Bout time for an oil change, what filters are recommended? I know fram makes garbage filters and I'd like to stay with better brands.
Purolator or Wix
Mobil 1 or full synthetic Castrol or penzoil
Oem filter
Purolator, Wix, or Bosch.
OEM. Always
VW cant design a fucking single part of a vehicle well
i could immediately tell its a VW too because of that hideous gauges
Fram Ultra is a good filter is a good resource on this.
Its a hyundai
Here's proof
This. I get OEM filters for $6 a pop from dealer. And they're like $4 if I get through Toyota instead of Lexus. Would only go with aftermarket if I was running boost
Fram will be just fine then.
Fram is a shity filter.
Wix is GOAT, made in USA, and it uses premium quality materials. Bosch is also great, so is mobil1 higher end filters.
Motorcraft filter and oil
This. Wix filters are dope senpai.
Exactly, you drive a hyundai
Yeah, and it's a shitty car. You don't seem to realize that there is literally no difference that putting a high quality filter will make for a totally stock, non-performance commuting vehicle vs a cheap one.
dont take pictures while youre driving, i dont care that bad about how many miles you have
>all these idiots paying a premium for "racing air filters"
I bet you have a gaming mouse, gaming mouse pad, gaming keyboard, gaming glasses, and a duel disk as well
This is probably true. But I would still spend a few more dollars for a decent filter just so you don't worry about parts of it detaching and getting in the engine. The cheap frams are 100% cardboard and glue. They're probably well engineered, but they're still cheap as fuck.
Hahaha Shigy Diggy Doo
> Paying a premium
> STP filter
> Purolator
Much higher quality than STP and can be had for around $3 at walmart.
If you're going to go cheap atleast go good cheap
Eh, it's your money, do with it what you will. I've heard Royal Purple is also p good. I personally use Fram because it's completely adequate for my car's performance level, and at this point, there's no reason for me to spend more than I have to. Good thing about cardboard is at least it's pretty combustible.
At least I take pride in taking care of my car. Whether it's the Mercedes in the garage or the Hyundai in the driveway.
Bet you feel pretty stupid now huh faggot
I could tell that was a VW instrument cluster because it uses that same fucking typeface VW always uses.
Except it isn't you stupid fuck
Why are you so fucking stupid?
To be fair, that looks like a passat cluster.
No it doesn't.
1) VWs have the tachometer on the left
2) VWs have the fuel door on the right
Dead giveaways.
Both of those happen in that picture. The original (mine) was not was I was talking about.
In that case you were close, it's a jetta
Must be 2010+
Nope. 2001
Why am I so bad.
Speak the truth
So because I drive a car that isn't racetrack only I should run shit filters, shit tires, shit gas, shit coolant, shit transmission fluid? Sounds like you benchracers either ride the bus or won't see 20,000mi on a new car due to neglect.
Is that your Jetta?
What's up with that 'Fasten Seat belt'? I'm driving an '03 2L and I don't have a panel there.
Meant for
Why not just bypass the filter user? Then you save money not having to change it.
Different trim maybe?
OEM, Wix, or Purolator
Get yourself Purolator Boss
Purolator, Wix(Napa Gold ), or Bosch
Oem is meme
Its just rebranded *insert manufacture here* parts.
The fuck? My 01 Wolfsburg doesn't have that fasten seatbelt thing
Filters were on sale at my walmart today.
Picked up a few bosch filters for $5 each.
They also had a bunch of frams for only $1.
Current Purolator oil filters have problems with blow through holes appearing in their metal can filters. People have been taking them apart and checking and noticed holes.
The company has been largely unresponsive and uncommunicative about the problem.
Made in China stronk.
>Fram Ultra is a good filter
> is a good resource on this.
FRAM is made in the usa by the original american company.
It's not a "Made In China" type filter.
>Wix is made in China
WIX filters are actually made in various places as listed at their website. They have offices or factories in the USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Poland, Brazil, and CHINA. Various Wix oil filters are made in CHINA while others might be from the USA or Mexico as noted by people who do their own oil changes.
GLX trim gets the trip computer I believe.
>a bunch of frams for only $1.
Fran has a rebate going on, $4 for two filters. You could make money and not even use the filters.
What makes wix different from the other good oil filter brands?
google will tell you
or someone will spoonfeed you