obviously you're only pretending to be retarded but the funniest part is rotards actually think like this
Wyatt Moore
>this assmad
Adrian Russell
>rotaries >good How many apex seals have you gone threw today?
Brandon Taylor
Cooper Thompson
>this assmad
holy kek, who knew facts would trigger people so much?
Hunter Rogers
>mazda is a car company that starts with m and ends with a >no other car company can claim to have this
How can anyone compete with mazda?
Let me tell you something: -Mazda invented engines -Mazda invented cars -Mazda invented civilisation to give rise to the need for a car -Mazda invented the alphabet so that the word Mazda could be formed -Mazda invented the big bang
How can anyone compete with mazda?
Levi Morris
They truely are gods
Lucas Jones
Liam Thomas
Dylan Davis
>this assmad
Cameron Martinez
>facts It's time to let the spinning triangle meme die
Julian Diaz
>ford still has more lemans wins Top kek, btfo
Caleb Kelly
>I don't understand what is being discussed
good job at proving you are illiterate
>4 wins >still can't make a car faster than mazda kek
Jackson Wood
>comparing 2 separate races 20 years apart
Nathan Diaz
>all companies 10 times as big as Mazda, owned by someone 10 times as big, or only make exotic cars Impressive
Sebastian Evans
>Mazda is the only manufacturer that has succesfully manufactured rotary powered cars >Mazda managed to won LeMans
>Other brands succesfully managed to manufacture piston engines >Not all of them have managed to win LeMans
I posted the top 7 manufacturers that have the most Lemans wins Obviously don't know what you are taking about
Adam Nelson
obviously you don't understand what you are taking about
If pistons are much more superios to rotors, then how com only a handful of manufacturers have only won LeMans, while 100% of the manufacturers that have succesfully manufactured rotary cars (mazda being the only one, nsu is ded) has won LeMans
go ahead, show you are illiterate once more
Dominic Cooper
>Mazda is the only manufacturer to create the universe, and all of human culture >and rotary engines CANT COMPETE
Nathan Morris
If Mazda was so good why have they only won once? I thought there rotaries were better then piston engines :^)
Evan Smith
Absolutely BTFO
No recovery possible
Oliver Cooper
Mazda invented this post Mazda invented winning Mazda invented japan Mazda invented atomic warfare to explode the bomb over jaypan so that it would give them more time to not win races Mazda invented time Mazda invented OP Mazda tripped over its shoes and accidentally invented a factory which invented parts that nobody uses or cares about and made over a million of them before inventing disappearing Mazda invented weaboos Mazda invented anime
>captcha is waterfalls Mazda invented waterfalls Mazda invented captchas
Jayden Taylor
if pistons are so good then how come most of piston engines manufacturers have not won LeMans
James Price
>this assmad
Benjamin Hernandez
But if they are so good why haven't they won more If they are superior to piston why have they only won once shouldn't they be dominating with there superior engine design How's life going with having comprehensive skills of a 5th grader?
Thomas Scott
>MFW assmad pistonfags cant deal and change the rules
Josiah Jackson
>win lemans >get banned
Bentley Davis
>change the rules You would think with the ban of them lifted they would be on top Go ahead try again
Mazda succesfully manufactured and marketed the rotary and won LeMans, not every piston engine manufactured has accomplisehd this
If pistons are so good and superior to rotors, how come only a handful of piston engine manufacturers have won LeMans
Juan Roberts
>mazda can't win lemans more than once Top kek
Bentley Barnes
Because they (the rotary) were banned moron
Jason Jones
>several piston engine manufacturers can't win LeMans at least once
Isaac Lee
>damage control >assmad
Julian Jackson
>psst it's been lifted and Porsche still won
Joshua Hernandez
Because mazda didnt bring a rotary
Justin Hernandez
Because they won once and the Butt mad piston cucks got rotary banned 4eva
Austin Moore
conclusive proof mazda literally can not compete
Austin Morris
>Gm nowhere to be seen ROFLMAO
Hunter Hall
>dmg cntrl >smug anime face Grasping at straws there m80? >why have only a fraction won Gee idk maybe because some manufactures will always be better Wanna try again?
>supposedly a superior design >still bring a piston engine It's like they know it can't compete BTFO AGAIN
Nicholas Cox
>dmg cntrl >complains about anime on an anime imageboard nice asshurt and lack of arguments
>maybe because some manufactures will always be better but they have piston engines, which according to you, are better
no excuse for not winning if they have "superior" pistons
>dmg cntrl
Carson Morris
Lmao, mazda btfo
Robert Ortiz
>still bring a piston engine
this retard has literally no clue
Thomas Brown
>nigger furfag has to samefag as damage control
corvette fangirl-tier posting man
Easton Wright
Scroll down a little bit to lmgte theres no restrictions on rotaries there
Leo Sullivan
I'm not samefagging, nice projection though
John Wood
>lack of argument Which you have done this whole thread while I have provided a rock solid argument the whole time Nice damage control
Isaiah Brown
>Engine is free except following restrictions: >Only Petrol or Diesel 4 stroke engines with reciprocating pistons are permitted.
nice dmg cntrl
Eli Martinez
What's that?
