Post your car and who you're voting for

Post your car and who you're voting for.

Other urls found in this thread:

chilldog millionaire

Trump all day.

Gary Johnson (unfortunately)

I like supporting third parties, but he doesn't impress me as the Libertarian nominee.

Certainly not Hillary

Shame this board is filled with stupid working-class white rednecks.

Can't wait until lord Hilary replaces you with Mestizos.

Trump obviously

You sure it's not reagan?


not trump

elections are not a joke, why would you vote for someone who clearly talks out of his ass

Bros 4 Hillary

That's because the lib nominee would be said it would be stupid to siphon votes from the trump man and gave it up to shill for donald.

Don't have pic of vehicles

Yeah id rather have my countrys soul and military secrets sold out by the queen lizard woman



>sold out by the queen lizard woman
>voting for someone who genuinely asked russia to hack into our secret data

Thanks for admitting hillary had state secrets on her server

>broke ass car
>broke ass lawn
>broke ass neighborhood
>typical white trash trump supporter

Shame it's between a giant douche and a turd sandwich again. Definitely not shillary but I don't really like trump either, but he's the lesser evil so probably him. Not that it will matter though since I'm in Texas and Texas is going to go for Trump anyway.

>broke ass car
Nigga, just 'cause it doesn't have hubcaps, that don't make it a hoopty.

>broke ass lawn
I park my truck on the lawn, so I'll give you that one.

>broke ass neighborhood
I rent, but you're right.

>typical white trash trump supported
If you want to be under democratic order for 12 years in a row, something is wrong with you. Tax rates have doubled since Bush was in office.

>elections are not a joke
top kek german miata man

Clover ate my pic


Nope, Austin

Hillary actively took multi-million dollar donations from foriegn nations as well as wealthy individuals which she took through her "charity" foundation before then using her powers as Secretary of State for their benefit. Hiding this and other nasty corruption is the main reason why she used her seperate email server in the first place, national security be damned.

Hillary is almost pure evil. Completely obsessed with money, power, and how to get more of both. She wouldn't hesitate to sell her powers as President to the highest bidder, because she certainly hasn't hesitated in the past.

>Implying Russia (and others) haven't been hacking into our shit since forever
Nigga you dumb. And she said they were personal and had no classified information that would be a security risk - but I guess she lied about that, too, kek. Even then, I doubt her email server is even online now.

my fellow GT owner

Only a sith deal in absolutes

drive saabs and listen to npr. still voting for trump.

I drive the following

2000 oldsmobile silhouette
2000 honda crv
1999 saab 9-3
2006 "ferd" explorer.
I am voting to make america great again.

So he made a comment about the emails from her private server as secretary of state.
He made that comment a few months ago.
When was hillary secretary of state?
How do you expect russia to hack into something that no longer exists? Russian time machine?

HE said if they can find it they should release it, which they should. Being upset about another nation spying on is is pretty shit when we listen to merkels phone calls and spy on everybody else.

Hey why not just elect a person that isn't fucking stupid about technology and security.

also, is that what it looks like when your antenna isnt rusted shut full mast, or did you rip it out

Nice, is yours manuél too?

The previous owner installed an afttermarket radio that doesn't have power antenna compatibility, so it's just stuck down unless you apply power to it manually. I am thinking about deleting it entirely (shaved, new metal welded over the hole and smoothed down) if I ever get it repainted since I never use the radio anyway, only spotify from my phone.

i wish we could kill everyone in this thread

voters are the scum of the earth


nope, automatic

when it's 90 out, after I drive it around for about an hour, second gear gets very rough and wont accelerate

i love the legacy wagon body though, so I'm looking at buying an 01' impreza, 2.2 turbo if i can find one that's not ruined for a daily, and then dumping all of my money into putting a manual in my legacy

do you happen to know of any common/ documented engine swaps? Mines a 1999 btw

not a cuck 2016


Hillary has a long record of corruptness and influence peddling. Since Bill left office, she's collected now over $140 million USD. That's certainly not from her government job whose pay is paltry for the responsibility it has. Back when Bill was governor, the gov't would selectively make it difficult to get approvals unless you paid a liason (like Hillary) to smooth things over with the governor. Of course it is done indirectly with shell companies.

After a time, some people got upset they weren't getting enough gravy and whistleblew. That got Hillary into some trouble. Later on, there was the Whitewater (and others) scandal. Hillary never forgot whistleblowers are bad for corrupt governments and hated them ever since. It's no wonder she wants Edward Snowden jailed for revealing parts of the government was doing illegal things.

>Not a cuck

full kek

a meme car for a meme boy


what all is modded besides coilovers and exhaust?

Big business buys politicians, lowers their taxes, raises taxes on the poor (You). You think a big business man is going to be the person to lower your taxes and raise taxes on those who can afford it?

Fresh s14 KA swap
5 lug conversion
Z32 brakes
Super eurobeat decals

What do you drive?

this piece of shit right here

lets race, i have an exhaust leak so at least people will think i can keep up

kill yourselves
Very good turbo swap FAQ. Lots more on that forum.

Have you checked what the fluid looks like and if it's at the right level? If you're having problems with an auto the first thing is always to check the fluid. It's likely that it's low or contaminated and needs to be changed.

Gary Johnson

Originally wanted Ron Paul though

If you're voting third party in a swing state then you're helping Hillary win.

