Driving is too complicated now?

What are your thoughts on this video Veeky Forums?

Feel free to share, I'm genuinely curious.


That first example was of what not to do. Who the fuck swerves into the left lane like a retard like that?

>oh someones on the left of me?
>too BAD

Left lane is only for passing or if there is no room on the right.

So people who need to get on the left lane should just go without looking and cause an accident? Because they're more privileged than a slower driver? k

Yes. Exactly that.

How can you be this retarded?

I have an example.

In houston we have i45, which is a 4-5 lane highway. I usually stay in the far left lane and only move over one lane to let folks pass if they are clearly moving fast than I am. The reason for this is because the two lanes furthest to the right are for exit and entry of other drivers.

I follow the left lane for passing only when I travel to other cities because these are generally two lane interstates, but i45 through houston is a fucking CLUSTERSHIT. If I'm headed to galvaston chances are I am in the far left lane.

It's nothing new really. Every morning I see people drive this shit very slowly in the passing lane.

>or if there is no room on the right.

I think the message should be 'keep your fucking speed up and don't slow traffic down'.

If the right lane is full, you might as well use the left without being a retard and driving slow.

Are Americans actually retarded?

In the UK you can't even drive on the motorways until you've passed your test, and there is no legal obligation to do any sort of motorway training
Everyone seems to know that you stay in the left lane until you need to pass something, and if you want to pass something in the middle lane you move to the right lane. After you have overtaken someone, you move over a lane if it's safe to do so
It usually works out to having lorries, coaches and your nan in the left lane doing 65mph, everyone else in the middle lane doing 70(ish)mph and then the absolute madmen in the right lane doing between 80 to 110mph

Undertaking someone is also illegal here too

>only having two lanes
>not having 4+ to accomodate people doing 10 mph under in the far right and 20+ mph over in the far left

In some of the more civilized states like California, we provide 4+ lanes.


Illegal doesn't mean it doesn't happen, also our drivers ed and our qualifying tests are literally retarded yet I've met people who stress out over this shit.

Why not ride in the middle lane? Not in exit lane traffic but not in passing lane traffic either?

i've seen people get on the highway at 10 under then barely get to the speed limit and move over all the way to the left and sit there doing speed limit until it's their exit time

it's more of people are too fucking stupid and they don't know it

I am glad they posted it. Hopefully it will help some of these fucking morons on the highway wake up.

Texas fag here

Whenever I drive, I drive in the left lane, and it's pretty universally accepted around here that if someone is behind you in the left lane going above the fore of traffic, move over.

No-one bitches. Everything's good.

>Driving is too complicated now?
Driving is currently simpler than it ever has been

>experience something
>make a video about it

who the fuck cares about this left lane right lane bullshit? if i see an opening i take it and accelerate. rinse and repeat. if you're not hitting apexes while going to work you may as well hand in your license.

i pull the handbrake on every corner

but you're not actually civilized so none of them are utilized properly

American driver licensing is a fucking joke. In my state for example, if you wait until 18 you can get your license without taking any kind of driver's ed whatsoever. Just pass the written test and a road test consisting of parking maneuvers for an hour with 10 minutes of actual driving. No highway testing, no merging, nothing. Most people just study for the written test, take it, then forget everything on it the next day. There are so many shit ass fucking drivers in this country it's not even funny. You have the comatose fat fucks in their automatic transmission snooze mobiles going 10 under the limit in the left lane, the over confident man children with inferiority complexes driving 15+ over the limit in residential areas tailgating the fuck out of anyone that disagrees with their pace, etc, etc.

>tl;dr: Americans are in fact retarded.

Europoor fag here, left lane at least in my country is used for passing or to select a destination.

And this shit is common sense, passing is done from the left, if there was no room for passing a prius fag would jam the entire road.

Here in Straya it isn't actually illegal to undertake and roads are only keep left unless overtaking if they are 50 mph+. Improper lane discipline and tailgating are rarely enforced here. No one seems to have the faintest clue that you want to overtake them if you don't tailgate them and if I sit in the right lane waiting for dickheads to get out of the way then I have a billion people merging in front of me taking advantage of the gap I'm keeping to not take part in a fucking multi-car pile-up.