Andrew Davis
nice denial
Mazda won Lemans with a rotary, Mazda is the only one who has been able to manufacture and market rotaries
Several pisston engines manufacturers have failed at LeMans, and most have not even tried
this clearly shows not only that mazda is able to rekt people with a rotary, but also that rotaries have a much better win/loss ratio at LeMans when individual manufacturers are considered
stay assmad
Aiden Williams
kek, is this faglord serious??
we are discussing the big boys league here, first overall class, numero 1
Bentley Baker
>mazda cucks getting btfo this hard
Jordan Perez
>blank posting
lmao so assmad he can't even continue replying
Owen Brown
>win lose ration 1 race ONE nigga Look at that list I provided earlier those are proably some of the biggest companies that have participated and they all have won atleast once >b-but we won once! Muh dorito engine is superior! Talk about denial Stay mad breah
Chase Foster
>1 race the only time mazda raced at the top class
mazda won on their debut year on the Group C1
>Look at that list I provided earlier those are proably some of the biggest companies that have participated and they all have won atleast once yet tens of other piston manufacturers have not won LeMans and more have not even tried
if pistons engines are superior, then how comenot every pisston engine manufacturer has at least 1 win?
go ahead, keep being mad at facts
Ryder Brooks
>forgetting IMSA GTU
Hudson Rogers
>rotaries are banned! >no those don't matter who cares if we can't get a class win with muh triangle! >we're good enough for the big boy races! >no Ford I don't you to save my company again!
Christopher Brooks
Adam Richardson
>mad at facts >says the guy who's mad at facts YOU CAN'T WRITE THIS TYPE OF COMDEY GOLD
John Nelson
>Go play with the kids!
LMAO who do you take mazda for? GM?
>I don't you to save my company again! considering Ford neede mazda v6's to win last time its the opposite
>b-but my feelings are fact lmao, literally triggered because pistons can't compete
Carter Morgan
>pisstards will defend this shit-tier w/l ratio
Bentley Hernandez
>feelings >literally results from the races Ecoboost based off the v6 duratec which based off the i4 duratec which was based of the L power plant by Ford and mazda Somehow it's mazdas Even though ford was the one supporting mazda
Nathaniel Murphy
>literally a glorified 2 cycle
Ryder Jackson
Wow you really twisted that up didnt you. Holy hell
Lucas Myers
>it has 4 cycles
Bentley Evans
Now make the area where the blue and purple circles meet as big as all lemans races minus one
Christian Perry
>damage control
see only a butthurt cunt would deny said facts
Tyler Price
Luis Hall
>instigating this hard without facts Wew
Brody Cook
>91 wins vs 1 Gee I wonder which one has the better out come Lrn 2 math
the number of wins is irrelevant, that is not what is being discussed here, nice goalpost moving due to asshurt tho
we are discussing win/lose ratio regarding engine types
rotary engines and mazda have won 100% of the LeMans races they have attended, pisston manufacturers have not
GG fag, lrn 2 math
Thomas Baker
>Literally says its a mazda engine You btfo yourself
Easton Garcia
rotary master race
Evan Phillips
>being this dense The L platform is not in the gt If you could understand what Google is you would know >won >once >ban is lifted Inb4 muh kid races You seen the next mazda brings that triangle to compete and watch ithe get BTFO Lmao breah a wanna keep grasping at straws and moving goal posts
Bentley Martin
>ban is lifted seeGG fag, you could have joined the master race, but you decided to be a cuck
Owen Martinez
But the MZI is... if you knew what google is youd know that
Hudson Kelly
Brayden Adams
See We have come full circle you are back peddling GG NO RE Mazda confirmed shit Have fun trying te seal a triangular prism in an oval :^)
Luis Anderson
see stay mad pisstons can't compete
Hudson Barnes
See Mazda the company that had to suck on ford's tit to survive >competitions won by pistons An unfathomable amount >wankel One or 2 LMAO
Nolan Hughes
>ignoring other races >thinking mazda needed ford. >most fords have mazda engines and chassis Go read a bit and stop being an ignorant instigator
Joseph Bennett
>booty blasted dog fucker this mad that ecoboost gt is a piece of shit and can only compete against a corvette on a 20+ year old platform ford is bitch ass enough to run away from the big boy classes and hide in the slowfag classes. mazda only cares about the numero uno trophy. and until sook ass pistoncucks get over something that happened last century, mazda will never have a chance at their rightfully owned glory again.
Caleb Cook
>ignoring other races You mean all the ones pistons have won Hmm makes you think And you mean "mazda" engines and chassis borrowed from ford and thenot having mazdas name slapped on top of them? Cause that's the truth buddy boy
Just think about it Why would some multi billion dollar car company need a small unsuccessful company to do there work Just give up on the meme mazda a shit
Jose Taylor
is that the re-7b?
James Ward
>instigating with opposite of of truth this hard Wew lad... just wew
Owen Kelly
>Mazda has deposited 0.01 cent(s) into your bank account
Cooper Wilson
>going this far into damage control when it's been clear you have been wrong after about 10 posts LAD WEW
David Hill
>Mazda is the only manufacturer that has successfully manufactured rotary powered cars This is a failure. Not an achievement. >Mazda managed to won lemons Huh. No one cares
Jonathan Perez
>You mean all the ones pistons have won which ones?
James Hughes
>mazda cucks btfo this hard
Charles Reed
If rotatory engine are so great then why do nobody make them anymore?