Why don't white people use their garages for their cars?

Why don't white people use their garages for their cars?

They either have a shit ton of boxes stacked in their for no reason, have a ping pong/fooseball table, or they have a couch and tv in their.

wtf is up with that retarded shit

because normies

why do white men get black guys to fuck their women for them?

I'm white and I dont have shit like that in my "garage". Which is just an enclosed carport

nice SVX mah nig

Thanks M Night Famalan

What are you talking about. Black people can't afford garages.

Black people do the same thing except the boxes of stuff are from other white peoples garages

god damn your car is beautiful

Why don't black people use their houses for not selling crack?

probably because they don't live in the ghetto near a lot of other black fellows who will steal your out right from out of your driveway.
Mexicans usually have other mexicans in the garage (myself included)

I asked someone about this; they said it was a way for apologizing for slavery and oppression

What planet are you on where white people don't put their cars in their garages?

My garage has jet skis and other toys in it that are a shitload easier to steal than my cars.

Because white people have enough money to afford things

There's only a motorcycle and a roadster in my garage, what are you even talking about?

Im white and don't park my car in my garage. See no need to, i like the extra storage.

What kind of meme is this? I have my car in my garage


you must be in Florida...thats the only state I've see white trash using their garage for a living room

Because most whites live in neighborhoods where its ok to leave cars outside at night. Not like you'd know, though.

Underrated Kek.

Because black people's government provided housing doesn't have garages.

Wtf you talking about. I use my garage

wtf i hate white people now

Because I make more money owing a body shop.

It's an american thing so people can show off. Niggers just don't trust eachother thats why they keep their cars locked away in black neighbourhoods