Be driving

>be driving
>tired as shit, need to sleep
>find a quiet lane
>park up and sleep for a few hours
>wake up with car in a hedge
>turns out I didn't put the handbrake on

big tits are the only good thing in women

>be driving
>tired as shit, need to sleep
>park in gravel lot for river access
>technically closed after sundown
>near hydroelectric powerplant
>cops ride around the perimeter all the time
>wake up to bright lights
>open door
>kind officer asks if i'm okay
>tell him i'm fine and he continues his rounds
honestly don't know why people are so bothered by cops.
niggs gunna nigg i guess.

Nah senpai, face is everything

No, not at all. I've seen fat girls that still haven't had their face consumed by bluber, but man, does every inch of them look like hamburger meat.

That's arguing to the extreme though. If I had to choose between a butterface with big tits and a nice face with average or even below average tits, I'd never choose the butterface.

It's all opinion I suppose. Wouldn't mind the butterface with the body of a pornstar though.

>tfw no white qt 3.14

Asian life suck.

I'll trade a white woman for an azn qt. no Filipinos though.

Asians are shit tier.

they are for white males who have no confidence

Maybe. I'm currently married so I'm basically a confirmed beta. I wouldn't mind having an azn qt bb to take care of me though.

>they are for white males who have no confidence

Perfect fit for this site then.

>be driving
>tired as shit, just want to get home and sleep
>slow person in front of me
>roads becomes two lane
>drop 2 gears to overtake
>can't find 3rd from 5th
>pedal to the metal
>muscle memory release clutch
>putting 3rd in a split second after I'm already off the clutch
>over 5000 RPM
>still flat out on the throttle
>3rd slips in smoothly because revs miraculously matched
>instant power
>shift at redline seconds later
>hit 140 on the backroads
>make it home safely

>can't sleep for an hour because adrenaline

Why do you think this weaboo board is so into Asian gurls.

They are okay, depends on the girl though. But yeah they are into white gois.

>be driving
>tired as shit
>leaving girls house out of disgust, feel shame
>can barely stay awake, listening to metal, screaming, trying to amp myself up
>can't do it, pull over at rest stop at 4 am under a lamp post
>cop knocks on my window 20 minutes later
>asks what I'm doing
>I'm resting
>can't do that here son, head home
>sorry, I thought this was a rest stop
>cop laughs and walks off
>now fully awake because I thought I was in trouble
>drive home and go to work

What a great story, you're welcome guys

And playboy bunny tattoos on hip.

Wait so was it not a rest stop? What did the cop make you leave?

He just pulled over where the fuck ever, the story was pretty clear.

>He just pulled over where the fuck ever, the story was pretty clear.
>pull over at rest stop

Your opinion is shit

> Be driving
> Tired as shit
> Only car at a string of red lights
> Timed such I have to stop at each one
> Left turn arrow lights up
> Only see green, object recognition not 100%
> Suddenly wild cop appears
> Hazard lights and cruise a block or two until I find a space big enough for a crown Vic to get pulled over by another crown vic
> "You went through that red."
> It was green, officer i saw it change
> "The left turn arrow is only a green light for left turns, sir."
> Oh...Yes that's correct.
> "Be careful going home."
> Thanks sir

Still not sure if it was a real green light or not, or if he was just bored and wanted something to do.

Wow you're a bad driver. Do you park like an asshat too?

Nor did you leave it in gear..

Have you felt a vagin before?

Sideways across three spaces, or I circle the lot until I find enough open to make me happy.

No. Face is something that youre born with. Cannot be changed in natural ways.
Body and shit can always be changed naturally.
My women must have fucking cute faces and skinny, gym bodies.

White guys often feel that way towards Asian chicks

I don't know what's going on in LA but I never see Asian chicks with white guys. I just want a cool, slightly trashy Asian grill to show off at car meets.

How did you not know when you obviously must've felt that small bump that most hedges have?

Asians are either shit tier, or god tier.
Theres literally no average

In my town you get tickets for sleeping in your car plus cops pull you over for no reason(they say your swerving) just to shine their light looking for drugs.

I audibly laughed. Thanks for the good story user. Good you got home safe

>be driving
>tired as shit, need to sleep
>start speeding
>adrenaline rush keeping me awake and alert
>get there faster

This, but I know I don't have any standards

>be driving
>tired as shit, just want to get home and sleep
>shift from "Power" to "Danger", expertly passing over "Rage" and "Nitrous"
>Release brake, deftly put the car in gear
>Ready to rumble.jpg
>Floor gas pedal, feeling the adrenaline coursing through me
>Whoops, forgot to release handbrake
>Aim car for on-ramp, and as the smell of burning pads just starts to reach my nostrils release brake
>Car shoots forward, breaking sound barrier and creating massive sonic boom
>Light and time begin to bend around car
>Arrive in driveway, pause for a last sniff of black ice before going inside


thats karma :)
if youre nice to everyone - youll receive the same in exchange

>Park on incline
>get out
>pull out my center distributor plug because theft
>Jump back in car
>hear a pop and the ebrake lever is slack
>Roll backwards

Those aren't even big user, probably just a c-cup

Big for me. Anything larger than that is a turn off.

I mostly agree, but those aren't big in the world of tits in general

Stop letting those 65HHH snowflakes skew your statistics. More than a handful is big. C is big, but the 'just right' kind of big, like a Panther chassis.

>be driving
>heading home after a long day at work
>driveway is full, have to park on street
>there's no parking spaces on the street available
>have to park in the next street over
>see neighbours while walking from car
>"there's never any parking around here"
>"I know"
>get home

>tfw rent corner lot
>can accommodate 10+1 in the pipe, er, garage
>never any parking problems
Only thing I can't store is parts heaps.

It was in fact a rest stop. I pulled into a parking spot and went to sleep. It had like restaurants and travel info and everything. My impression was that it's totally fine to do that. Maybe he was just checking to see if I was a drunk and when he realized I wasn't, he made up that I couldn't be there? Idk

>be driving home after class (night class)
>tired as shit
>blast eurobeat and get fucking pumped
>tiredness replaced with adrenaline

Truth. They're either pudgy panface or smoking hot.

>felt that small bump that most hedges have?

Not if it's shaved.

Wait. Are we talking about girls or cars?

>be driving
>tired as shit, need to sleep
>blinking in and out of consciousness
>blink as a cat runs out in the road
>38s turn someones fatcat into a flatcat
>hearty kek when I go down that road the next day and the cat is still flattened in the road