>parallel parking
Parallel parking
Other urls found in this thread:
>parallel parking is difficult
i parallel park a fucking extended cab truck with a fullsize bed ffs
>backing into a space
>driving in real life where people can see how insecure of a driver you are and how slow you go after the light turns green or how you slow down for that turn that no one else slows down for or how close you are to the curb/median line or you pull up next to car at a light and make awful awkward eye contact with the pretty girl who definitely has her life together and wont ever think about you again unless you do something stupid like chirp your tires or no notice the light changed
>Right hand turns
Yeah, I'm self conscious too
It really ruins my day when I fuck up while driving
>he can't rip the handbrake and slide into parking space
Stop worrying about what other people think. The reality is that nobody actually gives a shit, everyone is living in their own version of reality. Think about it. Do you care when some other car does something stupid? What goes through your head when you see it?
And wear some damn shades and/or a hat for fucks sake.
When you live in the city, you get used to doing this well real quick.
This isn't hard, not even in the slightest.
If you're a NASCAR fan.
Don't worry, they're laugh at you, not with you.
wait, this isn't hard
when i pull my evo in and out of the garage i have it stored in i have to turn as i exit through an overhead garage door that leaves me with around 3 inches of clearence on either side of my sideview mirrors
i pity lambo and other supercar drivers with super wide cars who live in cities like beijing or NYC
I remember I was trying to parallel park. I had this motherfucker cock block the back to where he was on my tail end. There was traffic too so he couldn't back up. I was so mad I had an episode of road rage. I got out of my car and called him a fucking retard. He's like I'm calling the cops. I told him to do it, spent like 30min arguing and the cop ended up giving him a ticket. Justice never felt so good.
reminds me Seinfeld's "The Parking Space"
[sweats nervously]
I was trying to parallel park on a sidewalk. Since it was a street, cars come from behind I had my signal light and everything but this guy gets right fucking behind me. So I can't park, I was never so pissed off in my entire life.
>parking on sidewalk
Where are pedestrians supposed to walk now?
at least yr safe and sound now bby
Oh shit I meant by the sidewalk. Not on it, I just checked the picture. Uhm lol my bad.
Fuck you
>Finally learning to drive
>Always come to a complete stop at stop sign, then pull up a bit to see
>Know if I don't do this on the test I fail automatically
>Dad gets upset when I have to stop then pull up
I really don't want to get in the habit of stopping ahead of the sign
Creep up, don't stop again because they'll count it as stopping after the sign
Then don't?
Just because he's your father doesn't mean he knows how to drive.
>currently posted in a small European-ish town
>haven't needed to parallel park since drivers test 5 years ago
>nail it first try
Good feel. Though I hit the curb in front of traffic once, which is embarrassing in a Fiesta
Really? Someone I know said her son was failed automatically for not stopping before the sign and instead stopping a little after it. I would assume she meant creeping up a bit past it. So he could have a clear view. The drivers manual says to stop, and if you cannot see to then creep up IIRC.
He knows, but really it is more efficient in a lot of areas here to just stop a little ahead of the sign. I think he's just used to doing it and he thinks I'm going to go without creeping up which I don't do.
Thats the joke
It's one of those things where you just do it so you pass your test, then listen to your father (assuming he's a good driver).
With my dad, ignoring this stop sign example - a lot of what he taught me I picked up after I passed the test and it made me a far better driver than when I passed.
>driving at night and see lots of eyeshine far up the road
Yeah, I get it. Just don't wanna fuck up. Just got my permit few weeks ago so I have a year till it expires, don't want to build a habit. Still have a lot to try and get better at
Trust me - just do what the test wads say and get your licence.
Then you can learn and practice what matters.
So should I not make two stops but instead stop, creep, check and go? Instead of stop, creep, stop and go
>speeding past a cop
>get new tires on suburban
>can't squeal tires from a stop or powerslide corners anymore
>can't make tires smoke when locking them up anymore
Whichever your instructor tells you.
People like you are the bane of my life.
i can't help it friend
Didn't know women posted here.
Only ever had this happen in Portland
>cop behind you turns on his lights
>been driving for two years now
>still can't reverse park
This isn't true is it? The state manual never mentions this
>tfw I back into spaces 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time
It is fucking easy. It's a safer way of parking and makes life easier when you want to 360 degrees and leave.
I don't even try since my wheels are so expensive and they have stretched tires, if that wheel were to touch the curb I would be completely fucked.
>Puling into steep driveway
>Scrape something on the car
>sounds like metal scraping
>park at apartment
>come back in an hour
>car is gone
>His handbrake has the ability to affect the motion of his car significantly
>Pool of oil starts to seep out from under car
>turn car on in parking lot full of people
>serpentine belt begins squealing
>been driving for several months
>reverse park 90% of the time
>can never remember the reference point to get it perfect
Even if I have to fuck around straightening up, it beats driving into the bay [spoiler]considering I scraped my left fender the first week I drove the car by not judging the space properly[/spoiler]
First time poster here
Why spagetti meme at serpetine belts squealing? Just needs a replacement right?
Don't worry about creeping up, I did it when on my driving test and only got a point off once. Just do it obviously.
Preferably creeping up. Unless your driving test instructor is a cock, they won't bat an eye.
I have more trouble doing this when I don't have at least one car parked next to my space for reference
His belt was actually a piece of spaghetti
>"oh man look at that light pattern"
>"where's the steady burn red?"
>"is this a FPIU or CVPI?"
>"nice decal for this city"
>"wonder how nice their uniforms are"
>"great, its not highway patrol"
>"Does this one have a wrap around? pretty cool"
>"Steelies or hubcaps.. hmm"
>"flood light or spot lights"
>"oh hey, they got wig wags and corner strobes"
>"no fog lights? bummer"
>"what a nice officer, let me off with a warning again"
Pretty fun experience for me tbqg senpai.
Always fun seeing what kind of custom pattern they use.