>good credit
>~$3k in savings
>totaled $8k car I just paid off

what would you do in my situation? everyone I ask keeps telling me I'm wrong in whatever I say I want to do but no one will answer what they would do because they don't want to "influence" me.

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Well, what are you telling them?

Buy a civic.

buy a cheap shitbox and drive it till the wheels fall off

Save that money for a house

26 here and don't have my own place because I keep pissing away money on fine German automobiles

I should have bought another japbox and moved out

You have a car that is paid off?
Just drive it.
If you want to continue building credit, get a credit card

everyone keeps telling me that even though they might be reliable, if anything goes wrong, it's a huge deal to repair.


Sorry. In my brain i read it as you have a car worth a total of $8k
What was it?

parents won't let me waste money on a shitbox. I still love with them so they also have a say in this.

Holy shit grow some balls and tell your parents to fuck off. Or how about move out? You had enough money to buy and pay off an 8000 car but you couldn't move out?

what do you mean?

That's because checking your own fucking oil is a big deal to normies you Fuckwit. REMEBER that 90% of your coworkers take their cars to the shop for every little problem.
T. Server

no I paid 5 (insurance from last totaled car, other drivers fault) dad loaned me 3.

I know how to check oil, and my dad is a big [car] guy, so he's usually done the wrenching on family cars. we've always had GM.

This is like the third or fourth time you've mentioned parents, are you sure you're not fifteen? Do they give you an allowance as well?

Man up and do what you want
Fuck this thread I'm out of here

I've never done anything without their help/input. if it was up to me alone is buy a shitbox.

well if they're not the ones driving it and you have only 3k, get a shitbox. you have no real options unless insurance is gonna give you money for your totaled car

I would buy the car I want in the price range I am comfortable with. If you are mechanically retarded don't buy something old because it's cool. If you are willing to do the work get whatever you like the most.

Oh god tell them to fuck off or get a damn apartment.

Code word: I don't want a reasonable car so I'll blame my parents so that people give me cool ideas

I was in the same position as you.
I leased a new miata, with intent to buy after.

>waste money

Look, you come here for advice, you can drop the exceptionalist bullshit. There are very reliable cars that will last you a few years at least, maybe more with decent maintenance, for 3k. You're a server, and I can tell you from experience most of your coworkers are only good at knowing where to buy drugs. I let my parents have a say in my car because they were paying for it, that's it. Here's what you need to do:

Buy a cheaper car

If you decide you're too good for that, get some fucking collision insurance on your 8k car and learn how to drive.

Unless your parents have a clue about cars, ignore them, you're an adult, they'll still love you even if you don't repeat their mistakes.

Look at the car buying guide, go for something that might look a little bad but has some life in it. Do some maintenance on it. Get a mass-market econobox that you (hopefully) won't total. Civic, corolla, camry, hell even a focus, older lancers, that shit.

buy a civic for 2500-3k. look for 4 matching tires and the oem radio. make sure the timing belt was replaced recently or around 100k.

Buy 3k corolla, put away 2k for any repairs for the next few years. Used 1k for down payment on your own place. Now you don't have to worry about your car, you have your own place, no car payments and 5k savings for a house in the future. I just saved your pathetic life.

This. So much this.

I drove shitboxes so long I like them and the money I saved paid for plenty of tools and equipment while slashing my overhead.

Mortgage? Paid it the fuck off and have plenty of toys now. Still won't buy new. Let some shmuck eat the depreciation while I enjoy money.

Cars are boring. Go baiku and have supercar accelaration and much bigger rush.

Only listen to EXPERIENCED MULTIBRAND mechanics. You cannot be mechanically literate unless you are one so others are safely ignored.

You are poor so buy for reliability only. ONLY. If you want toys, fucking amount to something and buy as second cars, or become mechanic and buy as second car.

He who makes his workmobile a project will often be a pedestrian.

If you have good credit simply finance a $10k shitbox. $1500 down, $250/month for 3 years and its yours. Full coverage is mandatory for financed vehicles, but there's ways around it. And considering you're tight on funds I recommend something reliable like a TL-S. Reliable yet still fun.
Also servers can make +$100k/yr steb it up.

Forgot to add always get a third party PPI. It's worth the $50.

what's the fucking problem, civics go for less than 1500 in decent condition...why are you even asking?

Buy a 2k Corolla and keep 1k in case something happens to that car. Should be low upkeep and reliable.

I don't know about ameriland but here in yurop se have these things called W124 diesels. Good cars by even todays standards and absolutely fucking eternal, parts are also cheaper than sausage

because my parents won't let me buy a 1500 car

Buy 3-6k car itll be the same.

Get ecoboost

Here's what you do. Save up and buy a shitbox with cash. No loans or financing or any of that bullshit. Maintain it until it literally cannot be reliably daily-ed, and save money while you own you new shitbox. Then, follow the video I'm gonna link below and before you know it, you're better off than 98% of the financially illiterate retards on Veeky Forums. It takes discipline and some common sense, but it's worth.


>what would you do in my situation?
since you have 11k to play with (I'm assuming you paid off the car before totaling it), I would buy a used car for 11k. Pay off half the car as a down-payment, then finance the rest. Make payments for about 6 months with the rest of the money just sitting in your account. After 6 months, pay the entire car off.

>1k down payment on your own place
That wouldn't cover rent and security on a studio lad


>Be me
>Own an outback XT
>Realize retards in my state will pay 30% or more over KBB for a Subaru
>Sell it for $10k
>Buy shitbox for $1900
>Sell it for $2200 because Honda fanboys are insufferable.
>continue this cycle and just own shitboxes forever because new cars arent my thing.

Dump money into whatever else I want.

Car payments are a fucking scam purely on the fact your shit loses value faster than the cost to maintain it by several orders of magnitude. It benefits the auto industry to keep you a retard and literally avoid even looking at the fucking car manual.

>Buy shitbox for $1900
>Sell it for $2200 because Honda fanboys are insufferable.

Had coworker that did this. Most recent one was Mk4 GTI that he sold for $1,000 profit after driving it for a year.

Well it's not like you can afford anything but a shitbox, right? Have you explained that to your parents?