Tfw you will never live in japan, have a decent job, spend your weekends cruising to daikoku in an r32

>tfw you will never live in japan, have a decent job, spend your weekends cruising to daikoku in an r32
why live

Other urls found in this thread:

you could do it. work hard

Getting a job as a gaijin is nearly impossible unless you fluently speak japanese and have some sort of connection

learn it. it's fun

you deserve to fail, you're a waste of resources.

I've been taking lessons, but really lessons will only get you to a kindergarten level if you aren't speaking it on a regular basis.

>tfw that is literally my life

sounds boring as hell

I had a feeling SCBro was gonna post in this thread

It can be, Daikoku isn't always crowded and lively

And after a while you start to see a lot of the same cars, it becomes more fun to drive there than actually be there

I have way too many friends who've done the "work for a Japanese company" thing, and would never want to do it.

That said, I'd love to be the Japan correspondent for an English car magazine/blog. That seems like it'd be the best of both worlds.

It's coming to an end senpai, I have to cherish it while I can

nooooooooo you coming back to the states? What's gonna happen to the r32?

The R32 is coming with me, the RX7 is chilling here for a year and then coming to the states too.

The air force shipping them for you or do you have to pay for shipment?

They're shipping the 32, I'm shipping the 7 privately unless I can attach it to a friend who leaves in early 2018.

You're friend gonna just watch it until then? You avoiding shipping it cuz of the 25 year bullshit?

Yes and yes, it's a 3/93 car.

Also I'll be retired so I can just catch a hop over here any time fo free. Which will help when me and my friend start importing and selling cars.

shit you've been in for 20 years?

Nice, it'll be cool cruising around in the 32 in the US, though RHD here sucks. A friend recently got a 32 GT-R and he's been having a ton of fun with it, he even drove it up to Monterey last week and they gave him paddock parking next to all the classic Ferraris.

Nope, 7

Got a fucked up ankle, so they're permanently retiring me.


Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to it. Though it might come up for sale if someone offers me some crazy amount.

I don't know what that means haha, obv I know kuso but I'm not too far along and unfortunately just trying to "tread water" in my studies to stay fresh while I pursue something more important, but I can't wait to dive back into it

Could easily get $20k for it

I could, but that'll never happen

Lol. A clean, stock R32 is already 25k+. Depreciation has bottomed out.

Why do you wanna live in a country who's streets and highways are cramped as hell?

I'm saying I wouldn't sell it for that low. I wouldn't sell it for $30K

>in school
>learning Japanese
>can have pretty conversation in Japanese
I'm gonna make it, I know it.

If you have something truly special as far as condition and mods goes (Nismo chassis restoration etc) then maybe it'll sell for 50-60k but otherwise I doubt you'll get much more than 30k.

That's why I said
>if someone offers me some crazy amount

I've had it for over 2.5 years now and bought it stock, I love it too much to let it go for market.

Why the fuck do you want to move to a country with a failing economy and collapsing population that has been stuck in a recession for the past two decades?

anime is real over there

>You will never live in Japan, autopilot your way through your shitty day job, and spend every dollar you earn and every waking hour you aren't at your job working relentlessly to be the fastest there ever was
Why live?

Been there, done that.

Its called joining the Military. I miss my baby.

Are you able to bring it back? Any tips? Going to Okinawa soon. Thinking of using my c5z06 as trade bait

user, you just described America.

>not buying one that's eligible to be imported when your DEROS comes

>any tips?
It's going to cost you around $4,000 to get your Corvette up to Japanese standards. So if you want to try that, go for it. If not, either leave it with someone you trust or sell it. Do not fucking use the military storage system for your car.

tfw even if i were to learn japanese, i'd have to give up my profession unless I wanted to spend forever getting certified to practice

Which profession?

I left the Airforce back in 2010, so yeah none of them were importable.

But other cars were. You just fell for the GT-R meme.

P.s. The wheels on that R32 are awful and if you picked them yourself you should feel bad.

Hmm, ok, how much was an r32? I'm married so hoping it will be easier to bring shut to and fro. Marines if it matters.

What would you get? A Cosmo would be cool.

Look to spend around $17,000 for a decent one.

