/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Best Paring Edition

>Teamspeak for Veeky Forums operations
The password is: Operations

Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8 and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
(layout with less scrolling) imgur.com/a/rVmZG/layout/horizontal#0

>Official News & Known Issues
4.2 Patch Live. 4.3 patch coming in October. Season 4 release in November

>Useful links
Maps: r6maps.com/
Drawing board: rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-US/whiteboard/landing.aspx
Sound Propagation: youtube.com/watch?v=fI4YfurxVZU
Barrel attachment comparison as of Sept 23: youtu.be/-cov6N2YLH0
Weapons and Armor damage comparisons: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fr6MsLNfjDlPESlHGUQxoRiR3yChpewKQAlsOHXG5A8/htmlview?usp=sharing&pref=2&pli=1&sle=true

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
(MEGA link provided by user)
(From site)

Comeback Victory:

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first for tachanka

delete this.

Is he our attacker /r6g/?

Yes. Until yesterday I did not see, but Buck is truly the best operator.


I don't get it, is this you? There are better buck ACEs if not

>forgot pic

I really dislike his goddamn stupid nose.

He's part frog.

Did you finish those errands yet buck?

>there are people here he don't think Fuze is best attacker


Yeah, it's me. I hadn't played buck in months, that footage was from last night.

I want a map where it is very vertical. Several floors. Attackers can spawn outside 1st floor or on top of adjacent buildings to get to roof. The top few floors would be a construction site because it is still veing built. Japan has a lot of skyscrapers right?

Serenity just broke the game.

So favela?



Wait, this wasn't a known thing?
Could've sworn I've seen this in a bunch of pro league games.





>playing vs monkeys
>no actual need to use skill


>tfw make 20 killholes in a wall
>tfw confuse enemies
>tfw come from other direction and spank their asses one by one

termoite is viable

So is frots

Isnt favela only 3 floors?

Provide for your family

Praise the one true God!

Favela is literally vertical combat central.

>Using heavy armor operators


I mean not really. If you know what level the objective is on, chances are you'll just breach windows to get to it.

I agree with the other guy. A skyscraper where the room are either really small or theres just office cubicles, and it has like 8 levels with windows on 3/4 of the sides would be cool

For some reason I don't see it that way. Gameplay wise yeah but it doesn't really fit that skyscraper astetic itch I have. Sorry.

B-but I play anchor/pin-point defender with rook/doc on objective.


New game mode when?

>day 2 out 7 of siege cleanse
>literally dreaming about me playing siege

Fuck, I have a problem.

So what'll be the universal skin for next season?
Damascus pattern steel because muh million folded tank-opener? Random moonrunes?

What do you WANT user?

Since it could end up like BF4 where no one touches the new mode

>Best pairing
That's not FuzexHostage

Kawaii (atleast one of the skins/charms)
Cherry Blossom
Akihaba special (Weeb shit to the extreme)
Some sort of special shogun shit
Magical Girl

>Day 3: Dreams of breaching and entering

>Day 4: You swear you saw Caviera blitz past you. Turning around, she's not there

>Day 5: Something starts beeping loudly, you get down and scream "NITRO OH FUCK!" but it's just somebody's watch

>Day 6: You're walking into a bank to make a deposit and you notice the security cameras. In your head, you air-press z to spot then

>Day 7: A good friend of yours decides to jump you from behind as a good joke. You start flapping around screaming like a mad man. "CAVIERA'S GOT ME HELP HELP!"

We got realism mode. Does that count?

I was the same way with Destiny
Was a lore fiend, and would have dreams about stumbling upon some artifact that could fill the gaps between other mysterious relics
They pass over time, you might even miss them.


>tfw had dream about running away from cav

ptsd material

>He hasn't waited for eleven minutes


>day 8: you join swat


There are like no good games out now to play and Siege is king.

Maybe when Titanfall 2 comes out but that didnt have a PC beta and I hope it could get my attention before the japs come out.

Is it possible to implement some type of shooting range or something to do during the loading time?

I'd settle for just being notified when the game starts when I'm alt-tabbed.

