AH HAH....
Ah hee...
Ah hoo...
What in the actual fuck?
>women's repair center
Why would you pay someone to not change your oil?
O I am laffin
So much for gender equality.
>Where women take cars with minor problems to be poorly serviced by women, for women.
That's lucrative if she's a good business person.
Otherwise it'll fail very quickly.
> all female staff
It's gonna fail
I give it 2 months.
Now I'm gonna say that's a good business idea. They will make money.
Should anyone take their car there? Probably not. Should you go there for a mani/pedi? Probably not. Both take skill and trying to mush them together seems like a bad idea.
Shops gonna suck for actual repairs but you have to admit that it's shitty that mechanics take advantage of women
>mechanics take advantage of women
thats a flat out lie if a mechanic is shady hes going to take advantage of everyone
>Take advantage of men who are likely to know their shit
>Take advantage of women who won't even know it
It's pretty simple.
anything that's all female is run horribly. I mean, look at fucking HR offices, those places are nightmares. You have to talk to 6 people just to get routine shit done, because nobody even knows who's fucking job it is it to do it.
>implying majority of guys know anything about cars.
Most wouldn't even know how to change oil.
The vast majority of men don't know shit.
Just look at Veeky Forums for example.
That's fucking sexist
mechanics take advantage of anyone that dosn't know shit about cars,it just so happens that women usually arent into cars.
>blow outs
If this where they use a shop vac to vacuum all the previous night's cum out?
Are you implying that men don't have a better (even marginally so) understanding of cars?
nu-males don't give a fuck about cars
I wanna get a manipedi while they port amd polish my manifold
There's already one in Ontario that literally does the exact same thing. I can't think of the name, but this certainly isn't the first place to do that.
That's a pretty good business idea. If her employees are competent I can see tons of women flocking there to get their shit done.
But then again, like all "for women only" type businesses... this will fail due to incompetence and drama.
These types of businesses never last. You're automatically eliminating most customers (single men and most married couples). Single women will likely go either somewhere cheap or somewhere a man they know recommended, neither of which will be this place.
And there is no woman that wants her nails done at the auto mechanic.
make a man only shop where you get to watch sports and a steak and SJW would be pissed. although one time I did pick up parts from a family shop right next to their family diner. fries and burger were dank
>hires female mechanics
according to my friend who did the tech school for that shit only 2 out of his whole school were girls. Only 1 graduated.
>blow outs
w-what that's lewd
I would assume the mechanics are not giving mani/pedis. Geez.
Or it could be that HR is a horseshit concept in general, and is purely a manifestation of bureaucracy.
>there is no woman who wants her nails done at the auto mechanic
I dunno, it strikes me as being similar to all of the laundromats with tanning salons attached. Take a time consuming chore that you can't just leave, and sell them something more pleasant while they wait. Works for dudes and laundromats that serve beer.
I'd fuck it
This is the neckbeardeist thing I've read today. Your average anime loving waifu pillowfucker knows nothing about cars outside of the HACHY ROWKOO.
No, not really. Just look at Veeky Forums. These guys are actually interested in cars and they don't know shit. Imagine those who do not have an interest in cars.
Maybe guys know about more cars, but they don't know more about cars. I know girls that change their oil, and guys who take their cars in to replace their windshield wipers.
I think the silent majority here understands case fairly well, it's just the vocal minority (shitposters and genuine idiots) that you see a lot of here.
>and guys who take their cars in to replace their windshield wipers
I don't believe you. It says how to change them right on the box.
thats not why its gonna fail: it's gonna fail because any real female mechanic isnt going to give a shit about some gimmick "gurrrl powrrr" auto shop and just go somewhere else. Everyone can see how and why this will fail. because she'll hire the absolute worst of the worst, because only the bottom of the barrel would even think to go somewhere like that
>doing jobs that aren't bullshit secretary or human resources based
Are they even strong enough to carry a wheel?
Someone probably told him they took their car for regular service at a dealer, and the wipers were replaced as part of an n-point check.
That I could believe but it's entirely different from bringing your car in for the express purpose of changing wipers.
Why do women feel like the have to be involved in everything?
