Should it be legal to vandalize cars that are parked like this?

Should it be legal to vandalize cars that are parked like this?

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I hope so

No, but telling the business that they're parked in front that they're parked illegally could get them towed.


Gotta protect the rare expensive Chevy Impala

I can MAYBE understand why someone would do this in a Lotus or something, but what the fuck its an impala lol

>be mad about something that doesnt affect you
>ruin their property

Unless they're literally too large for the space, sure.


So not only are they the worst fucking drivers in the US, but they also suck at parking.

Is that GS400guy's newest ride?


I fucking hope so.

Why do Germans get their own parking spaces?

Becuase Deus Vult.


Why would you ever vandalize someone else's property on public space? As if you would if you had the chance

It's not really a big deal, calm down.

'Look at me, I am a special snowflake to which the most basic rules of society do not apply. I am untouchable. I cannot be touched.'

Watched this jackasses pull up and park like this when I was leaving the store. He stood in the open door of the truck drinking coffee and looking around as I walked by. I glanced over and shook my head, he had to have seen it but didn't say anything.

>I glanced over and shook my head
Whoa now that's a little extreme, you can't just go around doing that, man.

>edgy cunt, use your voice if you have a problem with someone

>said as you stopped in the middle of a parking lot to take a picture
Pot. Meet kettle.

>completely empty parking lot
I honestly don't see the problem here. Who does this affect?

Wow who the fuck cares? These dudes are parked out in the middle of BFE surrounded by hundreds of empty spots.

>Mustang owner
He's an insecure faggot with a hair trigger for getting upset at mundane things

its 4 am and hes gettign a coffee, no ones around so wth does it matter how he parks

>giant ass van
>parked 9/10ths within the lines

He did okay, don't get mad cause you can't fit your cuckwagon behind him

I've got y'all beat.

Look at this fucking bitch. See that red car behind the also badly parked grey car? Ya, that thing is literally in the middle of the fucking aisle. I watched some dumbass lady pull up, park, get out, and walk inside the store like nothing was wrong. Afterwards, I watched countless cars turn into the aisle, and have to back up because it was being blocked.

It should be legal to not only vandalize these cars, but to also beat the shit out of the people that drive them.

>goin to the store
>small/midsize SUV parked terribly
>curb on passenger side, driver's side is on the line
>plenty of parking spaces, but fuck it
>i park next to it, a bit close to the other vehicle but mostly centered
>come back outside
>hambeast is waiting in the passenger side of her SUV
It was a little sad.

If they do this in an area where no other cars are parked, what's the problem?

>I've got y'all beat.
Lots of people have fake handicapped parking permits hanging on their mirrors. People just casually use them to park close to the store or to avoid having someone park next to them. Nobody in the car is remotely handicapped in 95% of the cases that I see the mirror_hanging_tags used.

I know they get faked because there's a girl I know that uses one. I asked her why. She said she just doesn't like to walk so far.

>oh man someone didn't position their car perfectly between these little painted


90% of the people with those tags are just lazy fucks. That's why I sometimes park in them if it's not busy. If a guy can "identify" as a woman I can "identify" as a handicapped person.





>there are people in this world that think its ok to harm people and property because of a minor inconvenience or something that doesnt affect them at all
WTF is wrong with you people?

maybe not outright vandalism, but it should be perfectly ok to fuck with them for it.


This is acceptable.

How do you people know that these people are the original pig parkers? You realize this thing affects innocents.

>you've come to the wrong neighborhood, lemon.

>time to park after a lovely 13 hour work day.
>oh boy an empty spot I'll just back in he...
>u for real nigga

In case this is unclear, this piece of shit backed in perfectly, got halfway there then went "oh fuck i forgot to be a complete jizz gargling faggot today" and lazily slopped his tractor into the next spot over, juuust enough to make it impossible for anyone to park there.

Please die.

all your posts have been ignored thus far, why do you keep trying?

I'd have the shits if there were no parking spaces left but it's no real issue on a slow day with plenty of spaces.

Wouldn't want to be parked anywhere near, though.


You know, maybe if someone wanted the spot

he'd move


Here, let me put on my fedora for a second

brainless sheep-like people follow rules without knowing why because they were beat as children, or fired from a job or disciplined at school for not following protocol

when other people understand why the rules are there and when it's fine to break them, subhumans flip out and make it bad to break them with violence and destruction of property. and they still don't realize that maybe they too could bend the rules when appropriate, maybe because they're too stupid socially to realize when it actually is so (ie: autists)

That was pretty autistic user.

>tfw you park over the line next to someone parked the same way
>both cars keyed
>Oh YOU'RE the autist

>come to parking lot
>cars parked like shit
>park as good as possible
>get back four hours later
>they've moved and you look like an idiot
>note on window
>Learn to park!!!!


the fact that they leave notes, make websites, and key cars says something about that kind of "person"

ever feel like someone should leave a note that says "learn how to be a pleasant and accomodating human being" on their foreheads? it's lines on the ground nigga, just align with the nearest car. don't be a special snowflake, align with the nearest car. that is the one and only way to park.

