Was the Lan Evo really as good as inishul D made it out to be?
Was the Lan Evo really as good as inishul D made it out to be?
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I think it just showed how every EVO driver thinks EVO TEH BESTEST.
Just like on Veeky Forums.
The Lancer Evolution is loved by motoring journalists everywhere, although they admit it is extremely boy-racer. Initial D downplayed it if anything.
Still beaten by shitboxes.
Isn't the lancer evolution just a souped up shitbox?
Yeah, but the shitboxes that beat it are even more shitboxes.
Yeah actually. When it comes to amateur street racers, most people will be faster in an AWD car.
Can I soup up my shitbox to be a lan evo
What's your shitbox?
anything is possible with enough money
Yah... you can.
You could do better than an evo
Those wheels actually make me mad
Fuck, that's actually nice.
Wish i had the money to do on my shitbox.
You have to understand the context of these cars.
They were homologation specials initially. Meaning that in order to race, they had to build a number of cars and sell them to the general public to go racing.
So what made them so great for the time, was that they were using specific parts and technologies designed to go racing. So when you compare the base Lancer to the same year EVO, they were completely different cars beneath the skin.
So yes, it really was as good as Initial D made them out to be. At the time.
Current EVOs don't have the racing pedigree the older homologation specials did, so it's become a little watered down in what a Lancer EVO means. Now it just means it's a fast car, not a race car built for street use.
Take a look at WTAC results and then you tell me.
Was it that much better than an R32 GTR or could Takeshi not deal
a R32 GTR and a EVO III could be a close match if the drivers were evenly matches. they are similar cars but i believe the GTR would have the upper hand (disregarding conditions like mods, terrain, corner tipes, etc...).
they both had 280 BHP but the GTR had 360 Nm of torque, while the EVO had something like 230 Nm.
to the EVO's credit, it was a lot lighter, weighing 2700 pounds versus the skylines 3100
the evo could win, so could the GTR, depends on the driver.
An evo 5 won the Veeky Forums Touge bench racing contest.
So yes they are
My Integra is best Lancer Evolution
nakazato's whole character was about not being able to deal
How did Nakazato spin out going in a straight line?
>tfw almost everyone in an Evo was a bad guy
>Now it just means it's a fast car, not a race car built for street use
To be fair it's still one of the harshest things to daily, if not the most brutal choice for a 4-door sedan.
They toned it down from VII onwards after the FIA fucked things up again and Mitsu fielded the "Lancer WRC" instead of an Evo. It'd still do well on gravel once prepared, but it went from road-legal rally special (I to VI) to track/rally vehicle (VII to X).