Would pic related be a good first car?

Would pic related be a good first car?
It's for sale near me for 1900 eurobucks


Depends on how much you're willing to spend on fuel. These cars are pretty thirsty.

Memes aside, i love the s chassis but don't know shit about them, what are some of the things i would need to look out for?

Are they now?
Didn't expect that out of a 1.8 nipmobile
what do they average?

>i love the s chassis
>i dont know anything about it

A person can like how a car looks and not know much about it...don't knock people trying to learn

I hope he kills himself
he saw initial D or some shit and no wants to be a DURRIFTO kingo and fuck up a car in the process. piece of shit.
How about a nice Honda Civic. asshole.

No. Before you get into hobby cars you should have a daily beater you can trust to take you where you need to be

nigger its a s13, fuck off

I don't know their faults you faggot, i know some basics about them
I don't plan on making it a project car, simply because i couldn't afford it. I'd drive it as is.

No, its fuckin riced. Find one that was owned by someone with taste

Why does Veeky Forums get their jimmies rustled when someone likes and wants to buy a s13?

They come up for sale in my country once every millenium, also beside the retarded offset stripe why do you think it's riced?

Its the ultimate le drift car. And alot of them are owned by people who make them look like OPs pic.

and when someone wants to buy the ultimate weaboo shitbox aka. ae86 its okay?

Or even worse

Its rare, the s13 is like an e36 here, every le drift master new college student driver driver owns one, and they all crash them.

Exactly, it's an old sporty jap rwd
I'm sure you don't, but consider this, what do you think is more likely, that A) It was owned by a sensible person, driving and maintenancing it in a sensible way, or B) It was owned by a (most likely teenager/early twenties) wnb driftmaster retard that booted it all to fuck and did kewl mods on it? Only one of these options is a car you should even consider as your only car if you want to stop riding the bus, and your picture strongly hints to the other option

Its a s13.
You're wrong.

I'd say around 9.5l/100km if you drive conservatively.

Keep telling yourself that when you sit in the bus while your sack of rice is sprinkled all over the garage

Or 12/13 if you go in boost a lot. My S15 is only slightly worse than a 2.4 litre Honda around town and I don't granny the S15.

Need to really check suspension and engine bay to see what mods have been done, and how well they have been done.