Roadkill stories

Have you ever killed an animal with your car? I hit a dumbass bird today and I completely rekt it. It flew in front of me while I was going 50 and literally exploded shit and guts. My windshield was splattered with shit and a couple blood spots. It dried up a bit in the pic I took but you can still see it pretty well.

Idk why the pic got flipped. Here's some feathers and shit stuck in my grille

my dad hit a bird on a road trip when i was little, looked similar. ive only ever hit an animal when no one else is with me for some reason i dont swerve either, if its something small, they just get lucky when people are with me. as far as what i have hit, 2 rabbits and a cat, i felt bad about the car since i was in my city and only doing like 35, watched it run away in my rearview. the rabbits were on a highway somewhere in utah going about 75-80, would have been three but one of them got lucky and made it under and out the other side. come to think of it that probably scared it so much it had a heart attack

Bumped into a grizzly bear a couple of years ago on vacation and knocked him on his ass. I never knew my little shitbox could reverse so quickly.

I was going down the freeway at 85 and got a bird with just the very tip of my aerial. I'm sure it tore through it like a bullet though.

Was driving east through New Mexico in a semi and there was a million rabbits dashing across the road.

It was like pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop

Are you sure that wasn't the cartel?

Nope, sounded like natural selection.

A deer tried to fight my car. Car won.


>Driving my new full-size truck with girl I just started dating
>Coming off bridge on side that passes under railroad tracks
>Cars are backed way up wtf?
>See that they're waiting while single file line of ducks waddle across road
>Downshift, roar under high clearance route for tall trucks, plow through ducks
>Fuck a duck

fuck the gril too?

There have been some suicidal rabbits in my time of driving. A couple times my buddy and I have driven over birds that were trying to run away in the rut on the gravel road, they never tried flying. I hit a deer once but it just got up and ran off, which was good, I didn't want to have to finish off a wounded animal.

Driving through bumfuck nowhere Nevada in the middle of the night. Killed so many god damn suicidal rabbits. At first I kinda felt bad but after the sixth one I was just like fuck it they deserve to die for being so fucking stupid.

I've smoked a rabbit and several birds. Almost hit a rabbit on my motorcycle on the way to work this morning. It either went right in front of the front wheel or actually passed between them

Crushed a squirrel under my rear right tire while turning right around a corner and it created a nice little DURIFTU with his brain chunks and a small blood smear. pretty metal.

I had a bird kamikaze into my chest while I was riding my motorcycle at 50kph. Felt like a fucking bullet.

Coming back from a hike with a mate, around dusk, travelling through suburban streets near some bush at maybe 50km/h (20mph?) and a wallaby jumped out from behind a car, smacked right into the bumper and copped a tyre

Got out and the cunt was fucked, spine was clearly broken and had looked like it had severe internal damage, at least crushed lungs

Had no idea what to do so I stomped on its head til it stopped moving (still had hiking boots on), put it in a black plastic bag and into some fellas wheelie bin

Mate said I did the right thing but I keep feeling that I could've done a better job, pulled a knife at least

Bumper had gore, stopped at a self service wash and hosed it to hell, also cleaned my shoe and the plastic floormat

>on cruise at 55-60mph in winter truck (2000 F250)
>luckily don't have the plow on it yet or it would've been distoryed
>suicidal deer runs from the woods 20 feet from my car
>no time to even touch the brakes
>slam into it, its flung down the street
>run it over trying to stop
>blood fucking everywhere but it's still alive
>bumper is slightly bent, barely noticeable
>deer still alive after a few minutes
>decide to shoot it with my Bersa .380
>go home
>thought about calling insurance but the damage is so minimal i never did

Ran over a pigeon a while ago.

Road had been closed for a couple of months to repair a bridge (again). Birds got complacent. I drove down it the morning it re-opened, doing 60 in a 40 because no traffic.
Pigeon didn't get out the way.
I got closer.
Pigeon didn't move.
I got even closer.
Pigeon decided it'd better wander to the side.
Look in mirror to see cloud of feathers and a pigeon rolling down the road shedding them.

Stupid fuckers.

Killed a raccoon night before last. Had to step on his throat to make sure he was dead, he was still in one piece but probably a mess inside. Considering a C&C to be able to put any wildlife out of its misery.

I have a good one.

I was driving my Hyundai Accent, with my friends, on the road I drove on a lot during a hard moment of my life.We were almost at the end, when I see a fox family cross the road. I step on the brakes, they lock, but it was too late. I hit a baby fox. We went back to see it, it was still alive. My friend had to finish it with a rusty knife I had in my car.

Many many times

>hit rabbit or baby fox, not sure
>front bumper split in half
>totaled radiator

DENSO radiator+work=240€

Still have to fork out 500€ to fix front bumper, may have to buy new one for more

a dog
there was oncoming traffic so I dindu nutin stupid and just rammed it.
Heard enough stories about people who kill themselves or others trying to avoid hitting some furry. I was kinda glad afterwards, knowing I can think this kind of situations

>occasionally late to work because people stop for geese on the last stretch of road before my job
>at the front of a line of cars for once
>see oncoming backed up
>mfw I've been waiting for this moment for months
>ragtag conga line of Canadian shitbombers starts out across the road in front of the stopped cars
>roll my Windows up and continue at 40mph
>cuck in oncoming starts flashing his lights thinking I don't fathom the heavy handed Darwinism I'm about to dish out
>nail 3 of the fuckers, feathers everywhere
>the people behind me stop even though I left them a nice wide opening in the goose line
>some guy in a truck is laughing his ass off
>mfw I wasn't late that day