Arbitrary lines, dude.
Painted on the pavement parking suggestions.

>own my brand new car exactly a week
>someone dents it on a parking lot
I park like a dick ever since, parking in the middle of two spots

I've actually had people put "funny" notes under my wipers
>"please don't reproduce XD"
fucking normies

Its ok if you do in the back of lot, but if you do it near the front your a douchelord

>you can just park where ever

Are you guys french by any chance?

>all your posts have been ignored thus far, why do you keep trying?
He's also using the face of an actor that hates the USA and does a lot of anti-usa rhetoric in china.

>be white

>at college
>last spot and guy is parked pretty far over
> have to park like that too
>still between the lines though
>come out after class to find car covered in sticky notes bitching that I need to learn how to park

>the United States of Disregard for Others

maybe he parked there at an earlier time when the lot was empty

before all of you fucking sheeple rolled into the walmart

consider that

its a used luxury piece of shit, so it fits the pattern.

however, that plate is too witty for him to think up

>mustang drivers

fuck you im not taking your bait

or more likely its a nigger who thinks his impala is a rolls-royce

happens every day in china

or more likely, that was the end of the row at an earlier point, because three empty spots at a walmart

the chinese have no respect for human life
literal subhumans

And what does that have to do with the US?

>I park in the lines even when it doesn't fucking matter
>I'm a model citizen
At least with a truck like that, he probably works for a living instead of just whining on Veeky Forums all day.

get ready to have more dents :)

>parking between trucks
It's like you want their trailers to scrape the fuck out of your car.

>rules, common courtesy and basic etiquette don't apply to me because I have a truck

we dont disregard other people like they do in china

>13 hour work day

Gee, did it ever occur to you that he's a trucker that wanted to park his truck in the truck parking lot between those two trucks?

>Always park in the back of lot because why not
>New truck
>Park in back of lot
>Someone always parks next to you and opens door into your car

I love taking small damage to their insurance and making them pay for it.

But you do, otherwise you wouldn't have such a rampant occurance of vandalism because of trivial shit like bad parking.

you automatically identify as a handicap because you browse Veeky Forums extensively.

Sweet justice



For people like you, I drag the back of my cheap metal watch across the side of your car as I walk by. No car lot security camera will say that is vandalism as anyone can just walk by a car. Evolutionary force is needed to get you assholes to stop your antisocial behaviour and wrong doing. Sure, people say that punishment is wrong (libtards) but without some sort of punishment, the asshole will just keep on doing it until he realizes it is not worth being that obnoxious to everyone else.

>the chinese have no respect for human life
Some do but most of them do not. That culture of screwing others over is due to over 1000 years of culture of screwing others over because life is cheap.

Picture of toilet space in china. Is just the little bit of toilet paper in his hands enough?

t. daquan dameetriyus blaque anderson IV

Example of 'double parking" aboard a chinese train in the upscale traveling compartment. You will also find people deliberately sit on the outer seat to stop anyone sitting next to them and they will not move over. It's just like the USA movie theater trick where people say the seat next to them is taken, but then no one sits next to them for the whole movie. They just don't want anyone sitting next to them.

Obnoxious behaviour is universal. But some places in the world definitely have a lot more obnoxiousness than others.

only a chink would care this much about chinese etiquette

if this wasn't a blue board, I'd post the webm of that kid getting his head stomped in by a random guy while everyone walks by

>but muh healthcare costs
>t-they make everything we use!


>You will also find people deliberately sit on the outer seat to stop anyone sitting next to them and they will not move over

I do that shit every day on the train and bus. My bag has gotta sit somewhere, I only do it b/c it's safer for my possesions and I can get off faster.
I do however move over when there isn't another aisle seat left on the carriage or bus

That's how it should be. Too many assholes depend on hiding behind the law with loopholes so they park like this. The store manager won't correct their behaviour since he will just wait for the asshole customer to go out to their car and drive away. It's up to the other customers to do something about it.

>see thread
>over half the shitty parkers drive American cars

Is this Victoria Mall, near the popcorn plus? Because I think I've seen this guy before.

>"well this guy parked like shit, so that makes it okay for me to park like shit too!"

I'd write FAG on your car with the dusty windshield, or a sharpie if you drove a miata or bmw

Haha yeah my casio watch has scuff marks from this too!

I'm not stupid enough to think I can break rules without facing some sort of repercussions. That's not to say I don't break the rules, but if I park like a faggot and get vandalized because of it, I can't claim innocence on it.

That's a big car

No. It should be legal to shoot someone for vandalizing your car though.

I bet you think youre batman by doing that.

whoah careful of that edge.

>still in the lines
>parked like shit

>look at all the other open parking spots

get the fuck over yourself special snowflake

This.. this has to be some of the most organized mass trolling I've ever seen. It almost brings a tear to my eye, well done anons

Assholes parking like this is bad but vandalizing cars is even worse. Don't be the bigger cunt.