Do this

I check the fluid daily, they're all fine

I burn oil quicker than I should, but im about to change it out for a thicker oil soon

I'm pretty sure it's the transmission overheating though. On a cloudy, rainy day where the temperature is in the high 70's, I've driven around all day with no issue. I drive it nightly for upwards of two hours no issue.

As soon as the temperature is above like 85 though, she gets tempermental, flips the CEL on and stop liking second gear, which sucks because I'm pretty sure I cant lock to third gear. I can sprint through first and then go to drive and let the car skip second on its own. idk

i hate autos, i should have got the audi quattro i was looking at, but i loved the wagon

I need to do this with Trump stickers

Have you checked what the code is?
When was the last time the fluid was changed? If it's overheating regularly it's damaging the fluid and that could be exacerbating the problem. If it's bad enough like you say it has no power in second, that sounds like the clutches for second are worn and it needs a rebuild. Second gens are in the junkyard all the time near me and subarus aren't even that common here, I'm sure you could pick one up to rebuild for cheap so you can keep driving it in the meantime and just drop it in once it's done.
This thread might be helpful.

You oversimplified and left stuff out (or didn't realize what Trump spoke about early in the campaign). He said that people need to have jobs and money in order to buy things in a healthy economy.


>I need to do this with Trump stickers
The problem is the liberals are intolerant. While the Trump supporters allow others to have Shillary or Obama stickers, if you go around with Trump anything, your car will be keyed by liberals, spray painted, soda dumped into a window cracked open to let summer heat out, etc. All those things happened in my area on the police report but not one peep about Trump supporters defacing liberals.

I have one on my f250, none of that has happened


I'm sure the police report stated it was done solely because there was a drumph sticker on the cars. Because they had every culprit on hand willing to say exactly why they did it.

Stop making up obvious lies, you fuckwit.

It's a dead giveaway when the Trump sticker is scratched or marked over along with the car's vandalism.

johnson or stein would be fine with me, but fuck hillary and trump. i'm not wasting my time unless one of the third party candidates actually makes it in to the debates

Trump "supporters" can be put into 3 very clear categories

>medically retarded
>self harmers

give me a reason why we cant have a 2 party system and simply change out Republicans for say libertarians

why are we stuck on the same 2? it changed in the past! you act like its some rule

Did we trigger you?

If republicucks keep acting as they do and keep nominating unelectable candidates, something like that will happen.

Republicans lower taxes.

Democrats raise taxes.

It's a very simple formula.

Virginian here voting third party. Blow me.

I'd rather have a typical politician that will follow the status quo and do shady backroom deals than a crazy person who doesn't understand basic policy and doesn't talk about disbanding NATO.

Plus, I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm voting for judges nigga

Virginia barely qualifies as a swing-state at a national level at this point. The demographic shift in NoVA has ensured that Virginia will be reliably blue in the electoral college for the foreseeable future.

>give me a reason why we cant have a 2 party system and simply change out Republicans for say libertarians
Because there's too many social conservatives clinging to their bibles. They'll die off eventually though.

Bad bait, work harder.

are you kidding me? All these angry white males with nothing to take out their frustrations on? Nigga pls.

Oh wait, you ain't a nigger if you're voting for trump. Lel

but its not a far fetched idea at all.
look at history. like i said it already happened before

>The demographic shift in NoVA has ensured that Virginia will be reliably blue in the electoral college for the foreseeable future.
Oh, I'm well aware. Most of my friends worship at the altar of John Stewart. Bernie dick-riders all of 'em!

>I'd rather have a typical politician that will follow the status quo and do shady backroom deals than a crazy person
Then you're part of the fucking problem, even if Trump was crazy which he's not.

I was lucky enough to grow-up in NoVA before it turned into complete shit. So much history here, now it is just McMansion land...

Fairfax County?

>Oh wait, you ain't a nigger if you're voting for trump.
It will be the blacks, hispanics, and muslims who vote for Hillary in huge numbers. Black Lives Matter is active in my city to get blacks to vote in this election. They want more social welfare programs (subsidize private industry to hire more blacks) that hire people of color to give them job histories. Who'd want those products?

I am originally from Prince William, but I bailed for the Midwest a year ago.

Too bad Russian hackers will break the polls in urban centers.

Voted for Trump in the Louisiana Primaries, and will vote for him again.

> elections are not a joke

With great choices comes great responsibility. We must choose wisely, my fellow Veeky Forumstist.

Do you live in Mukilteo, OP?

are you the same cuck that kept going on and on about BLM in the HoA thread?

Åkesson in 2018


Neither are particularly great choices, but I'll go with the lesser of two evils. We all know shillary is going to win though.

Nope. What was that thread?
BLM is everywhere. It's not surprising others in the country don't have problems.

But they don't use that name for meetings here. Only when they have protests. They use innocuous non-controversial low key names when they sign up for free public meeting spaces from library, city, public organizations, and even some shops.

Hillary all the way

Donald Trump


Trump rally in Everett. Dis gonna be good.

At this point I hate both candidates

neither because one is a lying bitch and the other is a literal retard

Gary Johnson

You should black out that front emblem


Steven Harper (rip)

Voting for Mattis.

Ayyy fellow VA'an.

Christ that's a clean MR2.

love that picture