>8-2 placements
>silver 2


I believe Silver IV or Gold I is max initial placement, so you're pretty close.

You get put in silver no matter how good you played. I didn't lost any placement games for season 3 and got silver 4.

is 417 any good?

As DMR's go, it's okay, magsize is a little small.
Problem is the opportunity cost of not taking the FAMAS.

Yea, I get to plat every season but always start glod1/silver4

All of the DMRs are good but outclassed by the ARs carried by the ops that have them
Also F2 is best gun

with ash g36 or r4

Good Daily

>Only new thing in the shop today is a Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Bundle
>For Castle
We better see some new shit Friday

r4 for srs play
g36 for aesthetics

no contest, R4

or you can do the best thing and NOT PLAY ASH

They should give 417 to thermite.

>for Castle



Am I late to the party? I haven't been on r6g in a while.

Guess the rework is coming in on Nov / Dec?

Hey guys, I bought the season 3 pro league skins and I don't have them, what the heck?

For Tachanka? We don't know

Did you get them through Steam? Some times they're delayed as fuck.

If you got them through Uplay, try restarting Uplay?

That skin is a bit disappointing for a Blood Dragon theme. But then again bright colors do look weird in Siege imo.

I'm actually surprised with the lack of Tom Clancy realated content.

Is there any other news regarding upcoming patches?

They have that one p90 skin if you owned that one splinter cell game.

Just that they're focusing on hit registration.

>they're focusing on hit registration.

Thank God.

I tried multiple times restarting the program and logging in/out. Tried buying it again but it said I already had them.
I got memed hard enough with Julian Assange last night I don't wanna get memed again guys

I hope that includes rubberbanding cause that fuckinh shit has killed me so many times.

what's wrong with ash?

Somebody draw sledge like Peter Gabriel here


It's better than nothing, I guess.


that's why you put him in his ski outfit!
>bought this headgear with the free season pass money
>realised literally seconds after hitting confirm that it makes his head stick out like a fucking bullseye

seriously dont get the hate for her

After getting the starter edition and playing with recruit so long, I kind of miss the versatility of having access to whatever you want.

I miss having barbed wire + nitro cell on defense or breach charge + frag grenades on attack.

The operators they gave me were IQ and Doc. I do better as recruit than IQ, and I feel like I spend too much of my time waiting to help my teammates as Doc than actually killing people.

Random question, how do you heal yourself as Doc? Not the revive, but when you shoot somebody who isn't dead they get the 40 health thing.

You hit your gadget key again.

Gadget button or key to pull out dart. Gadget button or key again to heal self. If you want to put it away, use the switch weapon button or key.

>The operators they gave me were IQ and Doc
Who's "they"? I thought you get 2 random operators out of Rook, Sledge, Ash, Fuze, Mute, and Smoke. So you either bought IQ and Doc with the R6 credits they gave you.

Cool thanks.

Broken hitbox for a 3 Speed Operator with godlike guns that you can't really counter, even with ads she can just use smoke nades to deplete them

so you're just bad lol

I was hoping for something ground breaking but instead we got at most 3 highlights of retards who look past obvious murder holes and die.


that's cute

Not an argument


>imply you're not bad
>show people missing a character on console

what did he mean by this

>Montagne gets killed by impact grenade
>"Pokeball asshole"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>terrorist hunt
>on console

>terror hunt console

When she caught you did it become a wet dream

in addition to being bad you are retarded.

As the one who made that whole shitty but glorious webm, i play on PC with a controller, because of how shitty my mouse is.

Didn't see a point in getting a new mouse when I had controllers lying around at my disposal.

I don't understand why people have gripes with fellow Siege players on Console.

We're in here to appreciate Siege and share the love, not alienate those who are with us. Hell, Siege is as somewhat low-key as it already is, we need more people.

>have a bad mouse
>may as well use an even less accurate form of input
unless the sensor makes it skip around erratically I guess

There are good mice for 60 bucks like the Zowie EC1/FK1, but if that's not you then there are other brands of Optical mice for cheaper.