Let the gf drive; immediately in the next 15 minutes doesn't slow down at the intersection and uses the asphalt like 69 grit sandpaper. Mercedes w204 2012. Help me Veeky Forums bros, don't want to buy a new bumper although probably my only solution with my ocd.
Curb Rash. Woman driver
sand it, clean it up, touch up paint, and cry
>tfw let my gf drive my car once and she scraped the fuck out the sidewall enough to rip it
racers don't need girlfriends
Damn dude she was hooning to have an intersection do that. Shitcan the girl. She doesn't respect your property which means she definitely doesn't respect you.
Thanks. Probably the final solution.
We haven't fucked, which made my balls swell up with anger. Of course it was my fault though because I trusted a woman with my life. Never do I see good woman drivers, they always have their hands at 12:00 like their driving go carts.
I wish I had a sport car; the ole merc does have a AMG suspension and said to be a sport design, fuck if I know. All stock though, shit continental tires, decent stock rims, never raced just pushed 120 on the freeway. I wouldn't be caught dead 3am in inglewood or whatever wide street the degenerate spics decide to race on. Front WD is okay, probably helps with gas consumption.
Easy repair if you decide to do it yourself. You won't ever know it was damaged.
>havent fucked
>having a gf at a stage where you let her drive
man youre getting cucked
>Let the gf drive; immediately in the next 15 minutes doesn't slow down at the intersection
>We haven't fucked
That's the other problem. Never fucking. If she still refuses to fuck after this, then what is she up to as a "GF"? Are you one of her spare tires? If you and her have been dating for some time, then she might be seeing some other guys too. A lot of girls don't fuck the "side" guys because that would be disloyal to the main boyfriend. But they get dates in order to maintain some sort of relationship and string it along. Side guys are there as the spare tire if the main relationship was starting to break up.
Not saying your GF is like that, but I've seen the "spare tire" pattern so many times in both university and post university life.
As for the pain, you'll have to strip off any sealant and wax so that paint touchup will stick. Because the scratching will have raised up lots of ridge-like protrusions, you'll have to sand those down. Some people tape off the area before sanding. Others may use a hole punch to punch out small pieces of wet sanding paper and glue those to the rubber tip of a pencil as their sanding tool.
For big scratch areas, a squeegee paint was made, but that's not for you. It's really for CL cars to hide the problem just long enough. Squirt the touchup paint on. Squeegee the paint across the big scratch area. Wipe off remainder of paint quickly before it dries. Done.
What kinda relationship you want?
>just fuck my car up
> bein sure to say w204 instead of C class
Cause C class is the Mercedes for the poop pleb.
> sayin w204 just reinforced that
Had you had money for a proper Mercedes, you wouldn't worry abot a scratch or two since you'd be trading it in for a new one at the end of the month.
Deal with it pleb.
>We haven't fucked, which made my balls swell up with anger.
So, you aren't the main boyfriend? Just a friend so far? Or she uses you not just as a car source and for free food but to gain access to your set of friends? I had a girl use me that way as I was merely the door to get introduced to my contact circle which were all well-off engineers and professionals. She only stroked my ego long enough to do that and then dropped me fast after she moved onto my friends. Some of those female self-help books are full of advice like that on how to use people to keep moving forward until the girl finally finds the BF she wants to keep.
sick reference? sick reference!
Wow, it's a scratch on the bottom of the car. Literally who the fuck cares.
>having a gf that wouldnt even fuck
>letting the dumb bitch drive
you have only yourself to blame
>having a gf that wouldnt even fuck
That means he's not really the boyfriend.
He's just a friend on the side.
>Let the gf drive; immediately in the next 15 minutes doesn't slow down at the intersection
What did she say about the accident? Ooops? That would not be an apology. Did she offer to pay to fix it? Or is it all your fault?
>who the fuck cares
Many people have pride of ownership. He paid for his car. You see that in well-maintained clean cars that are pleasant to look at and ride in.
Some people have the "who the fuck cares" attitude and it shows. Greasy handprints. Burger wrappers on the floor. Their home is slovenly. Their underwear is always dirty. Their houses have shit maintenance. That's the "who the fuck cares" crowd. We've all seen too much of that. And then the crime rates go up because the bad people like living in areas full of "no one cares about anyone else" attitude. That means everyone leaves the criminals alone so they can be much freer to cause crime with less risk. That's the endgame consequence of a "who cares" attitude when a bunch of people in the same neighborhood have it.
It's that "girlfriend" who has the I don't care attitude. OP hasn't said she has any sincere remorse about the damage she caused. So I assume she is using the girl tactic of ignoring the problem if she isn't going to pay for it.
>not fixing a minor paint scratch raises crime rates
Sure thing, pep-pop.
>skips all thought in order to post a one-liner
Righteo, alphonse.
>A scratch on a part of the car that no one will ever fucking see is the same as greasy cheetos handprints and burger wrappers everywhere
Seek help.
Just because it's long doesn't mean it's thought out.
>tfw car is stick and gf has been too scared to learn for like 3 years now
This used to really bother me but after reading this thread I'm pretty sure I don't want her learning stick after all. Idk about her driving my car.
Drop that girlfriend like a bad habit.
She doesn't care about you, and the things you care about the most.
A tug and a snooze, you can't lose.
The only woman who's ever been behind the wheel of my car is my mom, but she let's me borrow her roadster as well, so I guess that's fair.
But girlfriends or, god forbid, random girls that won't even have sex with me, hell no, not even once.
She will shift from 3rd into 1st and cause something to break. There have been multiple other threads in the past month where people let someone else drive stick and the transmission got cucked from being forced from high gear into 1st.
>all thought
He's using a tenuous at VERY best slippery slope fallacy as an argument to explain why someone should care about a paint scratch you can only see lying on your fucking back. Hows that for fucking thought? Grats, you got me to waste more time out of my day on his idiocy.
>she is my girlfriend
>we haven't fucked
>I let her drive my merc though
OP your girlfriend of how long?
If you're going fast enough in 3rd it's very hard to put it into 1st, you'd need to muscle it in and really force it into gear. My car has never let me do that
>that feeling when OP abandons his thread after Veeky Forumstists give him shit about having a gf that will not fuck him
reddit pls
TFW buy garage-kept 04' MSM with flawless paint and then scrap front MSM air splitter on my driveway as soon as I get home.
I still haven't done anything to it for about 2 months, but it isn't noticeable.