Will you be getting one?

Will you be getting one?

Maybe. Has a price range been revealed yet?

They're """""Suspecting""""" a bit cheaper than a miata (10k USD in Japan)

Around 20k is What is suspected when imported

I don't think americans will have it because safety regs

If Subaru can afford to make AWD shitboxes start under 20000 why can't anyone do the same with RWD

Really think they're going to sell them that cheap?
After all the added nav and Bluetooth touch screen what-have-yous?

If it has a decent engine
If it has a decent suspension
If it come with LSD
If it isn't too heavy
If they hit their target price point
So basically no, because good concept cars always over sell and under deliver.

If the SFR keeps their target price, this will be the first ever car I'm getting brand new.

The wife wants one, so yes.

Nah, I'll be waiting for the RFS next year.

lmao why are you retards acting like this car is going to be sold anywhere other than Japan.

no, I will be getting the new civic

Looks like a good car for my wife's son

Nah, doesn't have ecoboost

But does Jamal want one?

Last I heard the werent coming to the NA market, if they are even produced at all.

>make ugly car
>no no no, is quirky yes? make you look young and fun, yes?

They almoat did it in the past.
>Base price around 20k.

Have there been any updates in the last six months? I just assumed it was dead.

Prolly not

I already have a Fiesta ST, so I've already experienced a "quick" car. I would like my next car to be a fast car.

No because I'm in the US and I haven't heard anything about this being available to my market

Yes, RWD and engine above 2.0l

If you look at the concept the have a place for a phone and that's it. I think they are aiming this at poor millennials

samefag please leave

Ive heard some differences because of redesigning(adding to spartan interior). Somewhere around 13-15k including tax in jpn
That'll probably continue going up seeing how willing toyota is to put pointless shit in cars that hike the price.
>Frs 23k when it started
>26k in jpn when put under toyota badge.
Wew lad.
Im hearing 21-22k imported. Realistically i believe it will be 23k if it actually hits us.
Rsx when it came out was 20k in the us with a 2.0 dohc i4 15years ago for a baseline because of an already built drivetrain and most parts being made/assembled in north america. Though that is fwd my point was that it got that price under a "luxury" brand which is odd to see but they understood the market unlike toyota which only seem to understand people will pay more for the assumption of badge reliability and safety but only if the competition is closely matched. As mentioned rwd was almost 20k in the past domestically but reaching there now would be a harsh struggle to get it at that price.

Stuck in redesigning. Price keeps changing because redesigning.
Its 1.5 all trims.

It's spectacularly ugly, It's like those "modern designs" pictures we make.

Driving this is almost as gay as being seen in a mustang

Because toyota shills believe that people want that.
Toyota hasent made a decent design in years.

Only if they change the grille to something less "SAD FROG-REEEEEE" looking

This might not be amazing, but it's at least decent. Especially compared to other cars made this decade

My post The car looked decent, better than I expected. I wan't close enough to see if they're big or not though. Anyway, it's good that they made it and people are buying them rather than AWD shitboxes.

Dude, the car has been out for 4 years. You act like its brand new

I guess calling it *6 instead of *2 worked.