Someone stole my neighbor's headlights last night. Dude is so pissed off.
Being where we live, it was probably niggers, but idk because niggers would have probably broke something in the process.
Someone stole my neighbor's headlights last night. Dude is so pissed off.
Being where we live, it was probably niggers, but idk because niggers would have probably broke something in the process.
easy 1k for stock hids
lol who the fuck steals just headlights in a 1st world country when there are rims and calipers right there for less tools
Nah mexicans and asian gangs steal car parts, black thugs don't understand how value works outside of straight cash homie.
I'm sure it's worth something, but why not grab the bumper cover while you're at it too?
At least he got a v6 or else the car might have been desirable enough stolen. Bet he's one of those fags with the blue HID lights and drives with the high beams, someone got tired of his shit.
He's kind of a douche, but he's a nice guy.
Also, yep they were aftermarket headlights with the fucking blue.
I'm guessing whoever stole them has the same car and wanted his fancy lights.
There are quite a few wetbacks in the apartments complex behind us, so you could be right.
I hope my car isn't next. Fuck man.
This. But it was probably a Mexican.
Niggers cant afford cars so they would've stolen the whole thing
Niggers only steal rims and emblems.
This looks like spics.
Put this bumper sticker on your car.
yeah op do this so I can key "BUILD WALL" into his car
I'm going to put it on my car so they don't fuck with it too
And then put a Trump sticker right below it just to fuck with their heads
Trump hates mexicans? That's news to me...
all these assumptions ITT
i hope it was a white guy and I hope he steals your shit next OP.
He still hasn't even put it back together. Probably still too pissed off.
Fuck off Enrique
Why would stock parts be worth anything? They all came with them.
They were aftermarket with some kind of LED lights that were always on and went around the edge of the lights. Sort of looked like a new Audi's lights. The actually headlights were those blue fuckers though.
because stock looks better than aftermarket in most cases, also im a previous owner of one, it literally only take one guy with a 10mm and 15 min to take both headlights off, on bolt up top and two on the bottom.
>$500 ea OEM ebay
lol this happened to my friends buick lesabre a few years ago in an area filled with mexicans. the police had a hard time believing him
My headlights don't come off unless you pop the hood and undo a latch. Tell your neighbor to get a better car.
This happened to me. It turns out it was a fucking gang of wetbacks who were stealing in different neighborhoods.
What can I do to prevent the taco benders from fucking with my car?
>post yfw trump loses
>post yfw trump wins
He won't though
That is fucked up. Hope he has insurance, those suckers will not be cheap. Need to invest in some security cameras it a a garage.
I'll go talk to him later when he's out there fucking with it.
He was far too angry to talk when I saw him earlier. Understandable.
i do not understand why you wouldnt just pay extra to have a garage spot
i pay around 150$ a month just for that one purpose for my cars
These are shitty income based apartments. They're shit, but I can deal with it for a year or so. The only reason I got one is because my mom lives out here too.
Also, I don't even pay that much for rent :^)
Here's how shitty the apartments are.
>pays $150 for garage
>can't pay insurance or registration because he can't drive for shit and has wrecked so many times
Kek. Faggot.
>so poor that youre living in income based apartment
>still drive a 350z
Your neighbor is a swagfag who deserves everything he gets
>newer 370z
>living in projects
Serves him right.
370z you blind nigger
>If you own a car more expensive than mine than you deserve to have it damaged
Absolute cancer
Yeah, my 2015 crewcab Tundra sure costs less than a nigged out 370z.
>being okay with someone milking the system paying cheap rent and spending money on a nicer car
You're the nigger retard.
>If you own a car more expensive than mine than you deserve to have it damaged
No, but you're idiot for not using that extra money to find a better place and a garage.
Stop being bad with money.
no you deserve to live in a house not the projects
>What can I do to prevent the taco benders from fucking with my car?
Move because living with non-whites gets you predictable results. I moved, so can you.
Alternate option, drive something hideous and save money until you aren't so poor you have to live around trash.
Economic segregation is MUCH more important than a car. Once you live where you have no poortrash neighbors you'll love life in so many ways.
do you just make shit up or what?
