of damage fast enough and he should be in the back while someone else cleaves the enemies

I forgot I quit this game cause of the bullshit ping I got with the server move. Nvm fuck league

you should be practicing multiple things at once, its stupid to think that those game modes that have nothing to do with the competitive version of the game can actually help you

youd be better off playing fucking dota than playing those

You mean both of the last two pre-seasons?
>Feral Flare

Interesting, I'll have to give it a go.





Nigga there's no reason not to brush up on specific things in an outside environment. It's the same reason why a lot of people suggest you play customs to learn CSing and proper lane control and then play the actual game to learn how to translate that into a lane where you're playing against a human opponent.

You have no idea how competitive people even practice, do you?

Don't forget Skirmisher's Sabre


Always run Stormraiders. I'm fiddling around with CDR blues and the 45% CDR mastery but results have been mixed. I prefer protobelt because the bolts actually proc Rylai's so if I'm in a chase or something it's actually a super long range slow on top of the small dash to help run people down, plus you can reflex dodge some really close skillshots and the burst is huge if you use it point blank, manaless AP CDR is also hard to come by unless you use Nashor's. I flip flop between ghost and exhaust mid and exhaust/TP top.

Only gold 4 but climbing, Garen is pretty rare but he's what sprang to mind when I thought of health stacking tanks. Zac is popular and I personally have seen a lot of Volis in the jungle. Realistically I use that sort of niche build when I see them because the straight up health steal + gunblade vamp + Liandry's just melts guys like that while fueling you really well. Sometimes it's like you've got a fucking Mundo Ult on.

Of course. Can't wait to see how Rito guts the jungle and breaks WW in S7, they're masters of innovation after all.


>Leave top-lane to help mid
>Yasuo split pushes all the way to my top tower
>Leave mid to deal with Yasuo
>Mid falls apart

We won but thats just annoying as fuck

>against minions that act the same way they would in a normal
compared to:
>a game where everyone takes tp and junglers arent even a thing
>different fucking map

thats like saying that if you wanna get gud at football you should just practice baseball instead since you get to run in both

youre fucking stupid

Dodging skill shots is a purely mechanical skill that translates between game modes retard.

Apparently he's next up for the rework, maybe he'll be less boom or bust.

hows this toplane champ pool look? I like Sion but I cant carry as well usually with him.

Had 100 wins and 70 losses in normals. First season I go in and get gold in 35 games. Oh, it was that easy. Everyone is just retarded

>going for first win of the day
>hard bot game
>name attack speed only
>you know, for fun
>2 of my teammates are fucking bots
>feeding nasus 24/7
>attack speed name is not really a hard carry
>fucking rekt by bots

fuck this gay earth and all those fags who bot on a fucking moba

How do you build dunk master yi?


or you could just fucking practice in the real game of LEAGUE OF LEGENDS?

no you fucking retard its like saying you wanna get gud at football so you individually practice catching or tackling so you can apply them together

What is it with Riot their blatant favouritism for certain champions?

''Oh no Lee Sin isn't top tier for at least 4/5 of a season, lets buff him since we want to see him in competitive play more''

''Oh crap our initial buff did not make him strong enough (lel) lets buff him again! Then pros will only pick Lee!''

When will they just rework this cancer? Its not fun to watch, its not fun to play against if for the past years you only see that guy.

Bretty good. No real standouts, but dependable.

>CertainlyT rework just in time for jungle changes.
The shitstorm is going to be unimaginable.

>no riven
>no yasuo
>no fiora

>against minions that act the same way they would in a normal

I wasn't aware in your customs that someone was laning against you trying to deny you farm.

>thats like saying that if you wanna get gud at football you should just practice baseball instead since you get to run in both

Did you know that professional boxers use jump-rope to train themselves for their matches? What good could jump-rope, a fun game that doesn't have any similarities to boxing, do for a boxer?

It improves their footwork and endurance.

It's the same reason why the top TF2 players practice 1v1s with MGE even though only very little of an actual TF2 match is 1v1.

You're either implying that you cannot take skills learned from something to translate it over to something else, or you're implying I said that you should ONLY play URF and Ascension which I never said and is a fucking retarded assumption to make.

Either way you're clueless.

Average top-laner, worth learning but not the msot meta champion right now. (Personal recommendation, love playing him)
Strong as always
Meta, solid pick
Meta, solid pick (Personal recommendation, I love playing him)
Meta, quite strong
Nerfed but still viable top-laner
Nerfed, will take some getting used to but if you're dedicated can be picked up.

just pick 1-2 and stick with those

I'm looking for something that is uncommon and unorthodox but also very effective in the right hands. Maybe like a champion with a different build, a strategy that isn't used a lot but it's good.

no its not because hes saying to play a different game entirely to practice those small things

if he was suggesting to practice catching or tackling individually he would advise you to find a friend to play customs with and practice those things

Maybe drop GP, not very good atm. Solid otherwise.


hes a top laners assassin

dogshit in the wrong hands, challenger material in the right hands

Bard Jungle, Warriors into Shivv

yeah you go tell challenger and master players that youre playing urf and ascension to practice for ranked

stay bronze

xth for depression

Guess the champ
I dont know why i doubted the full armor pen builds
I still refuse to let go of my triforce though

Is Annie any good right now?

>Lane against Tryn as Garen
>Expect easy lane
>He shits out damage
>He heals faster than me
>end up hugging turret because he doesn't pop ult like a retard
It was fucking stressful. I mean, we won the game and he didn't kill me in lane, but I don't think I've ever focused that hard on laning.

I'm guessing you're the disgusting shitter playing triforce Pantheon and using the nigger skin for him.

>Its not fun to watch
Says you

I dunno about you but the C9 Rush Lee Sin game was fucking incredible to watch.

And there we go, the final words of a man with zero arguments.

Triforce is actually great with armour pen since it's a fixed amount of on hit physical damage you can't increase save for pen (and Sterak's but you're going damage) You looked fed enough to sell your jungle item for Cleaver.

anything else?

Looks like my Lulu build

>Mfw the enemy team of Ahri, Teemo, Caitlyn, Karma, and Kha try to siege up against Leona, Ashe, Lee Sin, Viktor, and Shen

youre saying stuff like lee is less fun to watch than boring ass tanks? are you retarded