Can I drive with an expired tag if the new one is in the mail? Can they tell I can an up to date registration?
The expired tag is for 7-16, and its 8-16 now so its obvious its expired
Can I drive with an expired tag if the new one is in the mail? Can they tell I can an up to date registration?
The expired tag is for 7-16, and its 8-16 now so its obvious its expired
It's illegal and you'll get pulled over for it but most cops won't ticket you once they look it up.
so as long as im not black ill be fine?
You think the University police will care? Illl be parking oncampus for quite a while
Campus police tend to be bigger dicks than regular police and can have your car impounded at their discretion for any offense real or imagined.
I guess ill call the campus police department and ask if its okay or ill just put a receipt of my renewal on my motorcycle and hope they are understanding
fuck I don't want to have to ask my parents to bring me to uni like a highschool faggot
Just park across the street fag
I don't go to uni in a bumfuckistan area, there is no "across the street free and easy parking"
Wouldn't the police and campus police be able to tell once they scan your plate?
You get a 30 day grace period, so you're fine.
>30 day grace period
>already been more than 30 days
I've been ticketed for expired tags on a car that wasn't mine by a campus officer...but if you have paperwork proving you renewed you'll be fine
It's been more than 30 days
So if they ticket me I can show the campus police?
Should I just leave a copy of my recipt on my bike?
I park 1mile away from campus and just walk from there
So basically you are a lazy fuck who waited until the last minute to renew your registration and are now asking if it's okay to drive with expired registration and if you can get shit for it? Is that not obvious?? American University student has to ask questions this stupid? Are you majoring in African Studies as a way of apologizing for slavery?
>paying for uni parking
get a load of this faggot
They can look it up in their system and see whether or not you have paid your tags and taxes.
You blew it by posting this. The FBI is en route to your house.
shutup faggot, my registration is fine
>walking 1 mile just to get to school
>thinking the local business wont get all buttmad at students parking in their lot
wew lad, thats what I thought
>be me
>tags expired 4-16
>pay registration for 4-17
>never receive new tags
>still driving with a 4-16 tag on the back of my car for the last 4 months.
No tickets no pulled over. Cops have been behind me many times.
I don't care either
A tag for 7/16 is valid until 12:01 AM 8/1/16. It's not 30 days after that yet. Enjoy your grace period.
No his tag is only valid with the day and month and year of his registration like mine expired 4-16-16 so if his expired 7-16-16 that's over 30 days