You live in the fucking projects and you're assuming its not niggers? Fucking idiot, most spics work so much they dont have the time to steal shit like that and looking at the way the houses are, something tells me you're not living in an area with alot of chinks so it cant be them, DEFINITELY NIGGERS
>no insurance on a financed car
>no registration and no insurance
Yeah, I'm making shit up you dumbass faggot.
Yeah, I'm going back to Kentucky within the next year. I only came down here because I was going to college here and mom got me this cheap ass apartment.
I'm about to give it up and get out of here.
This whole city is a nig infested shithole and I hate it.
Here's another good one:
>$500 a month lease on a fucking FRS
Do I need to find more?
is this is the reasoning behind the theft, that shit is so just
I'm not even him, but fuck off dude. Jesus. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
welp my car is insured plated and really none of that is your concern now is it?
did you even look in the evo thread?
or did you just see my name and assume like a little child?
>anime-posting manchild
>calling anyone else a faggot
If you owned a car you'd care because people like that retard make insurance rates go up.
>calling anyone else a child when you break a finance agreement and don't pay insurance on a financed car
But of course you're fine with delusion, you're a mentally ill faggot.
Just fuck off. Please. Nobody fucking cares. You're fucking obnoxious, and I bet you annoy everyone around you. Get some self awareness, faggot.
awwwwww he is too poor to afford insurance
i do as i please and you fall in line behind me
>being this triggered on Veeky Forums
I'm sure you can find a safe space on reddit.
>i-i don't care!
>still replies
Fat faggot.
Nobody said anything about the value of their own car. There's a term for people who live in the projects and drive nice cars - "nigger rich."
>justifies not having insurance on a car for nearly a year
>y-youre just poor
Kek. Keep up the delusion as you post from your rented apartment faggot.
Wise choice. School should always be in white areas. If money is problem, enlist and let Uncle pay for it if you've no legal barriers. (Avoid Army for every reason Armyfags will mention.)
In any event, always live white.
>tries to justify a car sitting on jackstands in underground secure storage needing insurance
>thinks my finance company wasnt aware
wat are you gonna go tell your parents on me?
kys ma nig
>There's a term for people who live in the projects and drive nice cars - "nigger rich."
Yep. Car is last priority. Living away from non-whites shits ALL over anything else unless you are a basketball beanerkin.
All goblins see is something to steal. They don't care about each other so you aren't even on the list.
Living white is a lifestyle. It involves avoiding losers (including white losers), always seeking prosperity, and always having your priorities right. There's plenty of time and money for toys after you escape Mudskinville. Even some muds are smart enough to GTFO and they don't mince words about why. tjsotomayor on Jewtoob nails it, and he proudly moved to a white area to escape!
>calling anyone poor when you can't afford to drive your car
I don't have to tell anyone, an insurance audit will do the job for me, dumbass. As much as you wreck you should be thoroughly educated on how insurance works. You're a goddamned liar saying the bank knew the car wasn't insured. Nobody accepts that kind of liability. Stop posting at any time. Glad you took your retarded name off, but it's still obvious which posts are the retarded faggot posting.
because i didnt drive it i musnt be able to afford it hm? why are you so upset user
Lmao. Keep making up excuses faggot. If you had the money there wouldn't be a problem. Then again you thought a tC was a race car, so I'm talking to a wall.
Nah, I'm good money wise. I'm only here because it was cheap and easy and like half a mile to the school. ULM is a shit school, don't even get me started on that.
>I'm only here because it was cheap and easy
So are brides from the ghetto. Doesn't make it smart. However you've learnt your life lesson and it will stick.
Viva la Raza! BLM an' sheeit.
>lemme git dat last werd in
Damn right I did.
I didn't think niggers were that bad until I was actually around them. Whatever you read on the internet about them, it's far worse.
Turned me completely racist. Can't wait to leave this shit city and shit state.
I'm in Monroe, Louisiana right now btw.
at least they left his bumper
how can someone living in modest home afford 370z?
370z headlights are stupidly overpriced, 700 a piece from the parts counter iirc
Sell stock lights to people that bought a car with shit aftermarket lights. Car without lights now buys shit aftermarket lights. The cycle goes on.