And if they do manage to find female mechanics, how long are they going to put up with the feminist bullshit the manager will likely be throwing around/
You roll wheels dumbass, not carry them
numale manlet detected
You lift them up to put them on the hub. You can't roll a tire onto a car dumbass.
>be stronk independent womyn
>take my 2003 BMW for a CEL to their shop so it can pass inspection
>thinking about going full spa with nails and to redye my hair bright purple
>$786 to change an Oxygen sensor and and oil change, don't know what that is but must be important
>$255 for hair and nails
>it's a little expensive and hair/nails don't look as great as the Chinese salon but fuck men, this is for teh womyn
>drive home and CEL comes back
>drive back to their shop
>oops they are closed for the day
>must be something important to close a shop on a Tuesday at 1pm
>come back next day early
>shop opened 2 hrs late
>haha such a girl thing
>woman at the counter is being a real bitch today, wants t charge me another $100 to check the code
>let them do it
>another one of those Oxygen sensors
>gotta pay again, gotta call daddy for more money
>pay and leave shop knowing womyn can do anything men can do! Only better!
>CEL light came back on when I got home
Pretty sure its illegal to deny service to a dude because he's a dude
Aside from /r9k/ strawmanning, is there a reason why this is a bad idea? It seems like a good way for a business minded woman to exploit certain women's qualms about going to a normal mechanic, while also making more money on selling them shit while they wait.
>business-minded women
Good joke m8
It's not strawmanning when data backs it up. Women are shit-tier ar careers apart from HR which is basically made to give them a job, or teaching or other shit. Anything industrious or entrepreneurial isn't something their brains can work with. They don't run off of logic.
I didn't say all women or even most women are capable, but denying that there can be some women who can be capable business owners is cringey. In my hometown there are a few very successful businesses that have been around most of my life that are female owned.
Gina rinehart now kys
>inherits empire that a man built
>value appreciates because China
This guy gets it
Which means they're going to have to have double the staff for the same footfall
It's not going to turn a profit, she's already doubled her overhead without doing anything to significantly increase footfall, if anything she's going to lose a lot of customers since men will ignore it completely and go to traditional mechanics
>tfw wouldn't mind working in that shop as a mechanic
Girls with car problems are Hilarious desu. There's a reason I do a lot of basic maint free.
Alternatively, I'd love to take a rather ambitious project to them and set them up to take a lawsuit.
I doubt the manis and pedis would be free
Neither are the manicurists' or pediatricians' wages
That's usually how businesses work
Good job user
Let me spell it out for you
>Mechanic has A number of employees
>Gets B amount of customers
>C amount of customers also get mani/pedis
>Also has D number of beauticians on the payroll
>A+D is almost certainly higher than B-C making D a net loss
>implying only the people getting their cars fixed can get manis and pedis
So called "fusion" ideas are always doomed to fail, specialized shops do better work for less cost
t. armchair economist
It wouldn't be hard to turn a profit on considering the manicurists and pedicurists don't make a ton of money, plus the manis and pedis wouldn't probably be a touch overpriced because of convenience.
They could do what some beauty places do, where they provide the facilities, and then rent the chair to the beauticians for a flat monthly rate, and the beauticians keep their own money and pay for their own supplies. That would make the overhead for the shop very low. If no one is renting chairs it isn't really an extra expense.
It's an alright idea as long as the owner realizes lots of people will be upset about getting fleeced at the mechanics and will be too cheap to pay for a manicure.
Also they need to hire penis'd mechanics. Even women don't want women working on their cars
Quick where's that article from that woman that tried to start an all women company and it fell flat on its face?
I think that would be less of an issue in an urban area like Philadelphia, urban centers attract the type of women who will eat that shit up.
Fuck yeah nigga
if you go on their facebook it's filled with 5 star reviews with no comments and some cringey reviews
facebook doot com slash GirlsAutoClinic/videos
I tried looking and there were two other cases like this. One tried and failed quite fast. The other started a custom shop with an all female team in Canada which built a few cars but didn't have enough business, went on sharktank or something similar to start a oil change shop called Ms.Lube. the owner of Mr.Lube was part of the show and said he's going to sue because of the name. Dumb bitch wanted to fight over it and lost.