Hit up 'Japan Bases Used Car Review' on Facebook, he's by Yokosuka but will ship to Okinawa (mainland cars are generally less rusted out anyway). I bought mine from him, and visited again a few days ago. He's got some damn nice cars there right now, with the newest one being this MNP V-Spec BCNR33 that makes my dick hard.

Is finding an NSX a possibility? Trade my vette and some cash for it

I never said that I didn't import anything when I came home.

I brought a Te27 back with me that got destroyed by a teen on her phone running a red light completely ripping the rear off the vehicle.

It is, but they're insanely priced. Some older guy here at Yokota bought one for around $50,000. Idk why it was that high.

I'd plan on at least $35,000 for one though.

I'm not too sure how easily you'd be able to sell your Corvette to a Japanese person desu. You could try it but honestly I think you're better off just selling it before you leave the States.

Thanks for the info user. Any other tips for life out there


>tfw I'm gonna get a minor in Japanese and a Major in Comp Science with most likely a Masters, all payed for by scholorships.
>tfw I have no idea how I'll end up living in Japan from time to time.

Japan is a must see country. The best I've been to so far.

Try all the food. You'll learn that you like a lot of things. Travel to the mainland and see all that you can.

>Marine in Okinawa
Keep your fellow Marines in line. They have singlehandedly been fucking up the US military's reputation over here, but I'm sure you already knew that.

If I join the airforce can I go to japan?

scbro where u at


If you join the Air Force you go where the Air Force tells you to go, sometimes that means Japan

dont you get choices tho?

thats what ive been told.

You get a bunch of places you can choose from but you can only pick 3 and out of those 3, the air force picks one of the one you go to

Yeah we can be garbage, though I think the last incident was the Navy. Will do, thanks user

You go where they need you. Marines is a but easier because we don't have alot if choices to be stationed. Alot of people don't want to go to Oki here so your practically guaranteed it if you put it on there, depending on your mos. But ultimately it's wherever your needed

You have a "dream sheet" of 8 CONUS and 8 OCONUS bases of your preference.

The AF will look at it and if you're up for orders they will compare their needs to your list, sometimes you get an assignment you want and sometimes you don't.

Yeah the last one was Navy.

>i know the kanjey i love japan ^___^
Japan is a shithole much like other places in the world. Fuck off weebs.

how come people dont want to go to Okinawa? Any specific reason?

not a weeb, i loathe anime and japanese women look disgusting. Im only in it for the car culture.

It's got all four branches of service packed onto a small island where the locals hate us anyway because of retarded fucks being bored and raping.

>Im only in it for the car culture.
That's why I don't want to leave.

I look at the car scene back in America and get depressed.

>tfw you will never live in Miami, slang rocks, spend your weekends cruising the beach on a stretched airbushed Hayabusa

Basically this Alot if restrictions and humid as fuck. And on a tiny island where everyone hates you. Only reason I wanna go is for the food, car and cause I'm married so a bit more freedom

Before that they had the airforce guy drunkenly wander into a house get into a kids bed and then when the kid woke up, punched him in the face and jumped from the 2nd floor.

>being a weeb
kys my man

Boot camp breeds it into you. You leave with such an ego, and I had drill instructors sit down and have a class with us pretty much telling us, don't get married travel the world tasting all the sushi of the world (fuck girls all over the world). And that as a Marine you pretty much demand respect and get pussy.

How much are you gonna get every year?

Don't know yet they're still figuring that out


I'm studying medicine right now. Is it a horrible choice?
And couldn't you go into research or work for the pharmaceutical industry and move to Japan that way?

why japan

an R32 GT-R is like £10-15k if I wasn't a lazy faggot & had a job I could have owned one by now, as long as the insurance isn't stupidly high

I just finished HS.

If I started studying Japanese now, would there be a way for me to make it into a foreign student program or something? Apperantly there are also programs for English taught lessons. That way, I could avoid getting ducked in the ads acedemicaly while I learn the language through social interaction.

My parents have my back for any monetary issues. (They're both lawyers)

Tbh I just want to leave this shitty country. It seems getting fucked up by the libtard government, political correctness and refugees.

I'm in Canada if that matters.

This, there fucking shit up

Wtf ok

Since I don't even Japanese, I'm OK with that.

After I left highschool, I went straight to Public Uni and started doing my Comp Science track along side studying Japanese. I took Jap I and Jap II in the first year and now I'm in my Sophmore year. I went to Private School and that helped with me completing most of my AA before even entering Uni.

