I Fucked Up General /ifug/

>Does anyone have experience with thread chasers?

I was changing out my spark plugs yesterday and one of them snapped in the head. I got it out with a bench grinded extractor and a crafty 3/8 socket extention, but now the new plug doesn't tighten quite right. Do thread chasers correct this?

The car runs great but I'm afraid the plug is gonna go Ford triton engine on me and turn in to a bullet.

Also share horror stories you've had wrenching and if you made it out.

A chaser will clean up buggered threads, but if there's any stripping, you're SOL

From what I've gathered it doesn't remove metal, but can straighten out threads as long as they exist. Internet surprisingly isn't much help this time.

It's basically section of bolt with channels carved in it. It's not a tap so it won't cut anything, but it's harder than your (presumably) aluminum cylinder head so it will straighten stuff out and take burrs off.


OOF. Is that that 3 valve head? If so, those plugs are a BITCH. You're supposed to take them out with an impact gun, I shit you not. That design is by far Ford's biggest fuck-up of the last 30 years.

As far as the thread chaser goes, all I can say is, good luck. I hope to fuck you don't have to pull the head. You may be able to Helicoil the hole without pulling the head though. Google for that fix.

Ive done the triton repair 5 times with the timesert kit it's really easy. If your threads are that bad it might be the only option. I would suggest you fix it before it pops. It is miserable to drive very far with a that helicopter noise. No to mention you will be high as fuck on gas fumes if you are going far.

>replacing valves
>lose one some how
>don't realize it for weeks
>find valve in cup holder
>tear off covers
>one intake valve, right below pcv
>throw covers back on, toss valve into field
>truck runs fine, sell it on cl

Somewhere out there there's a 15valve S-10.

He's worried about turning that plug hole into a triton-like, he doesn't have a triton

I understand that. If his threads are stripped at all he is going to need to do the same repair though.

Used it once on my wrx. Idk what the hell the previous owner did but I pulled out some serious shit from the threads. Just be use to go slow and use grease on the threads so any junk you pick up doesn't fall into the cylinder. Spark plug threaded in just fine after. Solved my misfire and car still runs fine ~5k later.

Just be sure* . Damn phone

Yeah I've looked into helicoils. I'm pretty confident I could do it if I have to, but I may just take it to my local shop to have them do it.

The bullshit part about this whole thing is that the plug that snapped did so before it was even to torque spec which is like 12.5lb/ft. I should have just snagged it up like I usually do.


Just put the replacement in, same deal. Doesn't reeeally torque down but it is more than hand tight but definitely not snug. I wonder though... Will it really matter since I use pic related. They bolt in on top of the plug, so I'm thinking I'm okay for now. I guess I'll have to check it every now and again and keep an ear out for ticking

Does buyer's remorse fit in this thread?
Fuck, I've been driving a 1.8 Audi A3 for the last month and when I got into my beemer yesterday everything felt so smooth and right until I stepped on the gas.
Do NOT buy a 316i. EVER. Well, unless you plan to swap it right away.

Why dude

I had a Twingo previously so it felt okay. And I got a good price on it, it's in a pretty good condition but it's fucking slow as shit.

he's from poland

aynways I fukd up, too.
>wanted to show friends sikk sound of car
>step on it in first gear
got speed trapt going about 50 or so in first gear because I wanted to show friends how car sounds

That's okay a few nights ago, I ripped a skid with my gf in the car to piss her off a bit because shes cute when she's mad and a cop was around the corner. Theres no fucking way he didn't know that it was me. Didn't pull me over though.

Did you post in the bmw general? Everyone would have told you not to buy that.

I've got this piece of turd, 318ti, only because it's decently """"reliable""""" and was dirt fucking cheap. Absolutely gutless (as in, I can't spin the tires if the ground is dry), and leaks oil like its a feature. I don't regret it though, because as a DD it's pretty nice considering my price range. At the very least, if you ever get the cash an M/S50 swap is pretty much bolt on, can use the same transmission and everything.

Related to the thread, changing my valve cover gasket, I put the coil packs back on in the wrong firing order like a retard, and thought I fucked my engine somehow beyond repair. The sound of the pinging still haunts me to this day.

>bought a beat to shit motorcycle
>open up carbs
>pull everything off for replacement
>see the pilot jet is scratched to fuck
>still attempted to use narrow screw driver to get it out
>no made it worse
>tried to hammer screw driver into brass to loosen it up
>still nothing
>go buy extractor kit from HF
>question if it will be able to get the tiny brass jet part out
>mfw it actually fucking works
>clean it out
>drop new pilot jet in

>I put the coil packs back on in the wrong firing order
I did this once on my dad's car way back when I first started getting into repairs. I was so happy the car turned over then I immediately had to shut it off.

No, I think I got it before /bmwg/ was even a regular thing. I'm happy with it in general but the engine is a piece of shit.