Oh and if you flash people from behind here they just get the shits unless it's obviously for getting someone to pull over for something. So many times I just give up trying to do the speed I would like to and just chill out in the left lane with nan and buses. Arsehole truck drivers will hog the right lane too not giving a flying fuck.

All this usually works out to people sticking religiously to the speed limit in the right lane - according to the speedo in their car which means in reality they are doing at least 5 under usually. Some of us want to do 10 over knowing that no cop is gonna come after us for that. And some of us want to do 20-30 over maybe because some know there no police there right now or maybe because some just haven't gotten a big enough fine yet. Some drives would be able to be completed a good deal quicker but we are at the mercy of the entitled cunts hogging the fucking right lane

I find that driving in the far right lane usually allows me to travel at a faster average speed than the far left. Semi trucks are much more predictable than passenger cars.

I quickly flashed a lady sitting in the right lane wavering from 85 to 100 and she finally got out of the way only to follow and flash her high beams at me for the next half minute

Fucking dumb cunt

But how do they not know?
Driving schools tells you exactly that you should ALWAYS keep to the right unless passing.
Or maybe they don't in USA, but here they do.

about damn time

That was road rage incident where he purposely drove the truck off the road.

Also he was a shitskin.

Just stay right if youre a slow faggot, not hard to understand

>driving schools

I got my learner's permit at age 15 that allowed me to drive with a licensed adult over 21 in the car, read a book on driving regulations and shit, then took a 20 question multiple choice test the day I turned 16 and got my fully unrestricted real driver's license. Didn't even have to take a road test or anything since I had logged enough hours driving with my parents with my learner's permit. It's stupidly easy to get a driver's license in most states. If you fail a test all you have to do is come back the next day and take it again but the tests are so easy that you'd have to be retarded to not pass (you only need to score 70%, so 14/20).

This. If you drive slow in the left lane I'll pass you on the right and if you drive slow in the right lane I'll pass you on the left. It's gonna happen either way, so don't make yourself look like a faggot and let yourself be passed the correct way.

If you want to read something that will make you happy you don't live here?

Google Swedish or Finish driving license tests.

Undertaking is legal in the UK provided you don't accelerate to do it.

Driving in greece is a free for all

What defines going slow?

There are times when I can be doing 10 or 15 over the speed limit and there are still people advancing up while I'm passing.

Either way I prefer night driving because I can cruse around in any lane without there being another car around for a 1/4 mile.

not plowing down everyone

>Lorries, coaches and your nan
I don't know what any of those are

Decent video, the guy learned why was a fuck up and got the message out there to other fuck ups.

This desu

Everything you mentioned I see almost every day and it fucks me off too.

Also when there's a fixed speed camera coming up every cunt freaks out and slows down to 10+ under instead of just sitting on the fucking speed limit.

>All of these asshats in the comments arguing that they should be able to sit in the passing lane going 2 under because the speed limit is a mandate from God
The very fact that speed limits exist is disgusting. If anything, they should be considered recommendations and tickets should only be given for going 15+ MPH over or under. Cops should generate their revenue from lane violations like camping the passing lane or weaving, or better yet, from taxes.

>land of freedom
>why does everyone do whatever they want?
here's your problem
in europe you just blink your high beams and left lane blocker goes back to right lane. If she doesn't, you keep you high beams on.

>arsehole truck drivers will hog the right lane too not giving a flying fuck

Holy shit this so much. Even worse when there are 2 trucks, one in the left and one in the right.

In Australia you are taught to do this from day one driving and its great

Its the ones that don't follow these rules that not only grind my gears but they make me want to kill something. Specially on a two lane highway.

This guy.
Its this type of people who incite road rage.

Muh freedums

dude, California is a shithole, full of shitty people.

Watch any road rage/car crash compilation; you will see the worst assholes fuck up, get caught fucking up, and proceed to try to fight the person who they pissed off.