After a year of Jap, I realized it was a hard language but I was doing fine with it and it was relatively fun. I took a trip to Nippon in the summer and I thought it was the greatest thing in the world.

The Uni offers a 5 week summer study abroad (Basically 1 summer semester) to Japan for students who have taken Jap II or higher (up to Jap VI and there's Jap for Business). Also, I am in the Honors College and they offer a Summer study abroad to Jap, but for non Jap speakers/studies.

If you start now, you can get the hang of it more quickly, especially if you are bi/tri-lingual. I know Spanish ontop of English and that helped with my pronunciation, they said I have one of the best.

Just work hard and stay on track and you'll be able to do fine.

日本語は楽しい、 でも、 毎日勉強して。

Also, they have this program called the Jet Program, where you basically go help a professor teach English in Japan for a year. It's a program that is much harder to get into but it's possible with hard work and dedication.

I would suggest taking a trip like I did after my first year at Uni to experience Japan first before deciding what to do next. I plan to take both study abroads, but I don't wanna teach English in Nippon, not my thing. They do pay you for that and include housing (I believe).

Also, Canada, sucks meng.... it's basically turning into Cucked Europe from what I hear and see.

Thank god.

Ever wonder why Japan has such high suicide rates and disgusting sexual habits?

>cucked europe

Well you obviously don't listen or look very well

>tfw will never live on ruuchuu and learn the ruuchuu language

just like this website?

>Gun Control Laws
>Free speech is dying off
>Centralized health care that sucks ass
>Libtards everywhere

Yea no thanks

Yah man, sounds amazing! I know French to some extent, so I am bilingual.

How hard is it to get a job in Japan? Specifically, the financial sector, working for the Japanese banks as an investment banker.

>no mass shootings
>completely free speech
>stay healthy for free
>free to have your own opinion

Yeah sounds shitty right

>no mass shootings
>>what is muslim attacks every other week
>"completely free speech" :^)
>>not allowed to insult islam
>free healthcare
>>you realize you still pay for it through taxes right?

R u dum?

That I have no idea about. I started off learning Japanese for the fuck of it, even though I had my language requirement fulfilled from Highschool. But then I realized the minor, or at least certificate, would be easy to achieve, since the study abroads would fulfill many credit requirements.

What I do know is that if you don't have a degree, forget about even applying to anywhere outside of 711. If you don't know fluent Japanese, I would assume you're automatically shunned from anything.

The Japanese are very 'racist' when it comes to foreigners. They are xenophobic and to an extent prefer their own people over foreigners. But I'm not the one to talk to about that, I just like the culture and country. They are very conservative and heavily based off of traditions and the such; Male dominated society and so on.

I just hope that I can use my Japanese with my future job to maybe land myself with a Software Company that is connected with Japan. If not, I just wanna go visit a lot and maybe have some sort of house over there for vacations. A man can dream.

Wages are also, on average, much less than over here. But, everything over there is also relatively cheaper besides some obvious expenses. Fucking gas over there was 90-110 yen a LITER. That's about $4-5 a gallon


>all these weebs wanting to be a Japanese cuck so bad

>kebab attacks
What muslim attacks?
Just because you're muzzled doesn't mean everyone is.
>no bully
Everyone here talks shit about every other race.
>muh taxes
Have fun paying $500 for every doctor visit lol


>bench racing
>implying the corvette isn't shit
And just for shits and giggles
>gtr 150g
>corvette 75g
>gtr 2 seconds faster

honestly don't understand your post

have another one, make sure to get triggered again, cuck

That's actually about the same as Canadian gas prices :/

How hard would it be to get a degree in Japanese?

The price of the z06 corvette is about 75 000 dollars while the gtr nismo is around 150 000 but the speed difference between the 2 is minuscule. For a American exploding car based on old technology to be 2 seconds slower then the "pinnacle of car technology" gtr shows that gtr is incapable of competing
And with the current picture you have posted and proven again the gtr is a waste of money because the camaro is even cheaper the the corvette while being the pig fat car it is

>The GTR is faster

glad you accept it

also, maybe you could try being less poor

Learn Japanese, look at colleges near you they may offer courses.

Alphonso are we ganna have to meme this thread into oblivion?

I'm not Alphonse, try again